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Brazzers 'Casting Couch' Darsteller Yurizan Beltran (Foto 14)

Yurizan Beltran In 'Brazzers' - Casting Couch (Baby Got Boobs)

Heute erzählt uns das aufstrebende Brazzers Girl Yurizan Beltran auf "Brazzers Next Pornstar" von ihren ersten sexuellen Erfahrungen und zeigt uns ihre Schwanzreitkünste, während Rocco auf ihren großen saftigen Titten in die Stadt geht. Mal sehen, ob sie das Zeug dazu hat, das nächste Brazzers Girl zu sein.

Freigegeben : 17. November, 2010
Schilder : Latina, Kleiner Arsch, Sperma auf Titten, Tittyfuck (POV), Fishnet Strümpfe, Big Tits, Big Tits Anbetung

Jessa Rhodes in 'Lovely In Latex'
Eva Angelina in 'Camera Cums In Handy'

Jessa Rhodes in 'Lovely In Latex'

Bilder von Yurizan Beltran In 'Brazzers' Casting Couch

Yurizan Beltran In 'Brazzers' Casting Couch (Ein 1)
Yurizan Beltran In 'Brazzers' Casting Couch (Ein 2)
Yurizan Beltran In 'Brazzers' Casting Couch (Ein 3)
Yurizan Beltran In 'Brazzers' Casting Couch (Ein 4)
Yurizan Beltran In 'Brazzers' Casting Couch (Ein 5)
Yurizan Beltran In 'Brazzers' Casting Couch (Ein 6)
Yurizan Beltran In 'Brazzers' Casting Couch (Ein 7)
Yurizan Beltran In 'Brazzers' Casting Couch (Ein 8)
Yurizan Beltran In 'Brazzers' Casting Couch (Ein 9)
Yurizan Beltran In 'Brazzers' Casting Couch (Ein 10)
Yurizan Beltran In 'Brazzers' Casting Couch (Ein 11)
Yurizan Beltran In 'Brazzers' Casting Couch (Ein 12)
Yurizan Beltran In 'Brazzers' Casting Couch (Ein 13)
Yurizan Beltran In 'Brazzers' Casting Couch (Ein 14)
Yurizan Beltran In 'Brazzers' Casting Couch (Ein 15)

Bilder von Yurizan Beltran In 'Brazzers' Casting Couch

Mehr 'Brazzers' Szenen aus Yurizan Beltran

Yurizan Beltran In 'Viel Ado über fuckin'

Yurizan Beltran - Viel Ado über fuckin

Xander und Brenna dachten, sie würden sich leicht ausdemigen, um Mrs. Beltrans College-Theaterkurs zu besuchen. Es stellte sich heraus, dass es viel mehr Arbeit im Spiel war, als nur ein paar Zeilen in Altenglisch zu sagen. Miss Beltran ist eine berüchtigte anspruchsvolle Professorin, und sie möchte, dass Xander und Brenna ein bisschen Methode haben, um sich auf ihre große Romantikszene einzulassen. Brenna kann damit beginnen, auf Xanders Fleischspeer zu verzichten, bevor er seinen Profi am set fickt. Ihre Methoden mögen unkonventionell sein, aber sie erzielen sicherlich Ergebnisse!

Yurizan Beltran In 'Yurizans cum sucht'

Yurizan Beltran - Yurizans cum sucht

Yurizan liebt es, Schwanz zu saugen und immer mit Sperma bedeckt. Ihre Sexsucht ist so außer Kontrolle, dass ihr Mann sie zur Therapie geschickt hat. Aber Dr. Corvus hat genug von dieser Patientin - sie ist immer zu spät und heute zeigt sie sich mit Sperma bedeckt. Sieht so aus, als müsste er eine alternative Therapie verabreichen - über seinen großen Schwanz.

Yurizan Beltran In 'Poolside bang bang'

Yurizan Beltran - Poolside bang bang

Es ist allgemein bekannt, dass Yurizan Beltran der stolze Besitzer eines sexy runden Rumpfes ist, der praktisch darum bittet, mit großzügigen Portionen von rockhartem Ding-Dong gefüllt zu werden. An einem sonnigen Nachmittag am Pool liegend, wird Yurizan durch das Kanalverbreiterungsschwert eines Mick Blue, einem Weltklasse-Cocksman mit Haltung zum Sparen, durchdrungen. Achten Sie auf alle, dies ist ein Fünf-Alarm-Anal-Alarm.

Yurizan Beltran In 'Geburtstag diagnos-ass'

Yurizan Beltran - Geburtstag diagnos-ass

Dr. Blue muss an seinem Geburtstag arbeiten, und wie Sie sich vorstellen können, ist er nicht gerade begeistert. Als seine Kollegen ihm einen Birthady-Cupcake bringen, bläst er die Kerze aus und macht einen Wunsch: für eine große Beute Latina, die mag! Sobald sein nächster Kunde durch die Tür geht, eine vollbusige Brünette namens Yurizan Beltran, die nichts als ein Krankenhauskleid, einen Analplug und einige sexy Dessous trägt, weiß Mick, dass er seinen Wunsch bekommen hat! Sie saugt seinen fetten Schwanz, knebelt auf dem Schwanz, wie er ihr hübsches Gesicht fickt, und dann ihre enge Muschi, bis sie hart cumming und tropft nass. Schließlich nimmt er den Arschstopfen aus ihrem saftigen Arsch, damit er Bälle tief in diese fette Beute gehen kann, und fickt dann ihren Arsch hart. Schade Geburtstage kommen nur einmal im Jahr!

