Who doesn't want to be resting on the beaches of Barcelona with Bridgette B? She's one of the sexiest Spaniards we've ever seen, and her body may just be everything you'll ever need. With crazy curves, a fine ass, and big juicy titties, this hottie is called the "Spanish Doll of Porn" for a reason. So if you're looking for Spain's finest export, you've landed on the right girl. Don't be shy with the Spanish Doll, she'll be gentle - we swear!
Die Renovierungsarbeiten sind abgeschlossen und das Haus des HZTV-Umbauteams steht zum Verkauf! Bridgette B wird mit dem Verkauf des Hauses beauftragt, während Scott Nails mit ihr über die Spezifikationen und die Liste der abgeschlossenen Renovierungen spricht. Während Bridgette den potenziellen Käufern das Haus zeigt, wird Kira nass, während sie ein undichtes Sanitärproblem im Badezimmer repariert. Währenddessen schmuggelt Scott Payton Preslee ins Schlafzimmer, um den ZZ-Fans das zu geben, was sie wirklich sehen wollen: ein paar heiße Hardcore-Ficks! Bridgette kommt bald auf Scott zu, während er das Gesicht tief in Paytons Muschi steckt. Bridgette hat die Nase voll von der Arbeit und spreizt auch ihre Beine für einen spontanen Dreier! Ob das Haus heute verkauft wird oder nicht, sei dahingestellt, aber eines ist sicher: Dieses Haus wurde zum Ficken gebaut!
Der Unterricht ist in vollem Gange und es ist an der Zeit, sich einige der heißesten Brazzers-Babes anzusehen, wie sie ihre Schützlinge in Form bringen! Du kannst viel von dieser Szene lernen, aber selbst dann wirst du vielleicht nie das Niveau einiger der sexiesten Lehrer und Schüler gleichermaßen erreichen. Wenn Sie jemals heiß auf Ihren Lehrer waren, dann ist der Best of Barzzers' Teachers genau das Richtige für Sie!
Manuel Ferrara und seine Freundin versuchen, einen sonnigen Tag zu genießen, aber seine Freundin redet ihm immer wieder die Ohren ab. Zu ihrem Unglück hört Manuel kein Wort, weil er zu sehr von einer heißen Frau, Bridgette B., in ihrer Nähe abgelenkt ist. Bridgette trägt ein Sommerkleid, das ihre epischen Kurven, vor allem ihren, auf die richtige Art und Weise zur Geltung bringt. Nachdem er einen Blick darauf geworfen hat, hat Manuel eine Mission: Er will sich mit Bridgette davonschleichen und den saftigen Arsch hart ficken. Es stellt sich heraus, dass Bridgette mehr als fertig ist, nachdem sie Manuel auf der Lauer gefunden hat. Sie gibt ihm ihren ganzen dicken und den Ritt seines Lebens.
Du hast deine Frau (Bridgette B) heimlich mit ihrem Freund (Ryan Reid) betrogen. Heute fliegt dir das Ganze um die Ohren... oder doch? Als du und Ryan fertig seid, kommt Bridgette nach Hause und erwischt euch. Die Mädels raufen sich kurz, aber sie werden geil und reden sich zu einem sexy Dreier mit dir!
Die total süße Jade Kimiko geht zu ihrem Freund, nur um von BFs Stiefmutter Bridgette B beurteilt und belästigt zu werden. Jade, die sich mehr zu der dominanten Bridgette hingezogen fühlt als zu ihrem eigentlichen Date, macht sich auf die Suche nach Bridgette und erwischt sie beim Spielen mit einem Dildo. Bridgette übernimmt die volle Kontrolle über Jade und fickt sie im ganzen Haus auf die dominanteste Art und Weise. In Bridgettes Haus spielst du nach Bridgettes Regeln.
Die super sexy Bridgette B ist in Öl getränkt und trägt nur einen Netzbody. Isiah ist der glückliche Hengst, der hereinkommen und ihr einen ordentlichen Fick geben darf. Mund, Muschi, Arsch: Isiahs großer Schwanz wird verwendet, um alle Löcher von Bridgette in dieser glühend heißen Szene zu hämmern!
