Madison Ivy at

Ella Hughes in 'Good Boy'

Bilder von Lisa Ann In 'Brazzers' Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better

Lisa Ann In 'Brazzers' Alles, was Sie tun können, kann ich besser machen (Ein 1)
Lisa Ann In 'Brazzers' Alles, was Sie tun können, kann ich besser machen (Ein 2)
Lisa Ann In 'Brazzers' Alles, was Sie tun können, kann ich besser machen (Ein 3)
Lisa Ann In 'Brazzers' Alles, was Sie tun können, kann ich besser machen (Ein 4)
Lisa Ann In 'Brazzers' Alles, was Sie tun können, kann ich besser machen (Ein 5)
Lisa Ann In 'Brazzers' Alles, was Sie tun können, kann ich besser machen (Ein 6)
Lisa Ann In 'Brazzers' Alles, was Sie tun können, kann ich besser machen (Ein 7)
Lisa Ann In 'Brazzers' Alles, was Sie tun können, kann ich besser machen (Ein 8)
Lisa Ann In 'Brazzers' Alles, was Sie tun können, kann ich besser machen (Ein 9)
Lisa Ann In 'Brazzers' Alles, was Sie tun können, kann ich besser machen (Ein 10)
Lisa Ann In 'Brazzers' Alles, was Sie tun können, kann ich besser machen (Ein 11)
Lisa Ann In 'Brazzers' Alles, was Sie tun können, kann ich besser machen (Ein 12)
Lisa Ann In 'Brazzers' Alles, was Sie tun können, kann ich besser machen (Ein 13)
Lisa Ann In 'Brazzers' Alles, was Sie tun können, kann ich besser machen (Ein 14)
Lisa Ann In 'Brazzers' Alles, was Sie tun können, kann ich besser machen (Ein 15)

Bilder von Lisa Ann In 'Brazzers' Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better

Mehr 'Brazzers' Szenen aus Lisa Ann

Cali Carter In 'Das Beste an Brazzers: Massage-Manie'

Cali Carter - Das Beste an Brazzers: Massage-Manie

Wenn es eine Sache gibt, auf die sich alle einigen können, dann ist es, dass es nichts auf der Welt gibt wie eine gute Massage... vor allem, wenn es ein Happy End hat! Für Ihr Sehvergnügen haben wir einige der heißesten, öligsten und befriedigendsten Massagen gesammelt, die jemals auf Brazzers präsentiert wurden. Genießen Sie, aber ziehen Sie keinen Muskel!

Lisa Ann In 'Augen auf den Preis'

Lisa Ann - Augen auf den Preis

Alex Legend wurde in das Haus seines Chefs eingeladen, um ihn besser kennenzulernen, aber als er ankommt, ist sein Chef nirgendwo zu sehen. Stattdessen wird er von der umwerfenden Frau des Chefs, Lisa Ann, begrüßt. Nachdem Lisa Alex einen Drink serviert und absichtlich alles über seine Hose verschüttet, bietet sie ihm ein frisches Paar aus dem Schrank ihres Mannes an. Sie führt ihn ins Schlafzimmer, wo sich diese heiße und sprudelnde Hausfrau in eine Frau verwandelt, die sich nach einer Sache sehnt: Alex' großer Schwanz in ihrem Arsch!

Lisa Ann In 'Der Fick aus'

Lisa Ann - Der Fick aus

Lisa Ann und Nicolette Shea sind zwei wohlhabende Frauen, die beide etwas für den persönlichen Trailer Scott Nails haben. Wenn Scott sich mit seinen beiden heißesten Kunden überzieht, bietet er ihnen eine Lektion zusammen - während die Mädchen sich zunächst weigern, entscheiden sie sich gegenseitig herauszufordern: Welche Frau eine Reihe von Fitness-Herausforderungen gewinnt, wird Scott ficken. Scott ist schockiert und versucht, dieser Wette einhaltzuhalten, aber die Frauen ignorieren ihn und gehen dafür. Während ihres hitzigen Trainings zieht Lisa einen kniffligen Zug, wirft Nicolette ab und gewinnt die Herausforderung. Lisa behauptet schnell den Preis von Scotts Schwanz, aber Nicolette ist nicht so leicht zurück!

Lisa Ann In 'Wir sind alle Mädchen hier'

Lisa Ann - Wir sind alle Mädchen hier

Schüchternes Mädchen, Molly Stewart, bekommt mehr, als sie ausgehandelt hat, als sie die Sauna betritt und fängt sexy Lisa Ann masturbieren. Die Sauna ist nicht der einzige Überhitzung! Lisa ist nicht peinlich. Sie lädt Molly ein, sich ihr anzuschließen, aber das wird sie nicht davon abhalten, das zu beenden, was sie begonnen hat! Als Lisa weiter mit ihrer nassen, rosa Muschi spielt, hört Molly sie und kann nicht anders, als auch mit ihrer tropfenden Muschi zu spielen. Es dauert nicht lange, bis diese beiden Schönheiten erkennen, dass sie sich stattdessen gegenseitig vergisst!

Lisa Ann In 'Verführung für den Sport'

Lisa Ann - Verführung für den Sport

Lisa Anns Professor Ehemann ist auf einer Konferenz weg, und er hat seinen Doktoranden und Lehrassistenten Kyle Mason gebeten, sie einzuchecken, während er weg ist. Als Kyle auftaucht, erwischt er Lisa am Pool, die weit weniger trägt als erwartet, aber er ist noch mehr verblüfft von ihrem coolen, weltlichen und verführerischen Auftreten. Eine völlig unbeeindruckte Lisa führt Kyle hinein und führt ihn ins Wohnzimmer, wo er nervös wartet, während sie sich ändert. Nach ihrer Rückkehr beginnt eine unverhupnete Verführung, die Kyle beweist, dass keine höhere Ausbildung den Wert der realen Lebenserfahrung verdrängen kann.

Lisa Ann In 'Bitte nehmen Sie mich zurück'

Lisa Ann - Bitte nehmen Sie mich zurück

Lisa Ann ist keine Frau, mit der du ficken willst! Als sie ihren Mann Charles erwischt, der betrügt, lässt sie ihn fallen wie eine heiße Kartoffel. Charles bittet darum, zurückgenommen zu werden, aber Lisa ist bereits weitergezogen. Er wird sich beweisen müssen, wenn er eine weitere Chance mit der Göttin will. Lisa neckt ihn mit ihrem Körper und lässt ihn dafür arbeiten. Kann Charles seiner Frau gefallen und sie überzeugen, ihn zurückzunehmen? Sie müssen aufpassen, um es herauszufinden!

Lisa Ann In 'Lisa ann s Liebhaber'

Lisa Ann - Lisa ann s Liebhaber

Lisa Ann bereitet sich allein in ihrem Pulverraum auf einen luxuriösen Abend vor, in ihrer Chaiselongue und schminkt und parfümiert vor ihrer Eitelkeit. Doch der Abend nimmt eine erotische, sinnliche Wendung, als ihr Geliebter Isiah Maxwell unerwartet auftaucht. Isiah beginnt sofort, Lisas Titten zu massieren, was zu einer leidenschaftlichen Begegnung führt, bei der Lisas Körper geölt, verehrt und mit einem harten Schwanz betreut wird.

Lisa Ann In 'Lisas Pool Junge Spielzeug'

Lisa Ann - Lisas Pool Junge Spielzeug

Bumbling Pool Junge Jordi hat es schwer, sich auf seine Aufgaben mit Lisa Anns Freundin Tochter necken ihn am Wasser zu konzentrieren. Nach ihrer sinnlichen Yoga-Routine beobachtet Lisa, wie sich dieses unverschämte Verhalten aus dem Inneren des Hauses entfaltet, und sie beschließt, Jordi und seinen massiven Schwanz für sich zu beanspruchen. Lisa wechselt in ihren knappsten Bikini und streift dann hinaus in den Hinterhof, wo nur eine schockierte und wild aufgedrehte Jordi ihren Ansatz bemerkt. Jordi beobachtet, wie Lisa die Tochter ihres Freundes in den Pool geworfen und Lisa etwas Zeit mit dem beeindrucken und eifrigen Pooljungen gibt, um Lisas perfekte Titten ölig anzubeten. Nachdem Jordi fast von Lisas Freund erwischt wurde, ist sie endlich in der Lage, Lisas enge, nasse Muschi zu hämmern, nachdem sie sich durch das Haus geschlichen haben und es ins Schlafzimmer schaffen. Für Lisa entpuppt sich Jordi als ultimatives Pool-Boy-Spielzeug.

Lisa Ann In 'Ich will es härter!'

Lisa Ann - Ich will es härter!

Nach einem harten Beintraining verdient Lisa Ann eine Massage. Sie ruft das Spa an und bittet sie, ihren Top-Masseur zu schicken. Markus Dupree kommt, aber Lisa ist nicht beeindruckt. Markus besteht darauf, dass er ein Profi ist und an die Arbeit geht. Während er sie massiert, beschimpft sie ihn immer wieder, wenn er so einen schlechten Job macht. Lisa bittet ihn, etwas zurück in die Ausarbeitung ihrer Knoten zu bringen. Ihr Arsch ist eng und wunden von all ihrer Übung. Markus gießt Öl über Lisas Leggings und beginnt, ihren Arsch zu reiben. Lisa ist nicht zufrieden und beschimpft Markus, bis er es nicht mehr nehmen kann. Markus reißt Lisas Leggings auf und steckt ihr einen Finger in den Arsch. Das erregt Lisas Aufmerksamkeit. Markus ist vielleicht kein großer Masseur, aber er weiß sicher, wie man fickt!

Lisa Ann In 'Lisas großes Geheimnis'

Lisa Ann - Lisas großes Geheimnis

Busty Hausfrau Lisa Ann hat ein ziemlich großes Geheimnis: Jedes Mal, wenn ihr liebevoller Mann auf bricht, um zu arbeiten, trifft sie sich mit ihrem Freund Isiah, um ihre Sucht nach großen schwarzen Schwanz zu befriedigen! Sie war auf den Knien saugen Isiah aus, als ihr Mann kam nach Hause auf der Suche nach einem Satz von Schlüsseln und fast erwischt sie rote Hand! Isiah versteckte sich gerade noch rechtzeitig und hielt sich kaum aus dem Blickfeld, während er Lisas MILF-Muschi aß, bis sie nass tropfte! Endlich allein, Lisa gesaugt und gefickt Isiahs großen Schwanz und dann bekam eine riesige Ladung Sperma über ihre großen saftigen Titten!

Jade Nile In 'Kranker Tag mit meiner neuen Stiefmutter'

Jade Nile - Kranker Tag mit meiner neuen Stiefmutter

Jessy täuschte vor, krank zu sein, um aus der Schule gehen zu müssen, und es täuschte seine neue Stiefmutter total vor! Lisa ging zur Arbeit und ließ Jessy frei, um seine Freundin Jade Nile den ganzen Tag zu knochen. Diese geile Teenager haben es richtig gemacht, ficken wie geile Teufel direkt im Bett. Als Lisa aus heiterem Himmel auftauchte, überraschte ihn im Bett mit seinem Schwanz noch hart von Minuten zuvor. Und Jessy war noch überraschter, als die sexy Milf einen Schritt auf dem Schwanz ihres Stiefsohns machte, um ihn abzuhauen. Die Dinge wurden nur wilder, als Jade sich ihnen im Bett anschloss, und Lisa gab dem glücklichen Mädchen eine praktische Schritt-Mama-Lektion, wie man saugen und ficken kann wie ein Profi.

Lisa Ann In 'Club cougar stiehlt den Schwanz'

Lisa Ann - Club cougar stiehlt den Schwanz

Als Lisa Ann eine Amateurschlampe hört, die versucht, Danny Ds Monsterschwanz im Frauenzimmer zu tiefzustecken, kann sie nicht anders, als zuzuhören. Die wahre fellatio Meisterin, die sie ist, Kann Lisa nicht damit umgehen, wenn der alberne Skank sagt, dass Dannys Schwanz zu groß ist, und wirft sie raus, damit sie diesen riesigen Schwanz ganz für sich haben kann! Lisa gibt Danny einen meisterhaften Blowjob und lässt ihn dann ihre großen Titten ficken, bis ihre Muschi nass tropft. Lisa reitet diesen massiven Schwanz den ganzen Weg zu einem riesigen Monster Cumshot, die sie von ihrem Gesicht den ganzen Weg hinunter zu ihrer hübschen MILF Pussy tränkt!

Lisa Ann In 'Sexualtherapeut'

Lisa Ann - Sexualtherapeut

Jetzt, da die vollbusige MILF Lisa Ann bereit ist, wieder ins Berufsleben einzusteigen, ist ihr erster Halt in einem Büro der Sexualtherapeutin, wo sie ihre natürlichen Talente wirklich einsetzen kann. Mr. Danger zögert etwas wegen der langen Lücken in ihrem Lebenslauf, aber sie ist entschlossen, ihm auf die eine oder andere Weise ihre Qualifikationen zu zeigen. Sie peitscht ihre großen Titten aus und Brick saugt, streichelt und fickt sie und verehrt diese Titten, als gäbe es kein Morgen. Lisa saugt seinen harten Schwanz, bis Brick kaum mehr nehmen kann, und zieht dann ihr Höschen zur Seite, damit Brick an ihrer rosa MILF Pussy schlemmen kann. Er frisst sie aus und geht dann Bälle tief ficken sie, hämmert diese Muschi über sein ganzes Büro, bevor schließlich bläst eine riesige Gesichts-Cumshot über ihr lächelndes Gesicht. Sieht so aus, als hätte sie den Job bekommen!