Britney Amber In 'Skihasen'

Britney Amber - Skihasen

Britney Amber und Yurizan Beltran sind mit ihren Freundinnen im Skiurlaub. Während die Jungs auf der Piste beschäftigt sind, beschäftigen sich Britney und Yurizan mit ein wenig dampfender lesbischer Action! Sie fingern und lecken sich gegenseitig die leckeren nassen Pussies, wenn eine rechtzeitige Unterbrechung von Mick Blue ihren lesbischen Nachmittag in einen erstaunlichen analen Dreier verwandelt! Mick fickt jedes Loch im Raum, geht Bälle tief in ihre Pussies, Münder und große saftige Esel, wie sie abwechselnd cumming über seinen fetten Schwanz!

Yurizan Beltran In 'Biegen Sie um, valentine'

Yurizan Beltran - Biegen Sie um, valentine

Yurizan und Johnny sind seit ein paar Jahren verheiratet, aber es bedeutet nicht, dass das Feuer in ihren Lenden weit gediehen ist! Es ist Valentinstag, und die schöne Yurizan hat etwas Besonderes für Johnny im Badezimmer geplant, mit ihren wunderschönen Brüsten und ihrem süßen kleinen Arsch. Komm bald nach Hause, Johnny!

Yurizan Beltran In 'Happy Anniversary, Schlampe'

Yurizan Beltran - Happy Anniversary, Schlampe

Es ist der Hochzeitstag von Yurizan Beltran und Johnny Sins, und die beiden speisen in einem gehobenen Restaurant, um diesen bedeutsamen Anlass zu feiern. Johnny hat Yurizian eine atemberaubende Halskette gekauft. Sie hingegen hat ein viel kreativeres Geschenk im Sinn. Sie wird 24 Stunden lang Johnnys komplette und totale Sexsklavin sein. Alles, was er ihr sagt zu tun, sie HAT zu tun. Johnny verschwendet wenig Zeit damit, diese Theorie zu testen, seine Frau hat ihre Bereitschaft direkt im Restaurant unter Beweis stellen lassen. Sobald er sicher ist, dass seine Frau wirklich für alles da ist, fickt er sie für das, was das beste Jubiläum aller Zeiten sein könnte!

Yurizan Beltran In 'Boink Club'

Yurizan Beltran - Boink Club

Es ist das monatliche Treffen des Ladies Book Club, und Mai Ly ist neu in der Gruppe. Es ist ihre erste Nacht weg von ihrem neuen Ehemann, also wird Yurizan Beltran dafür sorgen, dass Mai sich besonders fühlt.

Yurizan Beltran In 'Reiben Sie einen heraus'

Yurizan Beltran - Reiben Sie einen heraus

Yurizan verbringt viel Zeit damit, eine Behandlung zu bekommen, um sich gut aussehen zu lassen. Nägel, Haare und Haut. Heute bekommt sie eine unerwartete Behandlung, die ihr das Gefühl gibt, besser zu sein als jeder alte Salonjob, den sie gewohnt ist, und sie könnte sich nie wieder mit einer Pediküre zufrieden geben.

Yurizan Beltran In 'Kaution in Schlampe'

Yurizan Beltran - Kaution in Schlampe

Ramon will Yurizan den sexiesten Erzähler an seiner Nachbarschaftsbank ficken. Das einzige Problem ist, dass er pleite ist und Yurizan ihm nicht das Licht der Welt geben wird, bis er seine Scheiße zusammenbekommen kann. Zum Glück kommt Ramon in etwas Geld, was bedeutet, dass er in der Lage sein wird, eine große Einzahlung in Yurizan zu machen.

Yurizan Beltran In 'Handy-Hahn-Attacke'

Yurizan Beltran - Handy-Hahn-Attacke

Yurizan liebt es, sich während der Arbeit zu fingern, sie wird so nass, dass ihre Säfte zwischen ihren Fingern aufsaugen. Je geiler sie bekommt, desto mehr wünscht sie sich einen Schwanz. Danny ist Leiter der IT-Abteilung, er wird von Yurizan angerufen, um zu überprüfen, ob der Computer unter ihrem Schreibtisch funktioniert; dabei kniet er nieder, nur um zu sehen, wie sie ihre Muschi in sein Gesicht ausbreitet. Es ist klar, was er jetzt reparieren muss.

Yurizan Beltran In 'Spielen mit meinen Tennisbällen'

Yurizan Beltran - Spielen mit meinen Tennisbällen

Jeden Tag praktiziert Yurizan Tennis. Als sie anfing, war sie nicht so gut, aber heutzutage sieht sie aus wie ein Profi. Ihr Trainer Jordan zeigt sich, um seinen Schüler zu überprüfen. Er ist ziemlich beeindruckt, aber es braucht mehr als ein paar nette Volleys, um Jordan Ash zu beeindrucken. Yurizan kann sehen, wie er sie anschaut, und sie weiß genau, was zu tun ist, um ihn zu begeistern. Zeit, ihm ihre Ballhandhabungsfähigkeiten zu zeigen.

Yurizan Beltran In 'Ich fühle mich wie Orientail heute Abend'

Yurizan Beltran - Ich fühle mich wie Orientail heute Abend

Johnny und seine Freundin essen in einem chinesischen Restaurant, wo Orange Chicken und Chow Mein nicht die einzigen Dinge auf der Speisekarte sind! Yurizan und ihre erstaunlichen Titten gelten bei Oodles of Noodles als ziemliche Delikatesse, da Johnny dabei ist, aus erster Hand zu erleben, sobald seine Dame es aus der Hand hochhält.