Yoga ist wohl die sexieste Form der Übung und das Best of ZZ - Yoga Stars wird Ihnen hundert Gründe dafür nennen! Enge Yogahosen, große Titten, die in winzige Sport-BHs gestopft sind, und ein Meer von engen, fitten Körpern sind nur einige davon. Schalten Sie ein und sehen Sie zu, wie sich die besten und heißesten von ZZ ausdehnen!
Coco und ihre College-Gegnerin Kaiia sitzen herum und werfen sich gegenseitig mit Stichen, als ein ausgewachsener Wrestling-Kampf über die Fernbedienung ausbricht. Die Mädchen wälzen sich in einem lauten sexy Mädchenkampf und stören den Frieden total. Cocos Mitbewohnerin Bridgette kommt in einem Strudel heraus, um diese kleinen Schlampen zurecht zu rücken - gipfelnd in einem intensiven, von dieser Welt dominanten lesbischen Dreier.
Die wunderschöne Bridgette B und Phoenix Marie werden für ein Fotoshooting verschönert. Ihre erstaunlich kurvigen Körper und Schlafzimmeraugen machen sie zu perfekten Modellen! Als Bridgette und Phoenix eine Pause von den heißen Lichtern machen, kommt die Hobbypraktikantin Coco Lovelock, um aufzuräumen. Als die geile Coco Phoenix' rotes, spitzendes Höschen auf der Couch findet, beschließt sie, etwas Spaß zu haben. Die blonde Bridgette und Phoenix fangen die freche Praktikantin schnell und beschließen, ihr eine Lektion zu erteilen! Die Models nehmen an einem dampfenden Dreier teil, wobei Bridgette und Phoenix Coco genau beibringen, wie man fickt.
Bridgette B hat auf die richtige Zeit und den richtigen Schwanz gewartet, um sie vor ihrem Mann zu ficken, und heute Abend ist die Nacht. Sie hat eine Überraschung für ihren Mann, die ihn zum glücklichsten im ganzen Land machen wird. Sie hat Alex Jones mitgebracht und es ist seine Aufgabe, mit ihren großen, saftigen Titten und ihrem perfekten Arsch umzugehen, während ihr Mann zuschaut und sich benimmt. Bridgette verschlingt jeden Zentimeter von Alex' Schwanz in ihrem Mund und ihrem Arsch und spritzt hart, während ihr Mann zusieht. Versetzen Sie sich in dieser pervy analen POV-Erfahrung in die Position dieses glücklichen Cucks.
Zac Wild ersetzte Bridgette Bs übliche Masseurin und erhält die gewaltige Aufgabe, Bridgette mit verbundenen Augen zu massieren. Bridgette will seine Hände, nicht seine Augen, auf ihren perfekten Kurven, aber sie wird bald seinen Schwanz tief in ihrem Mund, ihrer Muschi und ihrem Arsch haben wollen, sobald sie seine magische Berührung spürt, was zu einem ölgefüllten Ficken auf der Massageliege führt!
Pin-up-Prinzessin Bridgette kommt nach Hause, nachdem sie ein paar Einkäufe gemacht hat, und sie ist heiß, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Als sie Zac Wild fragt, ob er die Klimaanlage einschalten kann, könnte er nicht glücklicher sein. Die Sache ist, Zac hatte einen Kleinen Blick auf Bridgettes schwüle Dessous. Indem er sicherstellt, dass die Klimaanlage in Richtung Bridgettes Kleid bläst, kann der glückliche Mann mehr von den endlosen Beinen und einladenden Oberschenkeln der Frau sehen. Und als Bridgette endlich die Brise auf ihrer Haut spürt, macht sie das sofort geil für Zacs Schwanz.