Lisa Ann In 'Vic laginas Geburtstag bash'

Lisa Ann - Vic laginas Geburtstag bash

Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, wie es ist, wenn ein Haufen der heißesten und geilsten Pornostars der Welt zu einer wilden und verrückten House-Party zusammenkommt? Nun, als ZZ-Regisseur Extraordinaire Vic Lagina seine 40. Geburtstagsparty hatte, hatten wir eine Kamera auf der Bühne, um dich in die Dicke all der sexy Action zu bringen! Zuerst hakten sich Jordan Ash und Phoenix Marie in Vics Badezimmer ein, Phoenix tiefkehlt Jordans dicken Schwanz, während er ihr hübsches Gesicht fickte. Sie sprach schmutzig, während er ihre hübsche rosa Muschi hämmerte und dann eine große Ladung seines Spermas mit einem Lächeln schluckte! Danach beschlossen Lisa Ann und Johnny Sins, ein wenig Spaß auf Vics Bett zu haben, Lisa saugte und fickte Johnnys dicken Schwanz, während ihre großen schönen Titten hüpften. Sie ritt seinen Schwanz zu einem körperrocking Orgasmus, und dann Johnny entfesselte eine riesige Gesichts-Cumshot, um wirklich die Party zu starten!

Lisa Ann In 'Krankenschwester Beute im Dienst'

Lisa Ann - Krankenschwester Beute im Dienst

Wann immer Patienten die Besondere Pflege benötigen, die nur ein dicker Arsch und große Titten heilen können, ist es Zeit, Lisa Ann anzurufen, oder wie ihre glücklichen Patienten sie nennen, Krankenschwester Booty. Der Patient von heute ist Tommy Gunn, der seit Wochen an einem schweren Analmangel leidet. Krankenschwester Booty legt ihn auf ihren Tisch, und gibt ihm einen schönen Tease, Ölen ihre großen Titten und dicken saftigen Hintern, bis er hart wie ein Fels und bereit für die Behandlung ist. Nach sorgfältiger Beobachtung seiner Penis-Reaktion auf Reize entscheidet Sich Krankenschwester Booty für einen Behandlungsplan: Nehmen Sie ein enges Arschloch und rufen Sie sie morgens an! Lisa steigt auf, um Tommy zu reiten und nimmt seinen fetten Schwanz bis zu den Bällen. Schließlich, als sie sehen kann, wie die Gesundheit zu ihrer Patientin zurückkehrt, sammelt sie ihre Zahlung in voller Höhe ein: eine fette Ladung Spermas über Gesicht und Titten!

Lisa Ann In 'Die Göttin des großen Schwanzes'

Lisa Ann - Die Göttin des großen Schwanzes

Lisa Ann, die Göttin des großen Dick, sitzt seit Ewigkeiten auf ihrem goldenen Thron und fickt sich durch alle größten Schwänze auf dem Olymp. Aber als ihr Diener Marcus ihr sagt, dass sie endlich jeden Schwanz in den Himmel gefickt hat, ist Lisa wütend! Um das Hahnenproblem seiner Göttin zu lösen, greift Marcus unter sterblichen Männern nach einem Schwanz, der so wundersam und perfekt proportioniert ist, dass er den mächtigen Mitgliedern der Götter selbst Konkurrenz machen könnte! Schließlich findet er Mick Blue, und nach einem Blick auf sein mächtiges sterbliches Mannfleisch zieht sich Lisa aus, breitet ihre Beine aus und nimmt die Schwanzkugeln tief in ihren hübschen Mund, rosa Muschi und enges kleines Arschloch. Schließlich ruckelt Mick eine Gesichtspassung für eine Göttin heraus, aber wird es genug Schwanz sein, um Lisa Ann zu befriedigen?

Lisa Ann In 'Stiefmutter leiht sich die Hand'

Lisa Ann - Stiefmutter leiht sich die Hand

Jessy und seine Stiefmutter Lisa Ann sind weg von zu Hause und checken Colleges aus, aber wenn ihr Hotelzimmer für die Nacht nur ein Bett hat, haben sie keine andere Wahl, als gemeinsam zu klettern. Sobald er denkt, dass sie für die Nacht eingedreht ist, versucht Jessy, eine nette ruhige Ruck-Session vor dem Schlafengehen zu haben, aber Lisa wacht mit dem gleichen Gedanken im Kopf auf! Sie wirft einen Blick auf diesen fetten Schwanz und weiß, dass sie ein Stück bekommen muss, streichelt es schön und langsam, um diesen Schwanz hart zu bekommen. Jessy isst diese MILF-Muschi, bis sie zum Ficken bereit ist, dann klettert Lisa auf und reitet diesen Schwanz, bis er eine Last über ihr ganzes Gesicht und große Titten bläst!

Lisa Ann In 'Ogling im Büro'

Lisa Ann - Ogling im Büro

Sonny wurde gerade angeheuert, um die Überwachungskameras des Büros zu reparieren, und er bemerkt sofort die vollbusige Lisa Ann auf seinen Monitoren. Er kann nicht widerstehen, ihren üppigen Bod auszuspionieren, während sie durch das Büro geht, und als Ava ihn erwischt, entscheiden die Babes, dass die perfekte Amortisation darin besteht, Sonny abzustreifen und ihn wie ein Stück Fleisch zu behandeln.

Lisa Ann In 'Zz inside-her'

Lisa Ann - Zz inside-her

Mick Blue und Erik Everhard sind für ZZ Insider vor Ort, um Porno-Superstar Lisa Ann zu interviewen! Diese Fellas werden nicht nur die Details zu Lisas heißesten Brazzers-Szenen bekommen, sie werden auch all ihre schmutzigsten DP-Fantasien wahr werden lassen. Denn bei ZZ Insider, We Go Deep!

Lisa Ann In 'Fick nach oben'

Lisa Ann - Fick nach oben

Lisas Mann hat sie in seiner Firma angeheuert, um sie aus dem Haus zu holen, und hat auch ein paar Nonstop-Büropussy. Jeder denkt, es ist nepotistischer Bullshit, und als Lisa erkennt, dass er für ihre Titten und nicht für ihr Gehirn eingestellt hat, beschließt sie, dass sie auch noch ein paar Mitarbeiter in ihre neuen Bürovergünstigungen lassen kann. Peitsche, dass Dick aus, Johnny!

Lisa Ann In 'Busted'

Lisa Ann - Busted

Busty Frau Ann hat gerade eine neue Lieferung von Gemälden in ihrer Kunstgalerie bekommen, aber verschiebbar Ramon kommt herein und beginnt, sie zu verunstalten! Ava, der Künstler kommt, um Lisa zu helfen, den kleinen Verbrecher zu konfrontieren, aber wenn sie sein charmantes Lächeln und seinen großen Schwanz sehen, beschließen sie, ihre Frustration auf eine viel kreativere Weise zu lösen.

Lisa Ann In 'Aus der Cunz'

Lisa Ann - Aus der Cunz

Lisa Ann ist in Schwierigkeiten. Sie verursachte einen Autounfall und will sich außergerichtlich niederlassen. Aber als sie zugibt, dass sie den Fahrer gefickt hat, als der Unfall passierte, bails ihr Anwalt. Um die Opposition davon zu überzeugen, sie sich niederlassen zu lassen, muss Lisa Ann ihm genau zeigen, was sie tat, als das Auto von der Straße abkam. Lisa und Mr. Mountain, die das Szenario nachbilden, können ein wenig Offroad-Ficken machen.

Lisa Ann In 'Nasser Traum'

Lisa Ann - Nasser Traum

Es ist der Vorabend ihres Brazzers-Shootings und Lisa ist zu Hause und denkt über die vielen Erfolge nach. Nach langer Überlegung entscheidet sie, dass ihre Lieblings-Brazzers-Seite BWB ist. Sie driftet bald in den Schlummer und hat einen kuriosen Traum. In diesem Traum wird sie von Manuels Schwanz richtig hart geschlagen.

Lisa Ann In 'Oben aufgehängt'

Lisa Ann - Oben aufgehängt

Makrele ist ein Heißschuss-Kampfpilot auf dem Weg zu den großen Ligen. Aber bevor er weitermachen kann, muss er durch Lisa Ann, sie ist die beste Kampfpilotin in der Akademie, und nachdem sie ihn aus dem Himmel schießt, wird sie ihm zeigen, dass sie auch ein paar andere Fähigkeiten hat.

Lisa Ann In 'Gefährliche Köpfe mit gefährlichen Schwänzen'

Lisa Ann - Gefährliche Köpfe mit gefährlichen Schwänzen

Lisa Ann arbeitet ehrenamtlich, um Männer im Bundesgefängnis zu unterrichten, damit sie ihre Diplome erhalten und eine zweite Chance bekommen, wenn sie aussteigen. Sie weiß auch nicht, dass das Anziehen wie ein Skank um Männer, die keine Frau in Gott gesehen haben, weiß, wie lange drei Wege bis Sonntag gefickt werden. Lisa Ann neckt die Gefangenen mit ihrer schlampigen Kleidung, bis sie verlieren und einen Bandenknall von epischem Ausmaß auf sie loslassen.

Lisa Ann In 'Ihr großer Tag, um schwul zu sein'

Lisa Ann - Ihr großer Tag, um schwul zu sein

Es ist Sarah Vandellas Hochzeitstag. Obwohl sie davon geträumt hat, zu heiraten, seit sie ein junges Mädchen war, kann sie nicht anders, als das Gefühl zu haben, dass etwas an dem, was der glücklichste Tag ihres Lebens sein sollte, nicht stimmt. Betritt Lisa Ann, ihre wunderschöne und sexy Schwiegermutter, um ihr zu helfen, sich vorzubereiten, und Sarah erkennt plötzlich, dass es Lisa ist, die sie die ganze Zeit wollte. Nach einer langen Neckerei bekennen sich die Frauen endlich gegenseitig ihre Gefühle, bevor sie sich in einige nicht halten gesperrt, jetzt oder nie Pussy lecken und Arsch spielen. Sieht so aus, als würde Sarah doch glücklich leben, vielleicht nicht so, wie sie es erwartet hat!

Lisa Ann In 'Nackttherapie'

Lisa Ann - Nackttherapie

Keiran hat Probleme in intimen Situationen und beschließt, einen Termin mit Lisa zu vereinbaren, einer Sexualtherapeutin mit einer einzigartigen Technik, um Menschen aus ihren Schalen zu holen. Indem sie ihre Gehirne ausficken.

Lisa Ann In 'Moms Anleitung zum Werfen einer Party'

Lisa Ann - Moms Anleitung zum Werfen einer Party

Lisa Ann ist Ihre Anleitung, wie man eine erfolgreiche Party zu werfen. Sie ist auch Ihr Leitfaden, wie Sie vorausplanen, wenn Sie etwas "Post-Party-Unternehmen" wollen. Bezeuge, wie sie Keiran Lees riesigen Schwanz in ihren vaginalen Abgrund lockt, für einen festlichen Fick, den keine der beiden Parteien bald vergessen wird!

Lisa Ann In 'Gewinner, Sex beim Abendessen'

Lisa Ann - Gewinner, Sex beim Abendessen

Jetzt reicht es! Mick und Lisa sind schon eine Weile verheiratet, und Mick hat es bis hierher mit Lisas sexuellen Aufhängungen gehabt. Mick will die Dinge nur aufpeppen, aber Lisa ist so prüde. Als seine Frau sich weigert, während eines Abendessens mit Freunden in der Öffentlichkeit frech zu werden, erzählt Mick Lisa genau, wie er sich fühlt... und dann werden sie frisky.

Lisa Ann In '60 Minuten anal'

Lisa Ann - 60 Minuten anal

Lisa Ann ist hier, um ihre Big Wet Butts Kirsche zu knallen und Mick Blue ist nur zu glücklich, sie zu verpflichten. Aber zuerst legt Lisa einen 20-minütigen Tease für Sie an, wo sie ihren herrlich geformten Arsch und ihre legendären Titten zeigt. Dann kommt Mick zum Spaß und fickt ihre Beute sechs Wege zum Sonntag!

Lisa Ann In 'Liebe Boobies brauchen Liebe'

Lisa Ann - Liebe Boobies brauchen Liebe

Lisa hat offiziell die Mlifs wie es große Rekord gebrochen, indem sie ihre 7. Szene für die Website. Lisa ist eine Legende und in dieser Szene zeigt sie uns ein wenig, wie es in der Vergangenheit gemacht wurde, während sie den Weg mit dem, was in der Zukunft gesehen werden, anführt. Heute Abend paart sie sich mit Keiran "Car Driver" und reitet die Hölle aus seinem Hahn anal Stil.

Lisa Ann In 'Reservoir Schlampen'

Lisa Ann - Reservoir Schlampen

Drei Pornostar-Kriminelle, Mrs. White (Veteran), Mrs. Blonde (savage pro) und Mrs. Pink (neurotisch über Denker), die einander fremd sind, werden von Kriminalboss Mickey Sunshine angeheuert, um einen Raubüberfall durchzuführen. Sie sind zuversichtlich, dass es ein Erfolg wird, aber wenn die Polizisten zum genauen Zeitpunkt des Raubüberfalls auftauchen, wächst der Verdacht auf eine Ratte in der Gruppe. Während einer Schießerei mit den Polizisten entführt Mrs. Blonde einen Polizisten und bringt ihn zurück zum geheimen Treffpunkt, wo sein Leben von der Größe seines Schwanzes entschieden wird. Die drei Damen wissen nicht, wem sie vertrauen sollen und was ist mehr als eine Konstante, ihr unersättlicher Appetit auf einen großen Schwanz. Dies ist Reservoir Schlampen.

Lisa Ann In 'Wie ich zum Pornostar wurde'

Lisa Ann - Wie ich zum Pornostar wurde

Während eines Interviews für Brazzers bekam Lisa Ann einen besonderen Besuch von der Milfs Like It Black Crew der beliebten Serie! Es stellt sich heraus, dass sie von keiner Geringeren als Lisas Make-up-Künstlerin für einen Job eingestellt wurden! Lisa war sehr aufgeregt, aber bevor sie Spaß haben konnte, musste sie das Interview beenden und die Geschichte erzählen, wie sie in die "Adult Entertainment"-Branche kam.

Jenaveve Jolie In 'Tod für alle außer Brazzers'

Jenaveve Jolie - Tod für alle außer Brazzers

Was haben dominante weibliche Autoritätsfiguren, ein "Human Centipede" Saugen-und-Fick-Fest mit Jenaveve Jolie, Lisa Ann, Madison Scott, Sienna West, Jordan Ash und Keiran Lee und ein spontanes Heavy-Metal-Musikvideo gemeinsam? Sie sind nur drei der vielen Highlights, die ihre guten Freunde bei Brazzers in diesem wahnsinnig heißen Video für Sie bereithalten! Tod für alle außer Brazzers in der Tat!