Krissy Lynn In 'Also, ich heiratete einen Deich'

Krissy Lynn - Also, ich heiratete einen Deich

Yurizan und Krissy sind heimliche lesbische Liebhaber, die nach einem Autounfall ins Krankenhaus geeilt werden, nichts Ernstes, aber sie brauchen Aufmerksamkeit für Peitschenhiebe. Während er auf einen Arzt wartet, verrät Yurizan Krissy einige wichtige Informationen, gerade als der Arzt Jordan eintrifft. Er entdeckt bald die Wahrheit und will es noch einmal erreichen.

Yurizan Beltran In 'Regieren mit meiner musidieren'

Yurizan Beltran - Regieren mit meiner musidieren

Yurizan ist die RA (Resident Adviser) am College und sie ist dafür bekannt, dass jeder die Regeln befolgt. James ist ein neuer Student und sie sorgt dafür, dass er sein Zimmer bekommt und alle Prozeduren versteht, einschließlich keiner Mädchen in den Zimmern. James schleicht ein Mädchen in sein Zimmer und Yurizan erwischt ihn, so dass er bezahlen, indem er den letzten Tropfen Sperma aus seinen Bällen drückt.

April O'Neil In 'Salsa-Verführung'

April O'Neil - Salsa-Verführung

Aprils Freund glaubt nicht, dass sie sexy genug ist, also beschließt sie, einige Salsa-Lektionen zu nehmen, um zu lernen, wie man ihren Körper auf sexy Weise bewegt. Der Lehrer, Yurizan, weiß genau, wie man dieses Problem löst. Nach ein paar Aufwärmbewegungen zeigt sie April, wie man eine echte Frau ist.

Shay Sights In 'Der lange Dildo des Gesetzes'

Shay Sights - Der lange Dildo des Gesetzes

Yurizans Urlaub auf Hawaii ist vorbei, aber ihre Probleme mit dem Gesetz haben gerade erst begonnen. Nachdem sie drogenfrei bei einer Ganzkörper-Hohlraumsuche gefunden hat, gibt Officer Shay ihrem Gefangenen die Chance, frei zu kommen, wenn sie einer zweiten Untersuchung zustimmt, diesmal durch den langen Dildo des Gesetzes.

Szenen von anderen Websites mit Yurizan Beltran

Yurizan Beltran In 'fucking in the living room with her tattoos'

Yurizan Beltran - fucking in the living room with her tattoos

Yurizan Beltran is so appreciative of her husband for taking her on their vacation to wine country that she's more than happy to cook him dinner. More than that, she's happy to suck his cock and let him fuck her and suck her big tits after a long day at work. She's ready and willing to take a massive cumshot in her face, which her husband appropriately delivers to her.

Yurizan Beltran In 'Yurizan Beltran'

Yurizan Beltran - Yurizan Beltran

I'm a sex addict. I'm married and I love my wife to death, but she just doesn't do it for me in the sack, plain and simple. I hook up with chicks a lot because my sexual appetite is so big. Insatiable. And tonight I'm getting my fill by way of Yurizan Beltran. God, it's going to be amazing. Her huge tits and sweet fucking ass, and that petite, voluptuous body packaged in fishnets and red heels. My dick is getting hard just thinking about it; I can't imagine what it's going to be like balls-deep in her throat and pussy.

Yurizan Beltran In 'fucking in the office with her outie pussy'

Yurizan Beltran - fucking in the office with her outie pussy

Yurizan Beltran is in her co-worker Danny's office, helping him with some things, when she bends over to get a file for him and catches him checking out her big juicy booty. She's so turned on that he's looking at her that she wants to cut to the chase and fuck! They agree to not tell each's significant others in exchange for a nice closed-door fuck in the office!

Ella Milano In 'fucking in the bedroom with her piercings'

Ella Milano - fucking in the bedroom with her piercings

Ella Milano is a horny-ass sorority chick who meets a random stud at the bar and brings him back to her house for some fun. He tells her he wants to go to the after party with her, but she tells him that the after party is in her room. When he follows her there, he finds Ella's horny roommate Yurizan Beltran sitting on the bed, awaiting his hard, big dick. Everybody gets naked and the lucky stud gets two chicks on his cock in a hot, wet threesome!!!

Yurizan Beltran In 'fucking in the couch with her big tits'

Yurizan Beltran - fucking in the couch with her big tits

Yurizan Beltran is taking her girlfriend's man Jordan to his own birthday party, where his chick is waiting for him. But Jordan is nervous, and confesses to Yurizan that he's thinking of proposing. He shows her the ring, and she accidentally knocks it on the ground. She searches for it with her big fat ass up in the air, giving Jordan a massive erection, and when she sees it, she's ready to fuck! Jordan doesn't know what to do, but the busty Latina convinces him that he needs a nice final fuck before he gets hitched!!!

Yurizan Beltran In 'fucking in the living room with her tits'

Yurizan Beltran - fucking in the living room with her tits

Sexy soap opera star Yurizan Beltran answers her door to find a man collecting signatures for a vote who turns out to be a huge fan of hers! He asks about acting and what it takes to make it in Hollywood, and whether he can meet her director husband. Yurizan's other half isn't home at the moment, but she gives the solicitor a lesson in how to climb the ladder in Hollywood ' by putting his big dick in her cheating wet pussy!