Busty blonde Hausfrauen Jenna Starr und Bridgette B werden nie zu bekommen. Jenna ist eine prüde Mutter, während Bridgette ein freier Geist ist, der es liebt, sich nackt in ihrem gemeinsamen Hinterhof zu sonnen. Eines Tages, während Jenna den Müll herausnimmt, erwischt sie Bridgette beim Masturbieren mit einem Sexspielzeug durch das Fenster. Die moralistische Frau ist zunächst verrückt, findet sich aber bald von Bridgette so angeschnallen, dass sie anfängt, ihre Muschi zu reiben, während sie guckt. Als Bridgette Jenna erwischt, zieht sie sie nach innen für einen frechen lesbischen Fick, der die gute Frau sicher zum Schreien bringen wird.
Blonde Bombshell Bridgette B stellt Ihnen ihre bunte Hi-Fructose Villa vor. Sie begrüßt ihren Honig Jamie Knoxx, während sie das engste und glänzendste Outfit trägt. Bald ausgezogen, bridgette breitet ihre Beine für ihren Gast und zeigt ihre süße Muschi. Die Diva ist mehr als nur Augenschmaus; sie reitet geschickt Jamies Schwanz, gibt ihm den besten Tittenfick aller Zeiten und ruckelt ihn ab, bis er in ihren hungrigen Mund platzt!
Die Verführerin Bridgette B wird von seinen Bandkollegen in das Hotelzimmer des Rockstars Isiah Maxwell geschickt, die hoffen, dass sie ihn dazu bringen kann, seine kontrollierende Frau zu betrügen und sich von ihr zu lösen. Nach einem sexy Striptease, der Bridgette Bes unvergessliche Brüste und den hüpfenden Hintern zeigt, stürzt Sichai endlich ein und füttert Bridgettes eifriges Arschloch mit seinem harten Schwanz.
Mick Blue hat gerade ein Ferienhaus für das Wochenende gemietet, aber seine sexy, wartungsstarke Frau Bridgette B... nicht so sehr. Bridgette schwül und beschwert sich über alles im Haus. Zum Glück ist Mick ein Experte im Umgang mit Bridgettes Stimmungen und weiß, wie man sie aufmuntert. Er holt eine Flasche Massageöl und beginnt, ihre Füße zu reiben, bevor er ihren schönen massiert. Sobald Bridgette aufgeweicht hat, zieht Mick seinen Schwanz heraus, um ihr ein gutes Ficken zu geben, was ein sicherer Weg ist, um jeden Konflikt zu lösen.
Bridgette B ist die rote heiße große Beute Babe, die Sie geträumt haben, ihre großen sexy Titten schieben die Grenzen ihrer Dessous, wie sie verführt und neckt Sie. Bridgette gibt Keiran Lees Schwanz einen langen, tiefen Saugen, nimmt es den ganzen Weg nach unten ihre Kehle, wie sie es schön und lubed up, bevor sie es mit ihren stämmigen Füßen streichelt, reibt ihre Muschi, während sie rollt es zwischen ihren Fersen und tanzt auf seinen Bällen. Bald muss sie den Schwanz in ihrer nassen Muschi fühlen, so dass Keiran ihr heißes und fertiges Loch hämmern lässt, während ihre Titten hüpfen und zusammen mit der Hardcore-Fickmaschine boben. Bridgette will aber noch mehr und beschließt, dass es Zeit für Keiran ist, ihren zu schlagen. Keiran schlägt Bridgettes große runde Beute, während sie ihn bittet, immer tiefer zu gehen, bis Keiran bereit ist, seine Nuss über ihr ganzes Gesicht zu sprengen.
Bridgette B liebt es zu trainieren, und sie hat beschlossen, ihre Workout-Routine auf die nächste Ebene mit einem Analplug zu nehmen. Das Problem ist, dass ihr Mann, Isiah Maxwell, nichts davon weiß. Obwohl Bridgette den Analplug von Isiah zunächst verstecken kann, wenn sie ihre Strumpfhosen aufreißt und ihren Arsch hochhält, wird es ein bisschen schwierig, geheim zu halten. Bridgette trifft jedoch eine kluge Entscheidung, wenn es darum geht, Isiahs Hilfe beim Training zu holen, denn sobald er den Analplug entfernt, füllt er Bridgettes saftigen Arsch mit seinem massiven Schwanz und beweist, dass intensiver Analsex das ultimative Training ist.