Lisa Ann In 'Dont sagen Mama die Babysitter eine Schlampe'

Lisa Ann - Dont sagen Mama die Babysitter eine Schlampe

Lisa plant, die Stadt rot zu malen und hat Jennifer engagiert, um ihr Kind zu beobachten. Was sie aber nicht erkennt, ist, dass Jennifer eine sexuelle Diabetikerin ist und ständig ihre Muschi mit Schwanz gefüllt haben muss. Nämlich Scotts. Irgendwann am Abend kehrt Lisa zurück, um ihren Lipgloss abzuholen und entdeckt Jennifer, wie sie sich auf Scotts würzigem Fleisch-Log vergist. Lisa beschließt, an Bord von Scotts Disco-Stick zu klettern und Jennifer beizubringen, was passiert, wenn du Jungs in ihr Haus bringst.

Lisa Ann In 'Sie haben die Berührung'

Lisa Ann - Sie haben die Berührung

Lisa und Jordan sind die leitenden Mitarbeiter des Unternehmens und müssen nun zusammenarbeiten. Sie haben Schwierigkeiten, sich zu verstehen. Während eines Treffens fangen sie an, Köpfe zu stoßen und müssen sich entschuldigen, um diese Themen privat zu behandeln. Die Spannung zwischen ihnen ist so hoch, dass der einzige Weg, es herauszulassen, ist, sich gegenseitig das Gehirn auszuficken.

Lisa Ann In 'Fuck hören Sie auf, mich anzutelefonieren'

Lisa Ann - Fuck hören Sie auf, mich anzutelefonieren

Lisa Ann hat endlich einen freien Tag, aber sie wird ständig mit Telefonanrufen belästigt. Sie ist sehr genervt von der Masseurin, weil er nicht genug Mühe darauf verwendet. Um sich zu wehren, legt Scott seinen Finger in Lisas enges Arschloch. Auf der Hut, Lisa lacht und erzählt Scott, dass er nie mit ihrem Arsch umgehen konnte.

Lisa Ann In 'Die Rückkehr von dr lieblos'

Lisa Ann - Die Rückkehr von dr lieblos

Ramon ist seit dem Golfkrieg Freiwilliger im Militär, viel wurde investiert, um die mächtigste Tötungsmaschine der Welt zu werden. Doch die Schrecken des Krieges haben das Gewebe von allem, was er weiß, richtig und falsch zu sein, geprellt; und in diesem Licht hat er beschlossen, den Dienst zu verlassen, um nach Hause zurückzukehren. Alles, was er jetzt braucht, ist die endgültige Erlaubnis von Loveless; (Dr. Loveless); a.k.a Lisa Ann. Sie ist Teil der Retention Department des Militärs.

Lisa Ann In 'Joggen um den Schwanz'

Lisa Ann - Joggen um den Schwanz

Lisa ist gerade von ihrem morgendlichen Joggen nach Hause gekommen und springt in die Dusche. Nachdem sie ihr Handtuch vergessen hat, muss sie nackt um das Haus kippen, um einen zu finden. Doch während sie nackt herumläuft, hat ihr Sohn Freund das Haus betreten, um eine Piss zu nehmen. Als er auf sie stößt, wirft Lisa ihm vor, auf sie zu pinkeln und ihm zu sagen, er solle ein Gentleman sein und all seine Nähe übergeben, damit sie sich selbst bedecken kann. Aber Lisa hat nicht die Absicht, ihre großen Titten zu bedecken, nur ihre Söhne Freund nackt zu bekommen.

Lisa Ann In 'Der Sandmann'

Lisa Ann - Der Sandmann

Keiran kann keine Pause einlegen, er spielt und verliert, schießt und verpasst. Eines Tages legt er eine große Wette mit einem lokalen Kriminalboss, bekannt als ? Der Sandmann?, und verliert unweigerlich wieder. Er ertränkt seine Sorgen mit einer Flasche eines starken Getränks und geht hinaus, nur um aufzuwachen, um in den Lauf einer Waffe zu steigen! Er ist hereingebracht, um sich zu treffen ? Der Sandmann?, der seine unbezahlten Abgaben einsammeln will. Dies könnte am Ende der glücklichste Tag von Kierans miserablem Leben oder Business as usual sein.

Lisa Ann In 'Fußball-Mütter gingen wild!'

Lisa Ann - Fußball-Mütter gingen wild!

Als Lisa & Sienna von Scotts jüngster Scheidung erfahren, springen beide gleichzeitig am Telefon, um ihm einen Schrei zu geben... Es scheint, dass Lisa schneller auf dem Zifferblatt war, aber Sienna wird nicht zu weit zurück sein, wenn sie ihrem üppigen Freund einen Besuch abstattet... Sie werden eine Lektion im Teilen lernen, wenn Scott beiden seinen riesigen Schwanz anbietet!!!

Lisa Ann In 'Augen breite Schlampe'

Lisa Ann - Augen breite Schlampe

Während Scott Nails um die Rettung seiner Ehe kämpft, drängt er sich auf eine erschütternde und gefährliche nächtliche Odyssee sexueller und moralischer Entdeckungen. Nachdem ein Nutten gibt ihm die Adresse an einem geheimen Ort, wo ausgewählte Menschen in Analsex engagieren.

Lisa Ann In 'Malen Sie meine rosa Titten weiß'

Lisa Ann - Malen Sie meine rosa Titten weiß

Keiran bekam einen Maljob bei seiner Mutter. Wenig weiß er, dass der Freund seiner Mutter vollbusige Milf Lisa Ann ist. Wenn er versehentlich Lisas Titten mit Primer malt, muss er ihr helfen, das mit seinem speziellen Cum-Reiniger abzuwaschen!!!

Lisa Ann In 'Milfland security 2- der Drop-off'

Lisa Ann - Milfland security 2- der Drop-off

In einer Zeit, in der MILFs über Männer mit großen Schwänzen herrschen... Wo Männer mit großen Schwänzen manipuliert und auf Schwarzmärkten an MILFs verkauft werden, um ihre persönlichen Schwänze zu wünschen, kommt eine neue Rasse des Bösen und des großen Schwanzes! Bereiten Sie sich auf eine intensive Geschichte vor, die direkt nach Keirans drastischer Flucht aus dem MILFLAND-Hauptquartier stattfindet, als Lisa Ann und Julia Ann Johnny Sins' großen Schwanz ein für alle Mal zerstören... Oder so sind sie

Lisa Ann In 'Pound me besser Honig!!!'

Lisa Ann - Pound me besser Honig!!!

Lisa Ann ist nicht sexuell zufrieden mit der immer abnehmenden Leistung ihres Mannes. Also tat er, was er dachte, um seine Ehe zu retten: Er bat seinen Freund Mickey zu kommen ficken seine Frau. Zur gleichen Zeit konnte er beobachten, wie man seine schlampige Frau richtig fickt.

Lisa Ann In 'Der Bürgermeister von Brazzerville'

Lisa Ann - Der Bürgermeister von Brazzerville

Jordan unterschrieb friedlich Rechnungen und wichtige Papiere, als plötzlich Lisa Ann mit Nachrichten über Erpressung hereinkam. Sie hatte ein kleines Geheimnis über Jordanien, dass nur er wusste. Sie beschloss, die Scheiße aus ihm zu ficken, so viel sie wollte, bis sie zufrieden war, dann und nur dann würde sie ihm die Beweise übergeben. Armer Bürgermeister Ash...

Lisa Ann In 'Überzeugen sie den Bräutigam'

Lisa Ann - Überzeugen sie den Bräutigam

Lisa Anns Tochter heiratete James, aber James war nicht in Sicht. Lisa Ann beschloss, nach ihm zu suchen und sie fand ihn. Bevor Lisa Ann ihn in der Familie willkommen hieß, wollte sie ausprobieren, was ihre Tochter für den Rest ihres Lebens haben würde. Sie hat ihn nicht nur den wichtigsten Tag seines Lebens vermissen lassen, sondern ihn auch überall hinkuunes...

Lisa Ann In 'Stressabbau'

Lisa Ann - Stressabbau

Lisa Ann spürte den Stress von der Arbeit, also beschloss sie, ein Unternehmen aufzurufen, das bei der Linderung von Stress gedeiht. Wer taucht auf, um ihr zu helfen... Johnny Sins. Man konnte sehen, wie Lisa Ann aufgeregt war, als Johnny seine Kleider auszog und sie an allen Infinitäten erfreute. Lisa Ann war nach diesem Zusammentreffen sicher stressfrei und Johnny auch dafür...

Lisa Ann In 'Rauer Fahrer'

Lisa Ann - Rauer Fahrer

Als Lisa Ann Johnnys Gespräch hörte, konnte sie es nicht glauben. Es scheint, dass Johnny es seiner Freundin so hart gibt, dass sie es nicht nehmen kann und seine RIESIGE COCK nicht einmal den ganzen Weg in ihre Muschi passen wird!!! Als die geile BIG COCK LOVER sie ist, musste Lisa Ann diesen Schwanz ausprobieren, also näherte sie sich Johnny und überzeugte ihn, mit ihr nach Hause zu gehen und sie hart zu ficken!!

Lisa Ann In 'Der Pool-Mann'

Lisa Ann - Der Pool-Mann

Lisa Ann ist eine der heißesten Milfs aller Zeiten. Und sie ist so eine große Schwanz-Liebhaberin, dass sie, als sie sich allein zu Hause ohne großen Schwanz zum Reiten wiederfand, wusste, dass sie etwas dagegen tun musste. Also rief sie den Pool-Mann an und bat ihn, an ihrem Platz vorbeizugehen, um "ihren Pool zu reinigen" . Aber das war nicht der einzige Job, den sie für ihn im Sinn hatte...

Lisa Ann In 'Verlegungsrohr'

Lisa Ann - Verlegungsrohr

Sexy-Mama, Lisa Ann ist auf der Suche nach einem Klempner, um einige lange Pfeife in ihr zu legen. Sie stolpert über Alex, der sich gerade auf... Sanitär! Also hatten sie zurück zu ihrem Platz für einige "harte" Arbeit und lange Rohrstriche zwischen diesen Brüsten und tief in dieser Muschi! Beobachten Sie, wie er ihr seine heiße Last für einen gut gemachten Job in Rechnung stellt.

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Kendra Lust In 'Stranger Kendra Lust fucking in the bed with her outie pussy'

Kendra Lust - Stranger Kendra Lust fucking in the bed with her outie pussy

Bill is looking for a room to rent, and when he shows up to an address where one is advertised as vacant, he's surprised to find two very attractive females, Kendra Lust and Lisa Ann. And when he discovers that they'd rather have a male roommate than a chick, he's even more surprised. But not as surprised as when he watches the two push him onto the bed in his new room, pull out their big tits and slobber all over his giant member! Where do I sign?

Lisa Ann In 'Lisa Ann'

Lisa Ann - Lisa Ann

I've been married for four years now, but the passion has died out and the sex is lacking. I love my wife, but I couldn't pass up a chance with porn star Lisa Ann. I'm in L.A. for business for a week, and when I found out that she was available for a night, I booked her right away. She's going to wear the corset and heels we discussed, and tease me by fucking her wet pussy with a dildo before I stick my own cock in her and fulfill my fantasy. I'm so grateful for this!

Lisa Ann In 'fucking in the bathtub with her innie pussy'

Lisa Ann - fucking in the bathtub with her innie pussy

Lisa Ann is pleasantly surprised when she arrives home from work to find her son's friend Billy in her home, lounging in her son's room while he's out. After she slips into something more comfortable -- the bathtub -- she bothers Billy to hand her a towel. Embarrassed, he covers his eyes to help her out, but she'd rather have him take a nice look at her big tits and wash her back for her. Next thing you know, the hot MILF is sucking Billy's big dick and he fucks his friend's mom in the tub! Rub-a-dub-dub!

Lisa Ann In 'Cougar Lisa Ann fucking in the living room with her tits'

Lisa Ann - Cougar Lisa Ann fucking in the living room with her tits

Bill is the new grocery delivery boy for Lisa Ann, and he soon finds out why all the guys at his shop fight over who gets to deliver her groceries to her. The brunette with big tits welcomes him warmly, and when she finds out she doesn't have enough cash to give him a tip, she decides to help him out by taking the tip of his cock and inserting it into her mouth and pussy! The cougar fucks the delivery boy good and hard, and works his big dick so well that he pours his cream all over her face and tits. Who knew he'd deliver meat, too?

Jayden Jaymes In 'and Lisa Ann'

Jayden Jaymes - and Lisa Ann

When I answered the door for my second night with Jayden Jaymes, she caught me by surprise. She brought a friend, but not just any friend. Lisa Ann was now in my suite, and she wants to party with me and Jayden. I couldn't believe that I was going to have a threesome with two of the hottest porn stars on the planet. It was going to be one fun, sweat night -- and I won't ever forget it.

Lisa Ann In 'Diary of a Milf'

Lisa Ann - Diary of a Milf

Lisa Ann was supposed to spend the weekend with her "sugar daddy," fucking him on his private plane and being "arm candy" in Vegas, but the driver he sent her was late. That driver had no choice but to "drive" Lisa to orgasmic ecstasy!

Gina Valentina In 'Cumshot Cabana'

Gina Valentina - Cumshot Cabana

Gina Valentina and Lisa Ann make out while tanning at the beachside cabanas. Close by is Markus Dupree, who is invited to join in on the fun with the two babes.

Lisa Ann In 'Friend's girlfriend Lisa Ann fucking in the couch'

Lisa Ann - Friend's girlfriend Lisa Ann fucking in the couch

Lisa Ann and her boyfriend are going out with another couple, and it's going to be a special girlfriend-swapping night. She's nervous because she's never done any swinging or anything like that, but it's something the two couples have always discussed. She arrives at her friend's boyfriend Mark's home early for the date, and it turns out that both of their other halves are running late due to work. So, Lisa and Mark decide to give their night a test-run, and she pulls out her big tits and sits on his huge hard cock!