Yurizan Beltran In 'fucking in the office with her tits'

Yurizan Beltran - fucking in the office with her tits

Yurizan Beltran is fucking steamed! She storms into her boss's office fulla piss and vinegar, throwing books around and cussing at him. She can't believe she received a pink slip after working there for so many years. You can't fire me, I QUIT! she says. But before she leaves, her boss tells her that the termination memo was for Jennifer, not for her; he even points out the name at the top. Big tits Yurizan grovels to keep her job by performing another kind of job for her boss -- a blowjob! Oh, the antics!

Yurizan Beltran In 'fucking in the bedroom with her piercings'

Yurizan Beltran - fucking in the bedroom with her piercings

Yurizan Beltran is out of town, and phones her husband to tell him that she accidentally missed her flight, and that she'll have to catch the next one in the morning. Funny thing is that the horny, big-tittied Latina is telling him this all the while lying on a hotel bed in lingerie with another man biting on her fat juicy ass! The adulteress gets what she wants - a ribald romp with a man who actually makes her cum!

Yurizan Beltran In 'fucking in the living room with her big tits'

Yurizan Beltran - fucking in the living room with her big tits

Yurizan was driving home from a long day when she ran a stop sign! When she came to a complete stop Yurizan realized that she hit a man on a motorcycle. The man happen to be Charles. She takes Charles inside to her home to make sure Charles wasn't badly injured. Yurizan checks to make sure Charles' bones are fine and working properly.

Yurizan Beltran In 'fucking in the bed with her tits'

Yurizan Beltran - fucking in the bed with her tits

Yurizan is at home with an injured foot, so her boyfriend sends his son, Rocco, by to check up on her. When Rocco pops in and asks how she's doing, Yurizan says her back is hurting her a bit and that she wants him to rub it. He agrees to help her since he's studying to be a chiropractor, but when she flips over and asks him to rub her belly, Rocco gets a little uneasy. Yurizan calms him by kissing him ... then sucking his dick, riding it, and then taking his load in her mouth. Hopefully that helps her back.

April O'Neil In 'fucking in the living room with her tits'

April O'Neil - fucking in the living room with her tits

Rocco is an attorney who is trying to serve Yurizan Beltran an order to appear in court. The gorgeous girl who answers the door says she isn't Yurizan, but her roommate April instead. She pumps him for information on what the problem is, and right as Yurizan is making her move to seduce the hapless attorney, April appears and calls her "Yurizan"! Rocco is confused, and Yurizan has to go over and whisper the situation AND ask April for her help. Maybe these 2 conniving girls can get out of a legal jam with big boobs and a tight pussy.

Yurizan Beltran In 'fucking in the bedroom with her big ass'

Yurizan Beltran - fucking in the bedroom with her big ass

Jordan comes home from a long day of work and finds Yurizan studying in his sister's room. He is tired and they talk about life and each other's struggles. They slowly develop a certain chemistry and soon she is resting her head on his chest. They make eye contact and soon they are passionately kissing. It seems he isn't too tired to satisfy Yurizan right there on his sister's bed!

Yurizan Beltran In 'Latina Yurizan Beltran fucking in the bed with her tattoos'

Yurizan Beltran - Latina Yurizan Beltran fucking in the bed with her tattoos

Anthony is over repairing Mrs. Beltran's TV when he discovers a hidden surveillance camera that has footage of her husband fucking someone else. She is incensed, but decides the best revenge is beating him at his own game. So she fucks Anthony on her bed in full view of the camera.

Aiden Ashley In 'fucking in the doctor's office with her tits'

Aiden Ashley - fucking in the doctor's office with her tits

Nurse Yurizan Beltran is cleaning up at work when her friend and co-worker's sister Aiden Ashley comes by to scoop up her sister's check for her. But Yurizan is wondering why Aiden is dressed a little 'uncouth' and asks her. When she finds out that Aiden kissed Dr. Hodgins the other day, and intends to go out on a date with him, the busty Latina gets en fuego because she kissed the doctor the other day. A short, hot catfight ensues, but when the two doctor disciples find another pair of panties in the office, they suspect the quack prescribed himself another dose of pussy. So what they do? If ya can't beat 'em, join 'em'

Yurizan Beltran In 'Cartel Sex'

Yurizan Beltran - Cartel Sex

Alex has been on the trail of a local cartel's drug running operation, but things go sideways when he corners Yurizan to bring her in. She pulls out her massive tits and takes his cock down her throat, erasing any ideas Alex had about taking her in for questioning.

Yurizan Beltran In 'Bra Busters 2'

Yurizan Beltran - Bra Busters 2

Yurizan Beltran is a brunette slut with giant tits and an insatiable pussy. Mr. Pete goes to town on this vixen in this scene from Bra Busters #2. She sucks his cock and he gives it right back to her by sucking on her giant tits and filling her pussy up with his big cock. This beautiful, tattooed babe loves to ride and scream - yup, she's a loud one, and it's fucking hot. See this pretty girl take a nice, big, wet load to her face too - what else could you want?

Yurizan Beltran In 'The things of fame'

Yurizan Beltran - The things of fame

When someone mentions Yurizan Beltran's name, many things can jump into our mind. Some will remember of those gloriously big boobs, others will mention her sparkling eyes or silky lips, or even her bubble butt or sweet pink pussy. Now she gives another reason to talk about her... with this beautiful footjob she surely will smuggle herself into our heart.