Heiße Dommes sind überall. Sie streifen in Bars und privaten Clubs, in Leder gekleidet, und beuten neugierige. Sie touren durch die Vororte und pervers gelangweilte Hausfrauen und geile Teenager. Sie sind die gemeinen Chefs, die ihren rebellischen Mitarbeitern das geben, was sie verdienen. Selbst Schülerinnen streben danach, Peitschenhiebe zu werden. Diese Zusammenstellung enthält eine Tonne dominanter Frauen, die nur eines wollen: der Meister Ihrer Fantasien zu werden.
Der Sommer ist hier und es ist heißer als je zuvor mit dieser brennenden heißen Kompilation, die wir nur für sie zusammengestellt haben. Schnappdir, lehnen Sie sich zurück und entspannen Sie sich, während Sie beobachten, wie Ihre Lieblings-Pornostars in den aufschlussreichsten Bikinis gefickt werden, oder ihre Pussies immer nass werden, während sie die größten Schwänze der Branche in den Sonnenuntergang reiten!
Es sind die ZZW-Meisterschaften und diese beiden heißen Damen des Ringens bedeuten Geschäft. schmutziges Geschäft, das ist! Es ist die üppige bodacious blonde Bridgette B VS die süße zierliche Feuerwerker Kiara Cole! Bridgette hat einen echten Chip auf ihrer Schulter, nachdem sie gehört hat, dass Kiara mit ihrem Mann gefickt hat und sie bereit ist, eine Hündin anzuheften. Aber Kiara wird nicht so einfach runtergehen und zeigt keine Angst! Kiara ringt Bridgette und reißt ihre Strumpfhosen auf. Mit vollem Zugriff auf ihre Muschi, Kiara Finger knallt Bridgette in Vergessenheit! Bridgette zieht alle Kleidung von Kiara ab und fragt sie darüber, wie sie ihren Freund fickt. Kiara bremst das Geschwätz, indem sie auf Bridgettes Gesicht sitzt. Aber Bridgette übernimmt die Leitung und schult Kiara und verwandelt es in eine dampfende Scherensitzung. Welche dieser Badass-Damen gewinnt? Beides - wenn sie sich einig sind!
Bridgette B arbeitet von zu Hause aus, was es ihr ermöglicht, die perfekte Stay-at-Home-Mutter für ihren erwachsenen Sohn zu sein. Wenig weiß er, dass sie nicht wirklich eine "Beraterin" ist, und ihre Treffen mit Kunden sind eigentlich heiße Hookups für Bargeld. Bridgettes Kumpel Ricky Johnson ist etwas schlauer und erkennt, was los ist. Er spioniert Bridgette aus, die Spaß mit zufälligen John Xander Corvus hat und beschließt zu sehen, ob sie ihm einen Freebie geben könnte.
Sexy und aggressive Tanzlehrerin Bridgette B weiß genau, was sie will, vor allem, wenn sie mit einem dorky Paar konfrontiert, das hofft, den Walzer zu lernen. Bridgettes erster Arbeitsauftrag besteht darin, ihnen Salsa-Unterricht aufzuzwingen, den sie als Nebelwand benutzt, um einen eifrigen Schüler in Alex Legend zu verführen. Mit Tanz als ultimatives Mittel der Verführung zeigt Bridgette, dass man nur tanzen und ficken kann, bis zum Standard des Partners. Zum Glück für Bridgette hat Alex einen großen harten Schwanz – ganz zu schweigen von der Bereitschaft, seine widerwärtige Frau beiseite zu schieben.