Lisa Ann In 'fucking in the kitchen with her big ass'

Lisa Ann - fucking in the kitchen with her big ass

Jordan goes to check up on his buddy Billy, who got injured in the football game when he got sacked after Jordan missed his blocking assignment. Billy's mom, Lisa Ann, tells Jordan that her son took his medication and is sleeping, but that he's more than welcome to stick around for an hour or two for when he wakes up. Jordan's game, and tells Ms. Ann that he can help her around the house, if she needs him. And, oh, does she need him to fuck her hot MILF pussy! Lisa and her big tits are more than grateful to take a huge cock, as it surely helps with her domestic needs!

Jessica Jaymes In 'fucking in the bed with her big tits'

Jessica Jaymes - fucking in the bed with her big tits

Happy Fourth of July! Guess who's lighting off fireworks with Naughty America this year? Nicole Aniston, Jessica Jaymes and Lisa Ann! This year the sexy trio is hanging with their friend Alison at her parents' house, and they've got the place to themselves! The girls are trying to figure out what they're doing for the holiday, and when they find out that Alison's brother is throwing a party at the club where he works, they want on the list, but he's not having it. Alison unexpectedly gets called into work, so the girls and their big tits persuade Jordan to let them party with at his club by climbing on top of his cock and fucking him one by one! Boom!

Lisa Ann In 'fucking in the couch with her tits'

Lisa Ann - fucking in the couch with her tits

Lisa Ann, is the owner of a football team, and Jon Jon the star player isn't cutting it on the field. The team has lost 3 straight, because Jon Jon's performance. Lisa Ann is considering trading him, but decides to give him another chance, just so she can fuck and suck his big black cock! Jon Jon scores big after Lisa Ann stops by.

Lisa Ann In 'fucking in the chair with her big tits'

Lisa Ann - fucking in the chair with her big tits

Lisa catches Barry searching through his dad's office to find his passport. Where is it, says Barry. I don't know, says Lisa, but why do you dislike me so much, your dad was the same way when I first met him. Oh yeah, says Barry. I'll show you where your passport is if you give me some sugar, says Lisa.

Lisa Ann In 'Mature Lisa Ann fucking in the living room with her big tits'

Lisa Ann - Mature Lisa Ann fucking in the living room with her big tits

Lisa Ann pays her student a visit to ask him to change the negative evaluation which has put her job on the line but he's going to need a little more convincing and she knows that young boys like him love big tits like hers and she's on her knees ready to have some young student cock.

Lisa Ann In 'fucking in the living room with her tits'

Lisa Ann - fucking in the living room with her tits

Mrs. Ann is finding out just what kind of people her son is hanging out with. When Will drops by to pick up a guitar, the two get off on the topic of Will's romantic life. When Mrs. Ann decides to show Will what he's missing out on with just one girl, he can't do much more than get weak in the knees as she wraps her lips around his cock!

Lisa Ann In 'fucking in the couch with her piercings'

Lisa Ann - fucking in the couch with her piercings

Rachel and Christian are coming over to Seth and Lisa Ann's place for a summer BBQ by the pool. Christian needs a beer and he rudely asks his girlfriend to go get it for him. Lisa Ann is tired of Christian being a prick, and stands up to him for Rachel. Lisa Ann smacks Christian hard, and he gets upset and leaves. Rachel is shaken up, but Lisa Ann quickly consoles her and they start to get it on right there on the couch! Seth joins in a bit later for double the fun!

Lisa Ann In 'fucking in the classroom with her lingerie'

Lisa Ann - fucking in the classroom with her lingerie

Johnny Castle, is an eager college student trying to get ahead in his classes. Lisa Ann, can help but notice how eager he is to get ahead. Lisa Ann, does what any professor would do, and that's take her best student, give him a blow job and let him stick his big cock in her tight juicy pussy!

Lisa Ann In 'Brunette MILF Lisa Ann fucking in the floor with her tits'

Lisa Ann - Brunette MILF Lisa Ann fucking in the floor with her tits

Lisa Ann is a mature woman who likes attention from younger men. And today she's enjoying a picnic with her son's friend. Neither one can stop flirting with the other, so they get more physical and test each other's limits. Sex with a MILF is like a picnic: no one minds going through a little bush to get there!!!

Lisa Ann In 'Lisa Ann'

Lisa Ann - Lisa Ann

All I can think about during the game is pornstar, Lisa Ann sitting in the crowd. I give her courtside tickets when I'm in town for a game. I mean that's the least I can do for her. She comes to my room, and virtually lets me have my way with her. Tonight, I really want her to sit on my face to get me going, then I'm going to fuck her in her pussy and ass. Until next time...

Lisa Ann In 'fucking in the classroom with her big tits'

Lisa Ann - fucking in the classroom with her big tits

Chris Johnson is trying to finish up his notes for Business class but Lisa Ann is asking him to do all sorts of fuck her really good.

Lisa Ann In 'fucking in the public place with her tits'

Lisa Ann - fucking in the public place with her tits

Lisa Ann hates bowling, but her husband drags her there every Friday night. Same goes for Johnny and his wife. Why the obsession with stupid bowling? They'll never know, but sexy cougar Lisa Ann sure knows how to blow her husband's bowling partner's husband in the bowling alley bar.

Lisa Ann In 'Family friend Lisa Ann fucking in the couch with her big ass'

Lisa Ann - Family friend Lisa Ann fucking in the couch with her big ass

Lisa Ann thought she was going over to her friend's place to have some lunch with Tammy and her husband. To Lisa's surprise, only Tammy's husband is there and he bought roses just for her. Since he let the cat out of the box he's ready to start pounding Lisa's box!!!

Lisa Ann In 'Mature Lisa Ann fucking in the couch with her tits'

Lisa Ann - Mature Lisa Ann fucking in the couch with her tits

Alex shows up to visit his friend Robert's mom, Lisa, just as she's preparing the patio for dinner with him. She asks why he's acting weird, and Alex tells her that Robert, who isn't around, doesn't want him hanging out with his mom -- alone. Hmmm, I wonder why? Could it be because Alex fucks Lisa's brains out then spurts his jizz all over her ass? Just sayin''

Lisa Ann In 'Friend Lisa Ann fucking in the living room with her big ass'

Lisa Ann - Friend Lisa Ann fucking in the living room with her big ass

Lisa's outside tanning on her birthday when she hears her doorbell ring. Xander, her neighbor, is at the doorstep with flowers and a birthday gift. She invites him in to hang out, and thanks him for the birthday present. Her massive tits are bursting from her top, and Xander can't help but to compliment her on the bikini she's wearing. Lisa's so flattered that she steps out of her bathing suit and into her birthday suit, and lets her neighbor bang her slow and lo, in the buttho'.

Lisa Ann In 'fucking in the bedroom with her piercings'

Lisa Ann - fucking in the bedroom with her piercings

Lisa Ann was supposed to spend the weekend with her "sugar daddy," fucking him on his private plane and being "arm candy" in Vegas, but the driver he sent her was late. That driver had no choice but to "drive" Lisa to orgasmic ecstasy!

Lisa Ann In 'fucking in the living room with her piercings'

Lisa Ann - fucking in the living room with her piercings

Billy Glide's tired of his neighbor's trophy wife, Lisa Ann, snaking his parking spot and decides to confront her if it means kicking in her door! But once inside, this seductress manipulates the pants right off him to get her way � which is face down, ass up!

Lisa Ann In 'Student Lisa Ann fucking in the classroom with her big ass'

Lisa Ann - Student Lisa Ann fucking in the classroom with her big ass

Mrs. Ann has all kinds of bones to pick with one particular student, Derrick. From his grades to his attitude to the way he dresses to his ride - she figures she is gonna' put him in check and see if she can straighten him out. One thing is for certain, she will get a nice stiff cock straight up her love tunnel!

Lisa Ann In 'Brunette friend Lisa Ann fucking in the floor with her tits'

Lisa Ann - Brunette friend Lisa Ann fucking in the floor with her tits

Xander has come over to visit his buddy, but instead finds himself helping Lisa Ann carry her really heavy groceries in the house. He doesn't want her to know that he is struggling with them, and someone makes it to the kitchen. Once there, Lisa Ann realizes his plight, and proceeds to have some fun with this young stud. When she playfully grabs his cock and feels whats in there, the playfulness turns serious. He drops the groceries and tries to resist, but Ricky's mom just won't take no for an answer. Time for some hot kitchen sex!

Lisa Ann In 'Wife Lisa Ann fucking in the bed with her piercings'

Lisa Ann - Wife Lisa Ann fucking in the bed with her piercings

Lisa Ann met a seriously gorgeous Greek pick-up artist while in Vegas. But despite the suitor's mesmerizing pick-up lines and tight, yoga-shaped ass she remained faithful to her husband. Good thing too because he brought her a new glass dildo and week's worth of pent up sexual energy!

Lisa Ann In 'takes it at the bar'

Lisa Ann - Seduced By A Cougar

Lisa Ann hates bowling, but her husband drags her there every Friday night. Same goes for Johnny and his wife. Why the obsession with stupid bowling? They'll never know, but sexy cougar Lisa Ann sure knows how to blow her husband's bowling partner's husband in the bowling alley bar.

Lisa Ann In 'Lisa Ann's Anal Xmas'

Lisa Ann - Lisa Ann's Anal Xmas

Lisa Ann celebrates Christmas with anal sex and a creampie.

Lisa Ann In 'Lisa Ann's Anal Xmas'

Lisa Ann - Lisa Ann's Anal Xmas

Lisa Ann celebrates Christmas with anal sex and a creampie.

Lisa Ann In 'Sex On Thanksgiving'

Lisa Ann - Sex On Thanksgiving

Lisa Ann has sex on Thanksgiving and gets creampied.

Lisa Ann In 'Lisa Ann's Black Out 3'

Lisa Ann - Lisa Ann's Black Out 3

Beloved MILF superstar Lisa Ann lounges on her bed in stiletto heels and classic black lingerie that can't contain her jumbo jugs. The brown-eyed beauty's twat is topped with fur. Five shirtless, muscular dudes surround her to kiss, caress and grope her trim-but-busty body. It's blowjobs all around as Lisa gasps and strokes the five big black cocks encircling her face. She keeps on sucking as one big boner packs her pussy doggie-style. The men trade off fucking Lisa's mouth and cunt, making her giddy with pleasure. At times buried under pumping pricks and other limbs, Lisa talks dirty. She sits on a cock; anal reaming leads to double penetration, and when a third dick fills her mouth, Lisa is airtight! The huge erections serially saw away at her orifices, and Lisa sucks meat ass-to-mouth. The DP date climaxes when the guys cum on her face and thick, dripping wads paste her deep cleavage.

Lisa Ann In 'Lisa Ann's Black Out 3'

Lisa Ann - Lisa Ann's Black Out 3

Busty, glamorous MILF Lisa Ann welcomes muscular workmen Isiah Maxwell and Rob Piper, saying her stove doesn't work. They're suspicious, noticing sex toys all over the kitchen and comprehending the service Lisa needs. The brunette's deep cleavage convinces them to grope her trim body. Lisa pulls big black cocks from their trousers for a double blowjob. In the living room, the studs kiss, caress and strip the insatiable lady. She worships their huge erections reverently, sucking and stroking with French manicured fingers. Isiah eats her fur-topped pussy from behind and then fucks Lisa to doggie-style ecstasy, balls slapping labia. Rob drills her snatch. Lisa rides one meaty prick as the other provides anal reaming in a luxurious interracial double penetration! The men lift her bodily for a DP carry-fuck! In a double cum facial, thick wads of spunk slather her face and boobs.

Lisa Ann In 'Lisa Ann's Black Out 3'

Lisa Ann - Lisa Ann's Black Out 3

Busty, sexy Lisa Ann's cleavage spills from her tight dress. With her husband at work, the frisky MILF welcomes handymen Jason Brown and Nat Turnher, making dirty jokes about the size of their tools and what she needs them to work on. She's aggressive and direct -- everyone is naked in no time. Lisa gives their big black cocks worshipful blowjobs, sucking Nat while Jason eats her fur-topped pussy from behind, and fellating Jason as Nat nails her tight twat doggie-style. She rides both thick pricks to interracial ecstasy, switching back and forth, grinding her gash and humming on the economy-sized meat she loves. Big hands squeeze and smack her meaty ass cheeks. Lisa kneels between her studs, sucking and stroking. She takes two cum facials.

Lisa Ann In 'When Lisa Ann Cums Over'

Lisa Ann - When Lisa Ann Cums Over

Bombshell MILF Lisa Ann's car broke down and her phone's not working, but luckily, teens Jordi and Kimmy Granger happen along at just the right time. Kimmy offers to let Lisa come back to her place and get cleaned up, but Lisa heads into the shower and starts getting dirty instead, running the shower head over her clit and playing with her big, fake tits. Kimmy sneaks in for a peek and soon she's joining Lisa in the shower, getting the hot brunette cougar's full attention. Jordi comes in to see what's taking his girlfriend so long, and the hot babes share his big cock. They head to the bedroom where they can really take their time riding Jordi's dick. Lisa gives Kimmy a lesson in the perfect blowjob, then Jordi cums all over Lisa's huge knockers!

Lisa Ann In 'Lisa Ann: Back 4 Even More'

Lisa Ann - Lisa Ann: Back 4 Even More

Busty, bespectacled MILF superstar Lisa Ann unwraps a new set of glass sex toys and runs a hot bath. She strips languidly down to luxurious lingerie and then naked, showing the heart-shaped bush above her pussy. Lisa soaps up seductively in the tub, inserting toys into her hot, wet asshole and licking them clean. Ready for real anal sex, she dons stockings, heels and a black, form-fitting latex dress; she applies makeup in the mirror. Lisa and Markus Dupree make out and play with the toys; he sucks her big boobs and spreads her legs way back to eat twat and rim butthole. Lisa gives his big boner a loving blowjob. The stud fucks her slit, leg up on his shoulder and then doggie-style. He eases his meat up her shapely rear; Lisa masturbates and caresses her tits as he buttfucks her. She sucks cock ass-to-mouth. Anal riding and doggie-style sodomy lead to a splashy cum facial.