Siri In 'X-Ray Porn Glasses'

Siri - X-Ray Porn Glasses

A knock on the door and it's a package for X-Ray Porn Glasses! Once he places them on his face, he can visualize girls masturbating and he even engaged in a poolside ménage à trois with his step-sister and friend! Too bad, it was just the glasses…

Jana Darling In 'Best POV facials'

Jana Darling - Best POV facials

Have you ever imagined how would it feel? Giving facials to these hot babes after a good blowjob? Well, we played with the thought and decided to make a compilation purely out of POV cumshots. We hope you will love it.

Yurizan Beltran In 'Summertime Love'

Yurizan Beltran - Summertime Love

This passionate Latina with an amazing bosom has found her lover in the pool. As soon as they're alone she seductively strips naked and gets him helplessly hard as they make love in the water!

Yurizan Beltran In 'Pearl Necklaces'

Yurizan Beltran - Pearl Necklaces

Exotic Yurizan Beltran is a curvy, hugely busty Latina always hungry for a hard dick. She primps and poses in the bathroom mirror, admiring the way her skimpy, new bikini shows off her big, soft rack. Horny director Kevin Moore can't keep his hands off, and soon Yurizan kneels to slurp on his stiff boner. In the bedroom, this fiery, raven-haired fox wraps her immense hooters around Kevin's prick and bends over to finger her juicy pussy for the camera. After more intimate titty-fucking fun, Yurizan's comely cleavage is basted in spunky sperm.

Yurizan Beltran In 'and Ryan Mclane in I Have a Wife'

Yurizan Beltran - I Have A Wife

Yurizan Beltran has an issue with her homeowners association. She painted her house pink and that's not on the approved list of colors. Ryan from the association stops by to let her know that she will have to change it to a pre-approved color. Yurizan really likes pink though and she's willing to do anything to keep her house pink including sucking Ryan's dick and fucking him. Ryan is hesitant at first since he is married, but his wife doesn't suck dick like Yurizan sucks dick.

Yurizan Beltran In 'Yurizan Glam BJ'

Yurizan Beltran - Yurizan Glam BJ

What better way to bring the New Year in than with HOT Latina pornstar Yurizan Beltran. This sultry slut just loves sucking your had cock. And you love looking down at her while she talks to you in her spicy accent when she's not deep throating your stiff dick! This skunk had skills and you have no problem letting her jerk and suck you off until you explode all your milky goo all over her face.

Yurizan Beltran In 'Meeting Yuri'

Yurizan Beltran - Meeting Yuri

Sexy and sensual Latina Yurizan Beltran is one striking beauty that just loves turing it on for the camera! With her supple tits and sweet tight pussy, she loves tantalizing you by slowly stripping and masturbating her perfect body just for you. Enjoy getting off to this hot little number!

Yurizan Beltran In 'Yurizan's Fan'

Yurizan Beltran - Yurizan's Fan

You have always been a fan of Latina pornstars, but you have been a HUGE fan of Yurizan Beltran! Her thick long hair, tanned skin and amazing eyes always gets your cock so hard! After searching the internet, you are able to reach her and are elated when she responds almost instantly. You schedule a pornstar date and count the minutes for her arrival. She shows up prettier than you could have imagined. Much prettier than her movies. She quickly changes and returns. Your nerves are quickly overcome by your devious libido and she starts sucking and fucking you until you cum all over her pretty little face. Who could have ever imagined you would be blowing your fat wad all over sexy face?!

Yurizan Beltran In 'and Jordan Ash in Latin Adultery'

Yurizan Beltran - Latin Adultery

Yurizan Beltran has a problem: she likes to fuck her husband's employees. She got caught twice already, and those two poor bastards got canned. But now she's going after Jordan while he's working in the vineyards. But Jordan knows what she's up to and tells her not to try anything sneaky. She relents and asks him to just help her move something in the wine shed, but when he obeys and enters, the Latina laughs her big tits off because he fell for it -- and now she's gonna suck his massive cock and fuck him until he sprays all over her jugs!

Yurizan Beltran In 'and Tyler Nixon in My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

Yurizan Beltran - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

Tyler's looking for his dad, but can only find his pop's girlfriend Yurizan Beltran, who tells him his father went to the hardware store to pick up some things to fix the doorknob in the bedroom. Too bad Tyler shuts the door behind him because when the knob falls off, they're both locked in. While waiting for his dad to rescue them, Tyler tells his dad's girlfriend that he thinks she's too young for him. Surprisingly, Yurizan agrees, and tells Tyler that she should be fucking someone more her own age -- like him. Next thing ya know, Tyler's staring at his dad's girlfriend's massive tits and banging her amazing Latina pussy before she sucks him off. Guess Dad's too late on bringing the hammer.

Yurizan Beltran In 'POV Jugg Fuckers 5'

Yurizan Beltran - POV Jugg Fuckers 5

Busty, little Latina cutie Yurizan Beltran has a nice, big set of knockers she loves showing off for director Jonni Darkko. While he films POV-style, she massages her soft, hanging globes and lets him tug on her amazingly long, jutting nipples. Next, Yurizan wraps her hungry lips around the director's stiff boner, bobs her head on his dick, slurps on his nut sack and squeezes Jonni's greased shaft between her giant, bouncy melons. She pumps his throbbing pole with her plush titties until he fills her mouth with creamy cum; then Yurizan drools his gooey load into her cleavage.