Luna Star, Bridgette B, Katana Kombat und Victoria June sind Mitarbeiter, die in einem büroweiten Wettbewerb um einen Geldpreis konkurrieren. Während sie alle vorgeben, sich zunächst nicht um die dummen Gewinnspiele zu kümmern, schleichen sie sich alle weg, um ihrem Chef Keiran Lee ein wenig näher zu kommen und ihm etwas praktische Aufmerksamkeit im Austausch für ein Bein auf die Konkurrenz zu bieten. Sie ficken jeweils heimlich Keiran, bevor sie sich für einen super dampfenden Gruppensex zusammentun.
Als Bridgette B ihrem Stiefsohn Justin Hunt "das Gespräch" gibt, ist sie schockiert und entsetzt, als er seinen Schwanz ohne Vorwarnung auspeitscht – das ist keine Möglichkeit, eine Dame zu behandeln! Glücklicherweise ist Bridgette der geduldige Typ und ist bereit, Justin genau zu sagen, was er mit seinem großen, harten Schwanz machen soll, wenn er versucht, eine Frau zu beeindrucken.
Bridgette B hat ihre beste Freundin Alena Croft zum ersten Mal in ihren Yoga-Kurs geholt. Bridgette erklärt Alena, dass ihr Yogalehrer Ricky Johnson anders ist als alle, die sie zuvor hatte – er wird dein Leben verändern! Alena sieht Ricky und beschließt, seine unkonventionellen Lehrmethoden zu begehen. Ricky führt diese zu geilen Milfs durch einige Strecken, bevor er sie durch einige der fortgeschritteneren Positionen führt.
Bridgette B veranstaltet ein Oktoberfest-Grill für ihren Stiefsohn Ricky Spanish und all seine Freunde. Alle Jungs reihen sich an, um ihre Würste von dieser knallenden Schönheit serviert zu bekommen. Einer von Rickys Freunden, Lil D, mag die Mutter seiner Freunde... Bridgette möchte einfach die perfekte Gastgeberin sein, also entscheidet sie sich, dafür zu sorgen, dass Lil D so komfortabel wie möglich ist. Ricky wird eifersüchtig und versucht, dazwischen zu kommen. Zum Glück für diese beiden Gestüte hat Bridgette genug, um herumzulaufen...
Busty Bridgette B betritt das Schlafzimmer ihrer Tochter, um ihr Chaos zu beseitigen, und sehr zu ihrer Bestürzung findet sie ihren faulen Arsch noch im Bett! Wenig weiß sie, dass sie auch ihren Freund Van Wylde unter den Bettlaken versteckt hat! Die Situation führt dazu, dass Bridgette nackt Van unter den Laken entdeckt und ihre Entscheidung, ihrer Tochter eine Lektion zu erteilen, indem sie den Freund ihrer Tochter in ihrem Zimmer saugt und fickt!
Nach einer dampfenden Sex-Session verrät Bridgette, dass sie Ricky für etwas niedlich hält und darüber nachgedacht hat, ihn zu ficken, wenn ihr Mann nicht da ist. Karma ist überrascht von dem ehrlichen Geständnis und geht zu einer Dusche zu nehmen, um für eine weitere Runde Pussy lecken zu bereinigen. Während sie duscht, schleicht sich Ricky ein, um seine Verfolgung der Muschi fortzusetzen. Er schleicht sich in die Dusche und überrascht Karma mit seinem massiven Schwanz. Karma versucht, seine Fortschritte zu leugnen, aber es dauert nicht lange, bis ihr Mund für sein pochendes Mitglied wässert! Bridgette kommt auf der Suche nach Karma und erwischt sie mitten im, aber zu ihrer Überraschung ist sie nicht verrückt... sie will mitmachen! Was für eine wunderbare Wendung der Ereignisse! Lass das Ficken beginnen!