Lisa Ann In 'Lisa Ann: Back 4 Even More'

Lisa Ann - Lisa Ann: Back 4 Even More

Busty, brown-eyed Lisa Ann's tight black dress accentuates her curves. The busty MILF star dances, flirting with the camera. Lisa kisses and caresses Isiah Maxwell; she excitedly pulls out his big black cock for a loving blowjob. His tongue digs into her shapely butt for a rim job. Isiah slides a glass toy up her ass and eats her shaved, fur-topped pussy. Lisa tastes the butt plug. Doggie-style fucking takes her breath. He squeezes her globular boobs as he fucks her on her back, balls bouncing on butt cheeks. Lisa guides his meat into her butthole; she masturbates as she takes an anal ride. Doggie-style sodomy sends her into bliss, and she loves the look of dark meat pumping her rump. 'Let me taste it,' requests Lisa, who sucks dick ass-to-mouth. After interracial anal sex in multiple positions, Isiah cums on Lisa's chin, lips and tits.

Lisa Ann In 'Lisa Ann: Back 4 Even More'

Lisa Ann - Lisa Ann: Back 4 Even More

MILF superstar Lisa Ann looks especially alluring in a tight, black see-through dress. The busty, brown-eyed brunette masturbates her shaved, fur-topped pussy while pushing a clear glass butt plug into her anus. Tattooed Mr. Pete eats her pretty twat; they kiss and Lisa gives him a blowjob. She peels out of her dress, tempting him with her shapely butt. Doggy-style fucking makes gasping Lisa's boobs sway. Pete slam-fucks her on her back, squeezing her tan-lined tits. When she requests anal reaming, Pete slips his dick up her ass and Lisa slips into reverie. He buttfucks her in multiple positions and Lisa sticks two French manicured fingers in her cunt. She begs for cum, so Pete creams her fun bags.

Lisa Ann In 'Lisa Ann: Back 4 Even More'

Lisa Ann - Lisa Ann: Back 4 Even More

Buxom MILF superstar Lisa Ann teases us in a couple of luxurious lingerie ensembles; she probes her butthole with French manicured fingers and tastes a butt plug ass-to-mouth. In a black leather cocktail dress and heels, she takes on well-dressed Rob Piper for an interracial anal date. As they French kiss, Lisa wrestles his big black cock from his trousers and kneels for a worshipful blowjob. Rob eats her fur-topped pussy and rims her asshole, and they play with a glass dildo. The stud fucks Lisa, her leg up on his shoulder. She rides his meat, cheeks flexing, and then guides the dark dick into her bunghole. Lisa digs two fingers in her magenta cunt as he buttfucks her. They share more breathless anal reaming in multiple positions. She's still breathing hard when Rob soaks her face in thick semen.

Lisa Ann In 'Sometimes I Share'

Lisa Ann - Sometimes I Share

Stacked MILF Lisa Ann slowly seduces tattooed goddess Honey Gold beside the pool. Before long, heavily hung black stud Prince Yahshua joins these hot bikini beauties for a sun-drenched interracial threesome. The girls prime Yahshua's giant ebony joint with some oral worship. They take turns riding cock, grinding their sweet pussies in his face and lapping each other's juice from his glistening dick. Prince stacks the nasty sunbathers for doggie-style banging. He ejaculates a spermy load, which Lisa and Honey share in a cum kiss.

Lisa Ann In 'Sometimes I Share'

Lisa Ann - Sometimes I Share

In a meadow, buxom MILFs Lisa Ann and Raven Hart enjoy a tasty picnic -- they strip each other down to bra and panties and then make a feast of their curvaceous bodies. Strapping black stud Ricky Johnson wanders by at the right moment. The experienced white ladies satisfy their hunger for his big black cock in a passionate, interracial, outdoor threesome. Ricky fucks these sexy gals and lets them take turns grinding pussies on his face. He rams thick Raven doggie-style and then cums in Lisa's mouth, so the thirsty beauties can swap his semen.

Lisa Ann In 'Sometimes I Share'

Lisa Ann - Sometimes I Share

As busty MILF Lisa Ann kisses luscious Latina Gina Valentina and fondles the younger girl's healthy Brazilian booty, lucky cabana boy Markus Dupree watches intently... and then joins these bikini beauties for a nasty outdoor threesome! Soon he's fucking the super-stacked Lisa as she licks Gina's trimmed pussy. They give Markus a wet double blowjob, and the well-hung employee fucks Lisa and Gina while they take turns licking his meat clean. He stacks the ladies up for lewd, doggie-style banging. The cabana boy splatters their faces with jism.

Lisa Ann In 'Sometimes I Share'

Lisa Ann - Sometimes I Share

Iconic super-MILF Lisa Ann is in the horse stables making hay (making out) with busty blonde girlfriend Brett Rossi when along comes lucky cowpoke Ryan Driller. Ryan watches the curvaceous ladies exchange passionate lesbian kisses and tongue-worship each other's body. Next, Lisa and Brett share the young stud's throbbing cock in a double blowjob. He fucks both stacked ladies as they coo, kiss and suck the other's pussy juice from his raging boner. The stud service and barnyard behavior climax when Ryan splatters Lisa's sexy face with semen, and Brett sensually laps up the cum.

Lisa Ann In 'Lisa Ann: Back 4 More!'

Lisa Ann - Lisa Ann: Back 4 More!

Buxom, brown-eyed MILF superstar Lisa Ann's luxurious lingerie seduces studly Isiah Maxwell. They can't keep their hands to themselves, kissing romantically as they strip each other. She gives his big black cock a serious blowjob with dick stroking and ball lapping. He eats her bald pussy from behind. Lisa has missed Isiah's meat; they can't wait, so they fuck standing, right in the living room. She spreads to accommodate his monster boner, grinding back on the dick, skin audibly slamming. On the staircase she bounces on his prick as he grips her hot ass. He nails her standing on the stairs, but Lisa wants it harder. Isiah plows away with her leg up on his shoulder. Thick semen splatters kneeling Lisa's face and tits. They have a hot, wet time in the shower, playing with a glass dildo and making out. Interracial ecstasy!

Lisa Ann In 'Lisa Ann: Back 4 More!'

Lisa Ann - Lisa Ann: Back 4 More!

Superstar MILF Lisa Ann is resplendent in a black cocktail dress and heels. Young stud Markus Dupree tastes the buxom beauty's sexy lips and tongue in heavy mouth kissing. He strips off her dress, revealing red and black lingerie. On a white couch, he worships her hot ass and eats shaved pussy, beating off; Lisa's legs point in ecstasy. He fucks her strongly, her leg up on his shoulder, gasps echoing. Lisa's tits bounce as she sits on his deeply thrusting dick. She makes eye contact with the camera, stroking and sucking the giant tool. Markus grips her head for a choking face fuck. Their skin slams in standing doggie-style and face-to-face humping. The stud lifts her bodily for an intense carry-fuck. She grinds her cunt on his pumping meat in multiple positions and gives reverent fellatio. Markus showers her face in semen, hot cum spackling her eyelashes.

Lisa Ann In 'Lisa Ann: Back 4 More!'

Lisa Ann - Lisa Ann: Back 4 More!

MILF superstar Lisa Ann and a favorite stud find interracial ecstasy on her casting couch! In a luxurious glass house, the busty, bespectacled beauty kisses muscular, hung Prince Yahshua. Her big tits and deep cleavage jut from stylish lingerie. Prince eats her shaved, fur-topped pussy as the auburn-brunette squeezes her nipples. Lisa sucks and strokes his big black cock. Skin slaps, boobs bounce and Lisa gasps as Prince vigorously slams her slit, standing doggie-style. She masturbates, fucking with her leg cranked up by her head. Lisa blows his meat pussy-to-mouth, squeezing his balls. Riding dick, she spreads her meaty butt cheeks, showing a pretty asshole and the juice polishing Prince's prick. They fuck and suck in multiple positions, till he jacks pearls of jism onto her lush lips and elegantly made up face.

Lisa Ann In 'How To Date Glam, Busty MILF Lisa Ann'

Lisa Ann - How To Date Glam, Busty MILF Lisa Ann

Mega-stacked MILF Lisa Ann primps for a date. The lush-lipped beauty's makeup, jewelry, and lingerie look glamorous in the bathroom mirror ... as bald, muscular Johnny Sins watches, transfixed. He zips up her dress, but they're soon stripping each other amid romantic caresses and kisses. 'Does this mean we're not going out?' It does. Sexy Lisa Ann sucks his big hard-on, kneeling to masturbate. He fucks her doggie-style against the sink and with her limber leg thrown over his shoulder as gasps, moans and slamming skin echo. She tastes his prick pussy-to-mouth and he eats her slick, shaved twat. On the bathroom floor, she rides cock, big knockers bouncing, butt cheeks bunching and quaking. Johnny pounds her to orgasmic reverie. The intimacy climaxes when he pumps jism on her tits and tongue.

Lisa Ann In 'The Brotherload 1'

Lisa Ann - The Brotherload 1

Big titted brunette MILF, Lisa Ann, takes a big black cock in her mouth... then her pussy... then her ass. She gets pounded in all three of her holes by this black stud and the load she takes from him isn't enough. She fingers her pussy while she takes load after load from The Brotherload #1, enjoy this interracial anal slut doing her job right.

Lisa Ann In 'takes us for a ride!'

Lisa Ann - takes us for a ride!

AssParade is going on a ride with the sexy PornStar Milf Lisa Ann. Sean Lawless joined her on the bike trails and got the best view one could possibly get of that fat ass. You could barely see the seat. Lisa Ann has a fat ass. Seemed like all of that bike riding had her horny. They pulled over to have some fun in the woods. Lisa Ann puled his big dick out and sucked it good. Talk about a good way to start you day off. They went back tot the house to finish what they started. Seems like she wanted to do some more riding, so Lisa Ann hopped on the dick and rode away ingot he sunset. Enjoy!.

Lisa Ann In 'Mommy's Meditation'

Lisa Ann - Mommy's Meditation

Cassidy Klein's friend Lola is a bad influence on her! Cassidy wants to respect her step-mom Lisa Ann's privacy during meditation time -- especially since her step-mom happens to meditate NAKED -- but Lola keeps putting these ideas in her head! First she insists she and Cassidy go and interrupt the meditation session, and then what's with all that weird stuff about Cassidy being lucky to have a mom that meditates in her birthday suit? And did Lola just call her mom hot?! Lola swears she didn't but Cassidy knows what she heard. And she'd never think of her mom that way... although, now that she thinks of it, her mom does have a great body for her age, especially those huge, natural tits of hers, and it's hard not to notice when they're right out there for all to see.Maybe this kind of curiosity is natural, Cassidy thinks to herself, and maybe she's more curious about her mom's meditation techniques than about her body. So she asks for some instruction, and they sit down to begin some breathing exercises. Lisa Ann's gentle hand on Cassidy's thigh definitely gets her in a more relaxed state, and her mom's soft voice takes Cassidy deeper into the meditation mood. Cassidy wants to get the full experience, so she follows in her mom's footsteps and removes her top to let her energy flow freely.The stars align, and Cassidy can see it clearly now. She does have a desire, a yearning for her step-mother's touch, and she realizes it might not be as bad as she feared. Lisa Ann takes her into a deep kiss, and guides her step-daughter in learning other positions and exercises that can lead to a happy and relaxed state. First Lisa Ann gently kisses her step-daughter's pussy, then teaches Cassidy how to pleasure a woman with her own lips and tongue. It's a wonderful session for the both of them, that leaves them feeling blissful and fulfilled by the end of it.

Lisa Ann In 'Anal Provocateur'

Lisa Ann - Anal Provocateur

Lisa Ann MILF Super Goddess Gets DP'd From Every Angle. She took the country by storm with her portrayal of vice presidential candidate and conservative nut case Sarah Palin. Here, Lisa Ann gets taken by storm by two big cocks penetrating every hole possible in this slice of ANAL PROVOCATEUR. A three way featuring anal, ass to mouth, big tits, big ass and double penetration. One of adult's biggest names getting down and dirty for JJV. Don't miss this one.

Lola Foxx In 'Girl's Night In'

Lola Foxx - Girl's Night In

Lisa Ann's on vacation. Well, staycation. She's still taking all her calls for some reason, and when one customer calls her up she's secretly furious. When Kendra Lust calls her up to tell her that Lola is taking Massage classes, Lisa tells Kendra to send her over. Obviously the stress of staycation is taking its toll, and she'll need a great girl's night in to really kick off those shoes and relax for her holidays. Lola is excited to get a new client to practice on, and she makes sure that things are all set up for her. Kendra is a dream mommy, setting up ways to improve her step-daughter's techniques, and making sure she's fooling around with the right type of mentors.Lisa freshens up for Lola, making sure she's looking great. Lola shows up at Lisa's and knocks on the door, surprising Ms. Ann while she was looking for the perfect book. Lisa shows her to the area where she'd like to be massaged. Lola can't help but feel nervous when Lisa reveals her beautiful soft skin and tight body. Lola gets to work, helping Lisa gets her knots out from all the stress of working from home on her vacation. They talk about many things, but when it gets silent we see that Lola is admiring Ms. Ann's beautiful body, and getting a bit hot. Lisa tells Lola she should take her clothes off. Lola remembers what it was like when Lisa asked her to do something when she was younger. Ms. Ann's way or the highway. Lola doesn't feel uncomfortable by this, and strips off her top and things only get hotter from there.Lisa is being stimulated by Lola's massage. Lola is hesitant at first, since Lisa is such a beautiful powerful woman. Lisa gives Lola a bit of her power when she tells Lola that she wants to kiss her. Lola can't refuse her, and soon they are learning things about one another that they never expected. They lick and suck at one another's wet pussies, and help each other achieve orgasms that are so relaxing and intense that once they're done they can't help but lies in each other's arms and cuddle on the couch in their afternoon glow. The night ahead is going to be intense, so any moment of peace they can find is a perfect compliment.