Yurizan Beltran In 'Tattooed Anal Sluts 2'

Yurizan Beltran - Tattooed Anal Sluts 2

Luscious Latina Yurizan Beltran, a short, exotic, tattooed beauty, is craves some nasty anal fun with director Mike Adriano. This curvy little doll teases Mike's POV camera, unveiling a pair of huge, wobbly tits with her plump, jiggling booty packed inside skintight "jeggings." Mike tongues this gorgeous babe's sensitive butthole and receives an expert, gagging blow job. Yurizan wraps her soft boobs around the director's massive shaft, then bends over for a butt-fuck. She slurps Mike's cock ass-to-mouth. Using a speculum, he makes her anus gape; after her rectum's been thoroughly stretched, he spurts a spermy load in Yurizan's cleavage.

Yurizan Beltran In 'and Will Powers in Latin Adultery'

Yurizan Beltran - Latin Adultery

Yurizan Beltran's family is flying in from Mexico tomorrow to visit her, so she's having her chef prepare an authentic, hot and spicy Mexican meal for them all to enjoy. But when he shows her samples of the dishes he's prepared for the feast, nothing on the menu is what she had requested. He tells her that he and his staff will be able to fix any issue she has ... but Yurizan eventually decides there is one thing she thinks she'll like: his massive dick in her mouth! The big tits Latina fucks her cook until he shoots his own secret cream sauce all over her face ... delicious!

Yurizan Beltran In 'Anal Intrusion'

Yurizan Beltran - Anal Intrusion

Curvaceous, exotic Yurizan Beltran, in lacy bra and panties with sheer stockings, flaunts her huge knockers and plush body for director Mike Adriano. He tastes her puckered butthole and slurps on her fat jugs and sweet pussy. She worships the director's big cock, gagging and drooling in a wet, slobbery blow job, and squeezes Mike's shaft between her boobies. Mike shoves his thick pole up Yurizan's tender asshole, plows deeply and lets the nasty slut suck it clean. After this tattooed cutie's gaping anus has been well reamed, Mike splatters her round butt cheeks with a load of hot jizz.

Francesca Le In 'Latina Anal Sluts'

Francesca Le - Latina Anal Sluts

Big tits and ass anal latin girls, fisting and strap-on!

Yurizan Beltran In 'The Hooker Experience'

Yurizan Beltran - The Hooker Experience

An anonymous john is looking for illicit pleasure, and curvaceous, exotic Yurizan Beltran is a high-end hooker who more than fits his requirements. After arranging a meeting by phone, the sultry professional slut applies make-up and primps for her date, sliding into sheer stockings and seductive lingerie that shows off her fat jugs to full advantage. When her customer arrives, Yurizan teases him with her plump, round ass and wraps her lips around his throbbing boner. This tattooed seductress rides his stiff dick in several positions. Finally, Yurizan spreads her cheeks and her phat booty is splattered with hot jism.

Yurizan Beltran In 'and Kris Slater in Housewife 1 on 1'

Yurizan Beltran - Housewife 1 on 1

Yurizan Beltran is so appreciative of her husband for taking her on their vacation to wine country that she's more than happy to cook him dinner. More than that, she's happy to suck his cock and let him fuck her and suck her big tits after a long day at work. She's ready and willing to take a massive cumshot in her face, which her husband appropriately delivers to her.

Yurizan Beltran In 'Suck It Dry 10'

Yurizan Beltran - Suck It Dry 10

Exotic brunette Yurizan Beltran is hungry for a hard cock. In fishnet stockings this sultry minx teases the camera, releasing her huge jugs from sheer lingerie. She wraps her lips around Winston Burbank's gigantic prick and slurps his massive schlong while he films her POV-style. The seductive oral slut suckles Winston's ball sack; Yurizan tenderly paints his throbbing shaft with her tongue, worshiping and squeezing the big tool between her plump tits until he can take no more. His thick member erupts hot semen, splattering Yurizan's gorgeous face in spurts of creamy goo.

Aleksa Nicole In 'Bikini Clad Cum Sluts 2'

Aleksa Nicole - Bikini Clad Cum Sluts 2

Lounging by the pool in sexy little bikinis, exotic Latina sluts Aleksa Nicole and Yurizan Beltran oil each other up. Well-hung stud Mark Ashley offers to help. In no time, the busty beauties unzip his pants and wrap their luscious lips around his massive cock, using teamwork to pleasure his huge boner. Each girl gets on all fours for a doggie-style drilling from Mark's enormous tool as the other tastes her friend's juices on his shaft. Aleksa gets fingered to a squirting climax and Yurizan pumps Mark's dick between her jugs. Finally these sultry sluts share his spermy load.

Yurizan Beltran In 'Juicy tits with a nice ass'

Yurizan Beltran - Juicy tits with a nice ass

We have the jaw dropping Yurizan Beltran on today's BigTitsRoundAsses update. Holy fucking shit this chick is fucking hot. Smoking thick juicy ass, and huge fucking tits. She looks so yummy it almost wants to make you lick the screen. Her tits are incredible, sexy and juicy and look so mouth watering. Dane comes through to make sure this pussy gets a serious Bang Bros certified pounding

Yurizan Beltran In 'and Danny Wylde in Naughty Office'

Yurizan Beltran - Naughty Office

Yurizan Beltran is in her co-worker Danny's office, helping him with some things, when she bends over to get a file for him and catches him checking out her big juicy booty. She's so turned on that he's looking at her that she wants to cut to the chase and fuck! They agree to not tell each's significant others in exchange for a nice closed-door fuck in the office!