Lisa Ann In 'Hands-on Sex Ed: Part Two'

Lisa Ann - Hands-on Sex Ed: Part Two

Last time Lisa Ann and Keisha Grey were having a great time pleasuring Allie Haze, but this time, it's their time, just for themselves, step-mom to step-daughter. Keisha's Dad is away on business for the whole weekend giving them plenty of girl on girl time to have a second lesson in order to make doubly sure Keisha knows all the tricks of the trade, and is an expert at blowing the minds of experienced women young and not so young.Lisa is excited to see what Keisha has been up to over the past few weeks, so she invites her to help wash away that tension Lisa has left from the yard work they've been tending to. As Keisha's eager to show Lisa a good time, Lisa knows Keisha isn't quite there yet. For a beautiful young woman to be zealous about sex isn't good when you're so inexperienced. Lisa's ready to usher her into a world where Keisha can get everything she wants just from a little sucking.Lisa strips and Keisha is not far behind. All that's on Keisha's mind is Lisa's massive tits, but soon Lisa's fingers and lips show Keisha that technique is everything. Keisha gets a turn and uses everything Lisa taught her to get Lisa to cum like only lesbian sex can make her cum. This will be an afterglow that only soaking in a hot tub will help them come down from.

Lisa Ann In 'Hands-on Sex Ed: Part One'

Lisa Ann - Hands-on Sex Ed: Part One

Allie Haze and Keisha Grey are hanging out for the first time in a long while. Of course the topic of conversation is boys. But the main highlight of Allie's reminiscing is about a girl at the party she went to last week. Keisha isn't sure what to think, but when Allie suggests they practice before going to meet up with Justin. Already they start kissing passionately, and Allie starts pawing at Keisha's mature breasts. As expected Keisha's Step-mom Lisa Ann isn't out, in fact she's overseeing their sexual exploration. When Lisa finally enters, Keisha is mortified. Lisa tries to smooth over Keisha's embarrassment, and Allie helps by saying she wished that her mom would have said something before that awkward party kiss. Lisa undresses to join them, coaching them at every corner.Lisa Ann's turn comes once they each get a turn to each one another out. She climbs onto Allie's face letting her tongue dig deep within Lisa's juicy pussy. Lisa Ann is proud of her girls for learning so quickly, and soon we see her show Keisha how to give Allie and orgasm, but the pi?ce de resistance is when Keisha finally gets an expert pussy eating from her step-mom!

Lisa Ann In 'and her big black DP'

Lisa Ann - and her big black DP

Lisa Ann is gonna be put to the test when she endures two giant black dicks! Rico Strong and Prince Yashua are in tha mothafuckin' house and they are ready to deliver an all out DOUBLE BLACK COCK ASSAULT! Perfect milf Lisa has got giant tits and a great ass, but will will it be able to take on these two gargantuan snakes? Double penetration hardcore interracial no holds barred fucking! Oh, you goddamn know it's gonna get nasty! Up her ass pussy and mouth, relentless pounding with no remorse! Monsters of cock bringin' tha pain!

Lisa Ann In 'Pearl Necklaces'

Lisa Ann - Pearl Necklaces

Student Kevin Moore is having trouble concentrating on schoolwork, and his teacher, super-stacked MILF Lisa Ann, feels she's the cause. She calls him into her office, offering to give Kevin a peek at her amazing rack if it'll keep his mind from wandering. Of course he agrees, and soon Ms. Ann is stripping to her sheer stockings and rubbing up against the stiff bulge in his jeans. Lisa releases his raging dick, wraps her lips around the shaft and slurps Kevin's boner. She oils up her giant, round knockers and titty-squeezes his pole until it splatters her cleavage.

Lisa Ann In 'Internal Damnation 2'

Lisa Ann - Internal Damnation 2

Lisa Ann's Ass Gets A Visit From The Ass Cream Man. Want to butt fuck a MILF? Want to butt fuck a MILF with really big tits? I'll bet you do, well here's your chance. From INTERNAL DAMNATION 2 here's Lisa Ann, the one and only, taking it in the ass, doing ass to mouth and generally being all you'd hope a whore like her can be. Don't miss Lisa Ann and her cum dripping asshole.

Lisa Ann In 'Busty Lisa Ann Gets All Holes Filled By MR. Anal'

Lisa Ann - Busty Lisa Ann Gets All Holes Filled By MR. Anal

Mr. Anal has a special toy just for Lisa Ann today. He is going to show her how Mr. Anal handles that ass with his special toy. She is going to get the full Mr. Anal experience taking that toy deep in her ass. Mr. Anal is in for a surprise though, cause Lisa Ann isn't just taking it in the ass. She is ready to show Mr. Anal that she can take that big dick all the way in her ass and more. She is ready to cum all over is his dick and take that load all over her back. So get ready for Mr. Anal to go deep in every hole in this update. Enjoy!

Lisa Ann In '- Blacks On Blondes'

Lisa Ann - Blacks On Blondes

Lisa Ann owns a company with her husband (who's out of town). Isiah recently turned 18 and she's had her eyes on the hungry, young black employee. A casual meeting in her office quickly escalates into sexual harassment and the possibility of divorce if her man ever found out. Then again, Isiah's about to have major bragging rights to be the envy of all his friends. Lisa's display of heavy flirtation is too much for Isiah to resist--he's now melting her her hands. Isiah begins to worships his boss' feet right before she gets more than a mouthful of big, black dick. Isiah's black meat sets its target on the best of cougar pussy. Lisa's desk USED to be where she got work done. Now her desk is the site of interracial infidelity. Isiah's huge black dick changes course by going deep inside an ass that's extremely legendary. Lisa's husband has no idea that he's married to a woman who's using their office to get her ass jammed with black cock. Lisa Ann better call the carpet cleaners after the mess Isiah left on her face and floor.

Lisa Ann In 'Step-Son bangs his Gf and Stepmom'

Lisa Ann - Step-Son bangs his Gf and Stepmom

Johnny was always interested in his hot stepmom, one day his dad left on a trip and he was going to be alone with her in the house all week. Johnny didnt want to waste a good opportunity to get to check out his step mom naked. He did all he could, he stalked her in her room while she changed clothes from her work out. Took pictures of her wet pussy under the dinner table and even attempted to walk in on her when she was in the shower. He thought he was totally slick about it too, until she confronted him about it in front of his girlfriend. What happens next shocked him, turns out Johnny's step mom was in to it and so was his girlfriend. I would tell you more but wouldn't you rather watch for your self instead? enjoy!

Lisa Ann In 'Thick Ass Busty MILF Rimmed and Fucked Hardcore'

Lisa Ann - Thick Ass Busty MILF Rimmed and Fucked Hardcore

Got to love a Milf with a big ass. Lisa Ann has a huge ass that's out of this world. We're talking about a perfect round bubble butt. I've seen her in action and let me tell you. Lisa Ann knows how to work that ass. The way she moves that ass and rides the dick will have you busting a huge load within minutes. Come watch the sexy Milf Lisa Ann put it on this amateur stud. Show you rookies how it's really done.

Lisa Ann In 'Big Tit MILF Milking Multiple Big Cocks in Glory Hole'

Lisa Ann - Big Tit MILF Milking Multiple Big Cocks in Glory Hole

Lisa Ann is a dirty milf, and she proves it in this episode of Glory Hole Loads! Nothing makes her more satisfied than a dick in her mouth and a load of fresh cum on her tits. This dirty talking nympho gets covered in jizz, and she fucking loves it. Hardcore banging and cock guzzling are her favorite afternoon activities. It doesn't matter if she can't see what is on the other side of the hole, as long as there is a hard cock with her name on it she is happy!

Lisa Ann In 'Anal Pounding A Pro Milf and an Amateur!'

Lisa Ann - Anal Pounding A Pro Milf and an Amateur!

Come and watch a pro Milf and an amateur get their pussy and ass-hole fukced by Mik and his huge penis. They team-up together on the cock at the same time. Mike takes turn sticking his cock in and out of their ass-hole. The both suck his cock. One blowing him and one sucking his balls. Mike is the man! This is a dream that all men dream about. Enjoy!

Lisa Ann In 'is a horny MILF on the BangBus'

Lisa Ann - is a horny MILF on the BangBus

This week we have Lisa Anne and she is looking hotter than ever these days. She came down to Florida for some great sun action. But before she can go get a tan, she needs some dick to keep her company. So we set off on the bus to find that lucky shmo who will come and give her what she wants. Some deep dick pounding and a good story to tell her friends back home. But can these dudes muster up the will and courage to give her a good pounding. you will just have to check it out.

Lisa Ann In 'Handjob from MILF Lisa Ann'

Lisa Ann - Handjob from MILF Lisa Ann

We got the one and only Lisa fuckin' Ann in the house today. That's right, Lisa Ann, and she's tugging away at some cock on this week's Tug Jobs. It was truly amazinghaving such a hot and seXXXy porn goddess grace us with her presence. She does such an amazing job on this Tug Job, as she does on everything else she gets her hands...or pussy on. You guys are gonna love this one. Enjoy and peace!

Lisa Ann In 'I Have A Wife'

Lisa Ann - I Have A Wife

Lisa and Nikki are finally home after their trip from Vegas and are ready to relax. Mr. Pete, their cab driver, decided to help them with their bags up to their. After dropping the bags in the room, Mr. Pete is ready for them to pay up so he can get back to the road. Lisa seems to have lost her money and Nikki spent the rest of her money at the airport. Being out of options for money they decide to pay him with a threesome! Mr. Pete tries to resist these two beautiful big tit laides and murmurs something about having a wife but, it doesn't take long to convince him once they start stroking his cock! After dropping his load all over their tits, their business has been concluded.

Lisa Ann In 'and Mr. Pete in My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

Lisa Ann - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

Pete is sitting in his room moping when he gets a knock on the door and it's his dad's girlfriend. He was suppose to meet his dad and her for lunch before his dad left on his business trip. He invites her in to talk and tells her that he didn't go because he was worried that if he didn't bring his grades up he was going to have to pay rent! Lisa calls him out for believing that he has a crush on her. Pete admits that he does and that he is sad because she is his dad's girlfriend and he doesn't stand a chance with her. Lisa has an idea to get pass their awkward stage! She starts to rub his cock through his pants, then whips it out and starts stroking it. Not long after those sexy lips are tightly wrapped around his cock and he is banging his dad's girlfriend all over his bed. Pete's gloomy days are going to be over knowing that he gets to bang his dad's girlfriend whenever he leaves!

Lisa Ann In 'and Danny Wylde in My Friends Hot Mom'

Lisa Ann - My Friends Hot Mom

Lisa Ann is a hot busty milf, at least her son's friend, Danny, always thought so. Danny finally lets Lisa know how he feels about her after he finishes up helping her clean up around the house. That's not the only thing he cleans, he licks her pussy clean with his tongue. He also gets to finally bang her. Who wouldn't want to fuck the hot and sexy Lisa Ann.

Lisa Ann In 'Lisa Ann'

Lisa Ann - Lisa Ann

The very sexy MILF Lisa Ann joins the throated team to show off her cock swallowing talents. Before we get down to business, this gorgeous big tittied babe will start us off with a little teasing by stripping slowly and rubbing her own pussy. Hot Lisa will then move on to sucking and gagging on a cock that will plug her dirty mouth till climax. Enjoy Lisa Ann's skills in making a cock disappear down her throat!

Lisa Ann In 'Workin Out My Ass'

Lisa Ann - Workin Out My Ass

This vuluptuous MILF needs a good hard dick in her pussy and her firm ass

Lisa Ann In 'POV Jugg Fuckers 5'

Lisa Ann - POV Jugg Fuckers 5

Buxom brunette super-MILF Lisa Ann has a massive, round set of knockers she loves showing off for director Jonni Darkko. While he films this busty sexpot POV-style, she releases her huge jugs from her bikini top and slathers them with slippery oil until they glisten. Lisa kneels, wraps her lips around the director's stiff boner and deep-throats his prick. This mature harlot squeezes his hard shaft between her enormous, shiny globes and drools oil on her chest. She pumps his pole with her greasy titties until Jonni splatters Lisa's mug with a messy load of hot semen.

Lisa Ann In 'and Johnny Castle in My Friends Hot Mom'

Lisa Ann - My Friends Hot Mom

Lisa Ann is tired of picking up after her son's slob of a friend, Johnny. He was only supposed to be there a week, but now it's been 3 long weeks that he's crashed on the couch, creating a mess. But while her son is out, Johnny takes advantage of her scolding him and uses the opportunity to pitch her an idea: sex. The big tits MILF is appalled that her son's friend would even suggest that ... but when he starts rubbing his big hard dick up on her big ass, she can't control herself! She kneels down and sucks Johnny's dick until it's rock hard to fuck her wet MILF pussy!

Lisa Ann In 'Lex VS Lisa Ann'

Lisa Ann - Lex VS Lisa Ann

Superstud Lexington Steele owes a debt to mature, hugely buxom Lisa Ann. Now the curvaceous MILF has called Lex to claim her pound of flesh ' namely, his huge black cock ' and she's invited nubile girlfriend Jada Stevens along for extra interracial fun. When Lex arrives, Lisa's already warming up the young slut with her experienced tongue. The white bitches put on a seductive lesbian show until Lex can't resist sliding his enormous boner inside Jada's juicy pussy. After Jada slurps his giant shaft, she's double-penetrated by black cock and Lisa's strap-on dildo! Scene climaxes with a messy cum facial.

Lisa Ann In 'and Bill Bailey in My First Sex Teacher'

Lisa Ann - My First Sex Teacher

One of Professor Lisa Ann's dumbass students thinks it's a good idea to break into her home while she's working and steal back his test that he knows he failed. But when he gets caught red-handed, the professor gets ready to call the cops and the dean and have him expelled and tossed in jail for breaking and entering. But the idiot pleads her to not do that, so she thinks of something better: sex! She's so fucking horny at the moment that she'd rather him fuck his own teacher with his big dick than punish him. Can I sign up for her class?

Lisa Ann In 'Big Tit Centerfolds'

Lisa Ann - Big Tit Centerfolds

The full-bodied queen of MILFs, voluptuous Lisa Ann, teases the camera, squeezing her titanic titties and thick, meaty ass as she seductively peels out of a colorful bikini. The mature, super-stacked slut drips and massages oil over her massive globes until they shimmer in the sunlight. Younger stud Mr. Pete can't keep his hands off Lisa's giant knockers; he carries the tanned, voluptuous lady indoors, where he eats her sweet pussy and gets treated to her blow job expertise. Lisa passionately rides his rock-hard cock until he pulls out and spurts hot cum all over her heaving bosom.

Dana Vespoli In 'Lesbian Anal POV 02'

Dana Vespoli - Lesbian Anal POV 02

Perverted director Dana Vespoli is awestruck by super-stacked MILF icon Lisa Ann and her thick, voluptuous body. Lisa seductively reveals her massive titties and huge, meaty ass in anticipation of her very first lesbian anal scene! Lisa gets on all fours and Dana uses an evil-looking steel speculum to widely stretch the mature bombshell's tender anus. Lisa's big tushy gets thoroughly fucked to gaping by the lovely director's arsenal of rectum-stuffing tools. Lisa slurps a strap-on dildo and rides it in a lewd butt-banging session, filmed POV-style by Dana. Experienced sluts know how to satisfy the needs of other women!

Lisa Ann In 'Lex Is A Motherfucker'

Lisa Ann - Lex Is A Motherfucker

Mature cock-pleaser Lisa Ann, the world's most famous porn MILF, shows off her fantastic proportions in wicked heels, a blouse and a skintight business skirt. The amazingly busty brunette slut is in the mood for some nasty interracial fucking, so she phones superstud Lexington Steele to request some intimate anal service. She squeezes her giant knockers and fingers her huge ass until Lex arrives, then wraps her talented lips around his enormous black cock. Lisa eagerly rides him, stuffing her mighty ass full of meat, and worships his shaft until Lex spurts hot semen onto her slut face.

Lisa Ann In 'Poolboy Seduction'

Lisa Ann - Poolboy Seduction

Sexy MILF Lisa Ann seduces poolboy into her pussy

Lisa Ann In 'Drinks A Sperm Cocktail'

Lisa Ann - Drinks A Sperm Cocktail

It takes a special kind of slut to suck so many dicks at once but Lisa Ann is that special kind of slut. From Feeding Frenzy #11, hot MILF Lisa Ann takes on five cocks - FIVE COCKS - at one with her mouth doing the work of five women... goddamn she's filthy - but she's not without class. She drinks that massive COCKtail - shaken, not stirred...

Lisa Ann In 'Workin It'

Lisa Ann - Workin It

Phenomenal body on this big titty babe

Lisa Ann In 'Anal Dream Team'

Lisa Ann - Anal Dream Team

Mature, busty bombshell Lisa Ann wears a tank top over her gigantic titties and skintight jeans that barely contain her thick, massive ass. This outrageously endowed MILF craves twisted anal fun with perverted director Mike Adriano. He worships her titanic knockers and tongues her puckered bunghole. Lisa wraps her big lips around the director's dork for a slobbery blow job with some titty fucking in the cleavage of her giant jugs. Mike slides his throbbing dick up Lisa's tremendous, greasy ass and ruthlessly reams her rectum; this sexy bitch winds up thoroughly sodomized and showered in hot sperm.

Julia Ann In 'Lisa Ann, Julia Ann MILFS Caught In A Oil Slick'

Julia Ann - Lisa Ann, Julia Ann MILFS Caught In A Oil Slick

Lisa Ann, Julia Ann MILFS Caught In A Oil Slick. From OIL OVERLOAD 2 Jules Jordan is proud to bring you two of the most famous MILF's in adult fare. Lisa Ann; got national fame as porn's Sarah Palin. Julia Ann; absolutely stunning here and in the national commercial for, I believe, Cougar Life that runs often late on Comedy Central. Two MILF's with incredible bodies fucking and sucking the hell out of two lucky fucks. Not something you'll see no matter how late on Comedy Central. Better see it now.

Lisa Ann In 'Ready For You'

Lisa Ann - Ready For You

Lisa Ann comes home to a very sexual meeting

Lisa Ann In 'MILFs Anal Addiction'

Lisa Ann - MILFs Anal Addiction

When bodacious American MILF nympho Lisa Ann checks into her hotel room, she discovers petite brunette Alma Blue in nothing but a towel. Lisa moves in for a getting-to-know-you kiss and offers enormous jugs for little Alma to worship. Alma lies back and lets Lisa orally pleasure her shaved pussy. Lisa pushes a big, clear red dildo into Alma's tight cunt, rhythmically fucking until the Romanian girl climaxes. Lisa straps on her trusty harness to ram Alma's pussy, then rudely invades Alma's snug anal opening with her fake cock. Lisa slaps the tiny slut's ass cheeks as she sodomizes her. Alma takes the lead, using a double-headed phallus to fuck Lisa to orgasm. The roommates lick Lisa's juice from the big black dong.

Lisa Ann In 'Lisa Ann, The Perfect MILF'

Lisa Ann - Lisa Ann, The Perfect MILF

Wow! We have a sexy fine ass MILF on today's new update of Milf-Soup! Lisa Ann gentleman's and don't forget the name cause I guarantee she will be back for some more.. This babe is a sex freak that will fuck all day every day if she could. Today is her lucky day cause this dude Chris will provide her with some hardcore fucking. This babe does it all, she pleasures herself, suck some hardcore dick, and gets pounded in every position possible that you can think off. This movie is a must see over and over again, guarantee that you will stroke your cocks multiple times. Enjoy!

Lisa Ann In 'Built for Seduction'

Lisa Ann - Built for Seduction

Busty Lisa Ann is Built for Seduction

Lisa Ann In 'Anal Silenced By Mandingo's Cock'

Lisa Ann - Anal Silenced By Mandingo's Cock

Lisa Ann Anal Silenced By Mandingo's Cock. Lisa Ann, besides being gorgeous, stacked and dressed in sexy lingerie is also a pro and when confronted with Mandingo's fourteen inches of cock she doesn't blink, she sucks, fucks and even takes it in her ass. In an interracial, ass to mouth foray deep in both her holes Lisa Ann just loves it all. Don't miss this slice of MANDINGO MASSACRE 7.

Lisa Ann In 'Titty Creampies 4'

Lisa Ann - Titty Creampies 4

Student Kevin Moore is having trouble concentrating on schoolwork, and his teacher, super-stacked MILF Lisa Ann, feels she's the cause. She calls him into her office, offering to give Kevin a peek at her amazing rack if it'll keep his mind from wandering. Of course, he agrees, and soon Ms. Ann is stripping to her sheer stockings and rubbing up against the stiff bulge in his jeans. Lisa releases his raging dick, wraps her lips around the shaft and slurps Kevin's boner. She oils up her giant, round knockers, and titty-squeezes his pole until it splatters her cleavage.

Kendra Lust In '2 Chicks Same Time'

Kendra Lust - 2 Chicks Same Time

Bill is looking for a room to rent, and when he shows up to an address where one is advertised as vacant, he's surprised to find two very attractive females, Kendra Lust and Lisa Ann. And when he discovers that they'd rather have a male roommate than a chick, he's even more surprised. But not as surprised as when he watches the two push him onto the bed in his new room, pull out their big tits and slobber all over his giant member! Where do I sign?

Lisa Ann In 'Busty Cop Fuck My Ass Or Go To Jail'

Lisa Ann - Busty Cop Fuck My Ass Or Go To Jail

Lisa Ann Busty Cop Fuck My Ass Or Go To Jail. You're busted but the cop's a hottie and your only way to stay out of the slammer is to fuck the busty cop in her delectable ass. What do you do? You fuck her ass for all your worth, dummy. Of course you make her suck your cock first then pound that ass from every angle. Lisa Ann is the busty cop and this police action is from DEEP ANAL DRILLING 4. Support your local police.

Lisa Ann In 'White Room with Lisa Ann'

Lisa Ann - White Room with Lisa Ann

One of the most passionate, sexual, ladies in porn graced our presence for the second week straight and strutted her stuff in our infamous dirty, nasty white room. She looks good in chains and her sexy subservient side came out. Ryan came out as well, 3 times, in fact. The sexual chemistry between them was mind blowing. Lisa Ann takes his big co...

Lisa Ann In 'Lust For Lisa'

Lisa Ann - Lust For Lisa

You're gonna blow your load just looking at the smoking hot Lisa Ann! What a hottie from her big tits to her round ass, she's one sexy woman and she knows how to fuck a cock like no one you've ever seen! Lisa pushes Ryan's shaft down her throat and gets it wet so he can slam it into her box. He buries his dick in her and leav...

Lisa Ann In 'Check Mate'

Lisa Ann - Check Mate

Big titty Lisa Ann wins a cock at chess.

Lisa Ann In 'and Billy Hart in My Friends Hot Mom'

Lisa Ann - My Friends Hot Mom

Lisa Ann is pleasantly surprised when she arrives home from work to find her son's friend Billy in her home, lounging in her son's room while he's out. After she slips into something more comfortable -- the bathtub -- she bothers Billy to hand her a towel. Embarrassed, he covers his eyes to help her out, but she'd rather have him take a nice look at her big tits and wash her back for her. Next thing you know, the hot MILF is sucking Billy's big dick and he fucks his friend's mom in the tub! Rub-a-dub-dub!

Lisa Ann In 'and Bill Bailey in Seduced by a cougar'

Lisa Ann - Seduced By A Cougar

Bill is the new grocery delivery boy for Lisa Ann, and he soon finds out why all the guys at his shop fight over who gets to deliver her groceries to her. The brunette with big tits welcomes him warmly, and when she finds out she doesn't have enough cash to give him a tip, she decides to help him out by taking the tip of his cock and inserting it into her mouth and pussy! The cougar fucks the delivery boy good and hard, and works his big dick so well that he pours his cream all over her face and tits. Who knew he'd deliver meat, too?

Lisa Ann In 'Facial Overload 2 - Milf Edition'

Lisa Ann - Facial Overload 2 - Milf Edition

Experienced, buxom bombshell Lisa Ann is a cum-crazed MILF from the old school. This incredibly voluptuous, mature superslut likes nothing better than to wrap her pretty lips around a big, throbbing cock and orally worship the stiff meat until it showers semen all over her lovely face. Today, Lisa's all glammed up in evening gloves, jewelry and sheer stockings. Kneeling, she goes to work on Winston Burbank's enormous schlong. In a sensuous POV-style blow job she gags on his swollen shaft. After this seasoned sexpot has performed her mouth magic, Winston decorates Lisa with a creamy cum facial.

Lisa Ann In 'Mature Bliss'

Lisa Ann - Mature Bliss

Busty Lisa Ann Demands Younger Man Attention.

Lisa Ann In 'Anal Nacho Opens Up Her Ass'

Lisa Ann - Anal Nacho Opens Up Her Ass

The Spanish Assassin is back and Lisa Ann opens up her ass to take the challenge! Mind blowing Buttsex! America's number one MILF takes on the Spanish cocksman in no holds barred frenzy of amazing sex. From NACHO INVADES AMERICA 2 here are two of porn's biggest stars locked in a fucking embrace that would break lesser mopes. When Lisa opens her ass for Nacho's prodigious tool you can hear the angels sing.....dirty songs.

Lisa Ann In 'Lisa Ann'

Lisa Ann - Lisa Ann

This week I have for the beautiful Lisa Ann, Lisa is a veteran with this super awesome ass. This busty girl ah my friend had Mirko crazy. the we had it naked and ready to fuck. seen as ah love this old cock. and richest body! busty big ass and more righteous

Lisa Ann In 'Angel Perverse 22'

Lisa Ann - Angel Perverse 22

When bodacious American MILF nympho Lisa Ann checks into her hotel room, she discovers petite brunette Alma Blue in nothing but a towel. Lisa moves in for a getting-to-know-you kiss and offers enormous jugs for little Alma to worship. Alma lies back and lets Lisa orally pleasure her shaved pussy. Lisa pushes a big, clear red dildo into Alma's tight cunt, rhythmically fucking until the Romanian girl climaxes. Lisa straps on her trusty harness to ram Alma's pussy, then rudely invades Alma's snug anal opening with her fake cock. Lisa slaps the tiny slut's ass cheeks as she sodomizes her. Alma takes the lead, using a double-headed phallus to fuck Lisa to orgasm. The roommates lick Lisa's juice from the big black dong.

Lisa Ann In 'Anal with Lisa Ann'

Lisa Ann - Anal with Lisa Ann

Today my friends we have the lovely Lisa Ann and her beautiful ass. She was so hyped about getting fucked in her tight asshole that I almost had to tend to her myself, lol. I invited my boy threw to take care of my light weight haha. I had a special present for her I cant tell you in details so you must see this one. Let me just tell you that I had a fucking blast and I didnt even get to fuck her at all

Lisa Ann In 'Rare DP Training at Anal Boot Camp'

Lisa Ann - Rare DP Training at Anal Boot Camp

Lisa Ann aka Major Pain takes her pathetic group of wannabe soldiers through double penetration training... at least they have huge cocks. Lisa "Major Pain" Ann takes her grunts through calisthenics by the pool just to warm up then becomes the center of attention for a gang bang. Double penetration abounds here in this slice of ANAL BOOT CAMP and Lisa Ann gets all her holes plowed. This'll make you want to join the Army, don't.

Lisa Ann In 'Takes it Anal Bam!'

Lisa Ann - Takes it Anal Bam!

So today my friends we have the lovely Lisa Ann in the house. She is looking better than ever if I must say. Her body is also looking so fucking hot too. Today its all about her super fat ass. I love her ass so much that I just had to put her on this site automatically. I told my boy Chris to come threw because I know he has been dying to fuck the shit out of Lisa Ann. Once he seen that ass he was totally hypnotized completely and he got to fuck her in the ass, yes. To all of Lisa's fan, this shoot definitely will not at all disappoint especially if you are in love with her ass like me.