Ella Milano In '2 Chicks Same Time'

Ella Milano - 2 Chicks Same Time

Ella Milano is a horny-ass sorority chick who meets a random stud at the bar and brings him back to her house for some fun. He tells her he wants to go to the after party with her, but she tells him that the after party is in her room. When he follows her there, he finds Ella's horny roommate Yurizan Beltran sitting on the bed, awaiting his hard, big dick. Everybody gets naked and the lucky stud gets two chicks on his cock in a hot, wet threesome!!!

Yurizan Beltran In 'Titty Creampies 3'

Yurizan Beltran - Titty Creampies 3

Exotic, busty Yurizan Beltran is a curvy, huge-breasted Latina who's always hungry for a hard dick. She primps and poses in the bathroom mirror, admiring the way her skimpy, new bikini shows off her big, soft rack. Horny director Kevin Moore can't keep his hands off, and soon Yurizan kneels to slurp on his stiff boner. They go to the bedroom, where this fiery, raven-haired fox wraps her immense hooters around Kevin's prick and bends over to finger her juicy pussy for the camera. After more intimate titty-fucking fun, Yurizan's comely cleavage is basted in spunky sperm.

Yurizan Beltran In 'Creampie for a hot Latina'

Yurizan Beltran - Creampie for a hot Latina

Yurizan Beltran is a sexy tattooed latina with big tits and a juicy ass. Mirko is in for a great fuck. he has no clue what he has in font of him. To pound pussy like this is hard to come by. So, don't be that jackass who misses this awesome update of BigTitCreampie. Believe me! You'll enjoy.

Sara Jay In 'Dorm invasion at college party'

Sara Jay - Dorm invasion at college party

The Dorms are a Buzz after this weekends events. Thats right we did it again. We found another dorm full of young horny co-eds and threw in some Porn Stars into the mix. Thats right this week we brought the big guns. Sara Jay and her fat ass! She wants to fuck around with these young boys and turn them in to men with the power of her enormously good ass. Yurizan Beltran who is on of the cutest latinas to be in the industry and truly a fan favorite. And finally, the ring leader Alexis Fawx, who knows how to stir the pot and get the party rolling. Check it out!!

Yurizan Beltran In 'Her tits are huge and amazing'

Yurizan Beltran - Her tits are huge and amazing

Big Tits Round Asses proudly presents to you the sexy Yurizan Beltran.

Yurizan Beltran In 'Dick sucking at its finest'

Yurizan Beltran - Dick sucking at its finest

On todays update of Blow Job Friday we have our self a new talented,

Yurizan Beltran In 'Yurizan's Creampie Filled Pussy'

Yurizan Beltran - Yurizan's Creampie Filled Pussy

This week on Big Tit Creampie we have the pleasure of watching Yurizan get her tits little latin pussy stuffed then filled to the brim with hot baby batter. Chris stokes is one lucky guy, and he takes full advantage at the situation we provided him with. Yurizan is so hot, she has massive juicy tits, and round ass that is just made to be bent over getting stuffed with cock. After watching her get fucked in every position possible Chris stokes gives her the treat she came over craving and she leave one happy customer. Enjoy

Yurizan Beltran In 'and Jordan Ash in Naughty Office'

Yurizan Beltran - Naughty Office

Yurizan Beltran is fucking steamed! She storms into her boss's office fulla piss and vinegar, throwing books around and cussing at him. She can't believe she received a pink slip after working there for so many years. You can't fire me, I QUIT! she says. But before she leaves, her boss tells her that the termination memo was for Jennifer, not for her; he even points out the name at the top. Big tits Yurizan grovels to keep her job by performing another kind of job for her boss -- a blowjob! Oh, the antics!

Yurizan Beltran In 'and Derrick Pierce in Latin Adultery'

Yurizan Beltran - Latin Adultery

Yurizan Beltran is out of town, and phones her husband to tell him that she accidentally missed her flight, and that she'll have to catch the next one in the morning. Funny thing is that the horny, big-tittied Latina is telling him this all the while lying on a hotel bed in lingerie with another man biting on her fat juicy ass! The adulteress gets what she wants - a ribald romp with a man who actually makes her cum!

Phoenix Marie In 'The Bangover'

Phoenix Marie - The Bangover

Ryan jams his cock in six girls in a sevensome orgy that you'll never forget! After a day of partying, these girls fuck the shit out of the Madison's and each other. They ride Ryan's stick and eat each others cunts out making them cum over and over again. They line their pussies up and get their clams filled to the limit before Ry...

Yurizan Beltran In 'Puta Gets The Boot'

Yurizan Beltran - Puta Gets The Boot

Last night Yurizan was fucking her tranny lover, today the puta gets the boot. She has nowhere to live and only the clothes on her back. Kelly was there to save the day! Kelly takes her home where they get buck-naked and start partying. Yurizan shoves her wet tongue deep in her rescuers pussy and takes the fattest cock over and over. These two s...

Yurizan Beltran In 'Yurizan likes to get dirty dirty on a hand job'

Yurizan Beltran - Yurizan likes to get dirty dirty on a hand job

Yo Yurizan is a freak. Freak nasty should be her name. She likes to do all the nastiest things when she's getting fucked. She likes spit all over a cock until her hands are all wet from her saliva, because she likes to the feel of her hands rubbing a big cock. Yorizan also likes to talk dirty to her man because she was saying some shit that almost made me cum and I'm the camera man! You want to see a bad Ass Chick with big ass titties do it and do it well this is the episode that you cant miss. Enjoy suckas!

Yurizan Beltran In 'Yurizan and the Refugee'

Yurizan Beltran - Yurizan and the Refugee

Hey its time for another fun week Here At BangBros. central. This week we have the very beautiful and talented Yorizan Beltran. She mostly does Girl Girl videos, but lately she's been missing out on some deep dicking so where does she go to get her big dose..That's right, us!