Lisa Ann In 'Two dicks for Lisa Ann'

Lisa Ann - Two dicks for Lisa Ann

Hey Asssparade lover's! We brought in Lisa Ann for this weeks update and we promise you will love it. She has some huge tits and a giant ass to match. Just what I like in my women. In this episode there is plenty of hardcore raw fucking and some amazing dick sucking. So cum watch this fine sexy mama deep throat two cocks and then get her ass pounded hardcore by the two famous Mirko and Tony. Enjoy it!

Lisa Ann In 'Lisa Ann's Ass Gets Anal Sex'

Lisa Ann - Lisa Ann's Ass Gets Anal Sex

On this week update of Ass Parade we have the sexy Lisa Ann working her onion booty. If you guys think you have seen the perfect ass wait till you get a glance at this fine sexy babe. She has the perfect tits, small waist, and in enormous onion ass that will leave you crying. This chick is unbelievable, not only can she give you in amazing fuck but can suck a dick like a pro. This movie will have you pounding your dicks against the wall if you have no one to fuck. Awesome and enjoy it.

Lisa Ann In 'Black Owned Interracial Bang'

Lisa Ann - Black Owned Interracial Bang

Where Sean Michaels comes from, if you've got a thick black rod, the bitches flow like water. In this scene, he gets introduced to the lovely Lisa Ann, but it isn't his conversation this slut is after! She wants nothing more then to get this studs meat pole inside of her, so like a gentleman, he obliges! Multiple positions later, Sean fucks her tits until he explodes all over her smiling face!

Lisa Ann In 'Deep Anal Massage on Lisa Ann'

Lisa Ann - Deep Anal Massage on Lisa Ann

Lisa Ann called us, in need of a deep tissue massage and she wanted it stat! Judging by her sexy voice, I knew this was one client I didn't want to miss out on, so I rushed over as soon as I hung up the phone. When I walked through the door, my suspicions were correct. Lisa was one hot ass fucking milf! I got the massage started and slowly got bolder on my hand placements. Even when I had my hand rubbing near her crotch, she didn't flinch! The only thing she told me was that she really needed me to focus on her ass. So, focus on her ass I did, with my hands AND my dick. She loved every minute of it and even wants a repeat session! Enjoy

Lisa Ann In 'Pornstars and Lisa Ann in your dorm'

Lisa Ann - Pornstars and Lisa Ann in your dorm

The girls are back and their meaner than ever. This time no ones safe. They're looking for young able bodies to fuck and suck and if the cocks aren't doing it for them, they have no problems eating that pussy instead. Yeah dorm girls and dorm boys you better stock up on those condoms and keep the dorm games poppin, because just maybe you may be invaded by hot pornstars.

Lisa Ann In 'Ass Stretching Anal POV'

Lisa Ann - Ass Stretching Anal POV

Lisa Ann, always the bad ass brunette, brings her A+ game to this 36 minute scene. I'm always blessed when I get a chance to have my cock in any part of this legend's body. Well, today I'm living in heaven, because I get in all three! Enjoy the POV view as I hump perfection in all kinds of positions. She even fingers herself while I'm giving her anal, and lets me blow my cumshot all over her perfect face.

Lisa Ann In 'and Jon Jon in Seduced by a cougar'

Lisa Ann - Seduced By A Cougar

Lisa Ann, is the owner of a football team, and Jon Jon the star player isn't cutting it on the field. The team has lost 3 straight, because Jon Jon's performance. Lisa Ann is considering trading him, but decides to give him another chance, just so she can fuck and suck his big black cock! Jon Jon scores big after Lisa Ann stops by.

Lisa Ann In 'Mouth Full of Mandingo'

Lisa Ann - Mouth Full of Mandingo

Lisa Ann worships the biggest cock...that ever penetrated her tight ass!

Lisa Ann In 'Anal Fuck My Ass Please'

Lisa Ann - Anal Fuck My Ass Please

Lisa Ann tells Jules Jordan Fuck my ASS please!

Lisa Ann In 'Interracial Loves Black Monster Cock'

Lisa Ann - Interracial Loves Black Monster Cock

Lisa Ann lusts for Mandingo's cock...taking him balls at first sight! Her wet, milf pussy is ready for the pounding of her life. Black Snake Moans are coming!

Lisa Ann In 'DP Double Dick Overload'

Lisa Ann - DP Double Dick Overload

Busty leather clad MILF Lisa Ann is always looking for some big cocks to suck and fuck...and she often finds them! In this scene with James Dean and Erik Everhard, Lisa gets more then she bargained for! She gets fucked in both her holes, and then receives a Hardcore DP deep dicking courtesy of these two studs! For a Milf, she's still got a pretty prefect ass...and she fucks like a Pro! By the time these two guys are done with her, Lisa has an ass full of cum and a face with a smile!

Lisa Ann In 'Rubbin' One Of Lisa Ann'

Lisa Ann - Rubbin' One Of Lisa Ann

If you like what happened on our first PornStar Spa shoot, you're gonna love this one. We have the one and only Lisa Ann on our table. To say that our boy put in allot of work rubbing her sweet tits and beautiful ass is a complete understatement. Seriously you guys, her body is bangin' and worth every stroke and rub. We got her all worked up after a solid twenty minutes of oiling and smooshing, then she jump on our boy and showed him all the gratitude in the world. If you fellers like a sweet rub down of a super hot chick with a great ass, then enjoy Lisa Ann. She'll make you wanna give yourselves you own massage.

Lisa Ann In 'Top Wet Girls 7 - Lisa Ann Edition'

Lisa Ann - Top Wet Girls 7 - Lisa Ann Edition

Lisa Ann, the curvy and pervy American porn icon, is having cocktails at the hotel bar with slim, gorgeous Czech model Eufrat. The girls really hit it off, so Lisa invites the brunette up to her hotel room. In no time, the sophisticated beauties are kissing across the small table. Lisa nuzzles Eufrat's diminutive, natural titties, and the European stunner deftly removes Lisa's industrial-strength bra to get her hands and mouth on those enormous jugs. Eufrat goes between Lisa's legs and uses her long, talented tongue to get her off, as Lisa lovingly massages her own giant boobs. Then the slender girl lies back and Lisa eats her cunt until Eufrat arches her back in erotic delirium. Finally, the classy ladies mash their pussies together and intimately scissor-hump their way to another mutual orgasm.

Lisa Ann In 'vs Lex Monster Cock Interracial Sex'

Lisa Ann - vs Lex Monster Cock Interracial Sex

Brunette babe Lisa Ann has got a massive pair or tits and a fresh pussy just waiting to be fucked...and Lex Steele would love nothing more the stick his massive black shaft anywhere he can on this slut! He starts off by getting his cock sucking and tit fucked before he starts to work on her tight little pussy. After multiple positions of ebony deep dicking, this stud busts some nut all over her smiling face!

Lisa Ann In 'has landed!'

Lisa Ann - has landed!

Listen up! This weeks assparade update features Lisa Ann. Shall I say more... From her huge tits to her phat ass Lisa has been screwing her way to the top for decades. Lisa Ann is an amazing pornstar who can fuck like the hall of famer that she is. This new guy Frenchy gets the opportunity of a life time to fuck this amazing lady. Lucky bastard! I hope you all enjoy cause this broad is a fucking bomb shell!

Lisa Ann In 'The Porno Queen'

Lisa Ann - The Porno Queen

Alright fuckers, listen up! We got the hotass pornstar Lisa Ann this week for our Assparade update. For those of you who don't know her...well that's your loss! Lisa Ann is a fuckin dime piece in the porno world. We're talking the real fucking deal with huge tits and a giant ass. Lisa Ann has that hot and sexy bad girl attitude and she fucks incredibly. Come watch this stunning porno queen at work!

Lisa Ann In 'She played Sarah Palin for porn, lets just see how rogue she really is.'

Lisa Ann - She played Sarah Palin for porn, lets just see how rogue she really is.

Lisa Ann, hot big titted, Milf, bound and made to cum!

Lisa Ann In 'MILF Submission: episode 2 Lisa Ann'

Lisa Ann - MILF Submission: episode 2 Lisa Ann

MILF roleplay, Lisa Ann dominated and fucked in bondage!

Lisa Ann In 'Call Me Steele, Lex Steele'

Lisa Ann - Call Me Steele, Lex Steele

Suspecting that her husband is having an affair, Miss Ann goes to renown divorce attorney Lexington Steele to start the procedures. Giving her advices that she needs proofs to have power in court. She tells him that her husband is not equipped down there to satisfy her and make her stay with him. This is a case for the Man of Steele, the big pussy pounder, Milf-Style.

Lisa Ann In 'Lisa Anns Jail Time'

Lisa Ann - Lisa Anns Jail Time

Its Johns last day on this earth, because tomorrow morning he is getting fried in the electric chair, and his last request is to have sex with the gorgeous Lisa Ann. She is so fucking hot, that he gets on his knees and begs her to give him some sex. Not thinking that it would work, he still kept begging until she got on her knees and started sucking his cock through the jail bars. This movie is extremely hot, dont miss out on the very fine and freaky Lisa Ann. She loves to fuck and she loves cum on her face.

Lisa Ann In 'Who wants to chill with Lisa'

Lisa Ann - Who wants to chill with Lisa

Of all the pornstars out there, no one has adapted better, no one as got more attention, and no one has been loved more than Lisa Ann. Powerful yet subtle, so fuckable but never to be fucked with. Brett Brando takes us inside the life of Lisa Ann; a real unscripted account of what she does from the time she awakes to cock she lures at the end of that day.

Lisa Ann In 'Lisa Ann's Sexy Threesome'

Lisa Ann - Lisa Ann's Sexy Threesome

Hey was up guys it's me Preston again, coming back from a long vacation. This time, I'm back better than ever to host the famous Assparade. So I decided to have a comeback but with a sexy Porn star that we have never shot. Ladies and Gentleman, I have for you the amazing Lisa Ann. This is not only a famous Porn star; she is also a woman that likes to be fucked by many. So I decided to invite my homeboys Tony and Carlo, to see if they wanted to have some fun with Lady Lisa. Oh they sure did. This exotic mama knows how to fuck; her beautiful ass and her amazing tits are the perfect combination for a hardcore fuck. These two guys and this girl they just had a lot of fun in the outdoors. So check Lisa out, because this time I'm back with the best!!

Lisa Ann In 'and Alex Gonz in My Friends Hot Mom'

Lisa Ann - My Friends Hot Mom

Alex shows up to visit his friend Robert's mom, Lisa, just as she's preparing the patio for dinner with him. She asks why he's acting weird, and Alex tells her that Robert, who isn't around, doesn't want him hanging out with his mom -- alone. Hmmm, I wonder why? Could it be because Alex fucks Lisa's brains out then spurts his jizz all over her ass? Just sayin'.

Lisa Ann In 'and Xander Corvus in Neighbor Affair'

Lisa Ann - Neighbor Affair

Lisa's outside tanning on her birthday when she hears her doorbell ring. Xander, her neighbor, is at the doorstep with flowers and a birthday gift. She invites him in to hang out, and thanks him for the birthday present. Her massive tits are bursting from her top, and Xander can't help but to compliment her on the bikini she's wearing. Lisa's so flattered that she steps out of her bathing suit and into her birthday suit, and lets her neighbor bang her slow and lo, in the buttho'.

Jessica Jaymes In 'My Sisters Hot Friend'

Jessica Jaymes - My Sisters Hot Friend

Happy Fourth of July! Guess who's lighting off fireworks with Naughty America this year? Nicole Aniston, Jessica Jaymes and Lisa Ann! This year the sexy trio is hanging with their friend Alison at her parents' house, and they've got the place to themselves! The girls are trying to figure out what they're doing for the holiday, and when they find out that Alison's brother is throwing a party at the club where he works, they want on the list, but he's not having it. Alison unexpectedly gets called into work, so the girls and their big tits persuade Jordan to let them party with at his club by climbing on top of his cock and fucking him one by one! Boom!

Lisa Ann In 'and Seth Gamble in My Friends Hot Mom'

Lisa Ann - My Friends Hot Mom

Lisa Ann is very impressed with Seth in the office and she is promoting him to her personal assistant. Seth's new responsibilities include giving his boss young hard cock anytime and anywhere.

Lisa Ann In 'and Will Powers in My Friends Hot Mom'

Lisa Ann - My Friends Hot Mom

Mrs. Ann is finding out just what kind of people her son is hanging out with. When Will drops by to pick up a guitar, the two get off on the topic of Will's romantic life. When Mrs. Ann decides to show Will what he's missing out on with just one girl, he can't do much more than get weak in the knees as she wraps her lips around his cock!

Lisa Ann In 'and Jordan Ash in My Friends Hot Mom'

Lisa Ann - My Friends Hot Mom

Jordan goes to check up on his buddy Billy, who got injured in the football game when he got sacked after Jordan missed his blocking assignment. Billy's mom, Lisa Ann, tells Jordan that her son took his medication and is sleeping, but that he's more than welcome to stick around for an hour or two for when he wakes up. Jordan's game, and tells Ms. Ann that he can help her around the house, if she needs him. And, oh, does she need him . to fuck her hot MILF pussy! Lisa and her big tits are more than grateful to take a huge cock, as it surely helps with her domestic needs!

Lisa Ann In 'and Johnny Castle in My First Sex Teacher'

Lisa Ann - My First Sex Teacher

Johnny Castle, is an eager college student trying to get ahead in his classes. Lisa Ann, can help but notice how eager he is to get ahead. Lisa Ann, does what any professor would do, and that's take her best student, give him a blow job and let him stick his big cock in her tight juicy pussy!

Lisa Ann In 'and Mikey Butders in Naughty Athletics'

Lisa Ann - Naughty Athletics

Lisa Ann is a yoga instructor who has a student that isn't keeping up with the regimen. When he gets to her place, Lisa can see he hasn't been stretching or working on his breathing. But just because he can't pose in downward facing dog doesn't mean she won't take it doggy with him fucking her nice round ass!!

Lisa Ann In 'and Barry Scott in My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

Lisa Ann - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

Lisa catches Barry searching through his dad's office to find his passport. Where is it, says Barry. I don't know, says Lisa, but why do you dislike me so much, your dad was the same way when I first met him. Oh yeah, says Barry. I'll show you where your passport is if you give me some sugar, says Lisa.