Yurizan Beltran In 'Yurizan's Foot Domination'

Yurizan Beltran - Yurizan's Foot Domination

Welcome back my foot maniacs, this week we have the lovely Yurizan giving a dominating foot job to Mojito. This chick is smoking hot, huge natural tits, firm juicy ass and a gorgeous face. She waste no time getting into the swing of things and getting Mojito to worship her adorable feet. Hearing her dominate him and tell him what to do is such a huge turn on, who wouldn't love to worship this hot girls feet? Enjoy cause I know i damn sure did.

Yurizan Beltran In 'A Thanksgiving Stuffing'

Yurizan Beltran - A Thanksgiving Stuffing

Let us give thanks for big tits. Let us give thanks for round asses and let us give a special thanks for hot chicks who love to fuck! While we're at it let's give thanks to Bang Bros for providing us with a hearty dish of Mexican mama for those of us who have big appetites and love to suck on tits that can't fit in our mouths! Let's give thanks to Seth for bringing us one of the hottest chicks ever and convincing her to take her clothes off just so we can see her ginormous tatas! Give thanks for Yurizan Beltran and her bodacious body. Yurizan gets fucked right on the beach and loves it. She rides Seths face, ducks his cock and lets him pound that pussy doggy style till she cums all over the place. Ahhh Thanksgiving is a special holiday! Enjoy!

Yurizan Beltran In 'Dick For the FIrst Time'

Yurizan Beltran - Dick For the FIrst Time

So Big Tits Round Ass has a real special treat, you know us here at Bang Bros love to give all you loyal fans a special treat from time to time. Remember a few episodes back with Sarah Stone & her hot ass friend Yurizan? Well she is back and ready to get her tight pussy dicked down and left creamy. Mike has the pleasure of busting this pussy wide open and making her moan and scream like a wild banshee. We get a up close and personal look at this chicks huge natural tits and oh boy was it a fucking treat, this is def one of the hottest episodes in a while. Enjoy

Yurizan Beltran In 'and Jordan Ash in My Girlfriend's Busty Friend'

Yurizan Beltran - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

Yurizan Beltran is taking her girlfriend's man Jordan to his own birthday party, where his chick is waiting for him. But Jordan is nervous, and confesses to Yurizan that he's thinking of proposing. He shows her the ring, and she accidentally knocks it on the ground. She searches for it with her big fat ass up in the air, giving Jordan a massive erection, and when she sees it, she's ready to fuck! Jordan doesn't know what to do, but the busty Latina convinces him that he needs a nice final fuck before he gets hitched!!!

Yurizan Beltran In 'and Charles Dera in Latin Adultery'

Yurizan Beltran - Latin Adultery

Yurizan was driving home from a long day when she ran a stop sign! When she came to a complete stop Yurizan realized that she hit a man on a motorcycle. The man happen to be Charles. She takes Charles inside to her home to make sure Charles wasn't badly injured. Yurizan checks to make sure Charles' bones are fine and working properly.

Yurizan Beltran In 'and Mick Blue in Latin Adultery'

Yurizan Beltran - Latin Adultery

Sexy soap opera star Yurizan Beltran answers her door to find a man collecting signatures for a vote who turns out to be a huge fan of hers! He asks about acting and what it takes to make it in Hollywood, and whether he can meet her director husband. Yurizan's other half isn't home at the moment, but she gives the solicitor a lesson in how to climb the ladder in Hollywood . by putting his big dick in her cheating wet pussy!

Aiden Ashley In 'My Sisters Hot Friend'

Aiden Ashley - My Sisters Hot Friend

Nurse Yurizan Beltran is cleaning up at work when her friend and co-worker's sister Aiden Ashley comes by to scoop up her sister's check for her. But Yurizan is wondering why Aiden is dressed a little .uncouth. and asks her. When she finds out that Aiden kissed Dr. Hodgins the other day, and intends to go out on a date with him, the busty Latina gets en fuego because she kissed the doctor the other day. A short, hot catfight ensues, but when the two doctor disciples find another pair of panties in the office, they suspect the quack prescribed himself another dose of pussy. So what they do? If ya can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Yurizan Beltran In 'and Jordan Ash in My Sisters Hot Friend'

Yurizan Beltran - My Sisters Hot Friend

Jordan comes home from a long day of work and finds Yurizan studying in his sister's room. He is tired and they talk about life and each other's struggles. They slowly develop a certain chemistry and soon she is resting her head on his chest. They make eye contact and soon they are passionately kissing. It seems he isn't too tired to satisfy Yurizan right there on his sister's bed!

April O'Neil In '2 Chicks Same Time'

April O'Neil - 2 Chicks Same Time

Rocco is an attorney who is trying to serve Yurizan Beltran an order to appear in court. The gorgeous girl who answers the door says she isn't Yurizan, but her roommate April instead. She pumps him for information on what the problem is, and right as Yurizan is making her move to seduce the hapless attorney, April appears and calls her "Yurizan"! Rocco is confused, and Yurizan has to go over and whisper the situation AND ask April for her help. Maybe these 2 conniving girls can get out of a legal jam with big boobs and a tight pussy.

Yurizan Beltran In 'boobs and more boobs'

Yurizan Beltran - boobs and more boobs

Pornstar Yurizan Beltran gets her HUGE tits machine sucked, her pussy pounded by robots while having uncontrollable, intense orgasms.