Bridgette hat einen Kurzurlaub geplant, um ihren alten College-Zimmer, Karma RX, einzuholen. Leider tagt ihr Fehlverhalten als Stiefsohn Ricky mit. Ricky ist ein geiler kleiner Schurken und Bridgette wird ihn ihren Urlaub nicht ruinieren lassen. Sie sagt Ricky, er solle sich selbst benehmen und warnt ihn davor, mit Karma zu flirten, obwohl sie lesbisch ist und er mit ihr sowieso keine Chance hätte. Ricky nimmt dies als Herausforderung und sobald er allein mit Karma gelassen ist, tut er alles, was es braucht, um sie zurück zu lieben Schwanz zu wecken. Karma hatte schon einmal Einen Schwanz, aber sobald sie Rickys pochendes Mitglied sieht, ist sie versucht, ihm einen weiteren Schuss zu geben!
Bridgette kommt früh von der Arbeit nach Hause, um ihren Freund mit etwas Nachmittagssex zu überraschen. Wenig weiß sie, er ist gerade fertig verdammt Romi und war im Begriff, Runde zwei zu beginnen. Romi versteckt sich im Schrank, aber es dauert nicht lange, bis Bridgette sie herausschnüffelt. Nachdem sie ihren Freund weggeschickt hat, nimmt es Bridgette auf sich, Romi etwas Respekt beizubringen - indem sie mit ihrer nassen, saftigen spielt!
Bridgette B es Ehemann ist ein schichtloser, fauler Bastard, der lieber von der Arbeit zu Hause bleibt, als für seine schöne Frau zu sorgen. Als sein jüngerer Chef Bill Bailey auftaucht und nach ihm sucht, beschließt Bridgette, ihrem Mann eine Lektion zu erteilen, indem sie Bill im Wohnzimmer fickt, während ihr Mann hilflos um die Ecke zuhört.
Es ist ein weiterer Tag in der Preppies Nachbarschaft und der Klatsch ist immer herum. Auf einem moralischen Hohen Pferd zu sitzen ist für dieses reiche Paar einfach, aber alles, was es braucht, ist eine einfache Meinungsverschiedenheit, damit alles zusammenbricht. Bridgette ist beleidigt, als ihr Mann Xander, einen Personal Trainer, anheuert, um ihren Körper zu straffen. Als ihr Mann sie allein lässt, um Vögel beobachten auf dem Grundstück zu gehen, beschließt sie, sogar zu bekommen, durch ficken Xanders riesigen Schwanz!
Bridgette B. wollte ihrem neuen Stiefsohn Van Wylde näher kommen, weiß aber nicht so recht, wie sie es machen soll. Eines Tages, während sie sein Zimmer putzt, findet sie sein privates Tagebuch und saust durch es auf der Suche nach einem Weg, ihn besser zu verstehen. Sie findet bald heraus, dass sein Tagebuch voller sexueller Fantasien über sie ist. Sie liest sie alle, ihre Muschi wird nass, während sie die Seiten dreht. Sie schließt das Buch und gelobt, seine Träume cum wahr zu machen!
Es ist soweit für das Brazzers House 3 GRAND FINALE! Nicolette, Lela, Bridgette, Karma und Gina stellen sich in unserem EPIC EPISODE EVER, saugen und ficken so viele Jungs, wie sie nur können, bevor sie an einer Orgie für die Ewigkeit teilnehmen. Wer wird IHRE Stimme verdienen und zum nächsten Gewinner von Brazzers House gekrönt werden?
Es ist sicher zu sagen, dass die Mädchen von Brazzers House 3 einige der heißesten und geilsten in der ganzen Welt sind – sie verbrachten so viel Zeit damit, am Set zu ficken und zu saugen, dass wir nicht alles in nur 4 Episoden passen konnten! Werfen Sie einen Blick auf einige noch nie zuvor gesehene Momente aus Brazzers House 3 und machen Sie sich bereit für das große Finale am 8. November!
Die Mädchen von Brazzers House 3 stellten ihre Zungen in der "Who Am I Tasting"-Herausforderung auf die Probe, bekamen einen mit verbundenen Augen von jedem wunderschönen Mädchen im Haus und erraten, wem jede Muschi gehört. Die Mädels krönen ihre Brazzers House Erfahrung mit einer riesigen Orgie im Hinterhof – ihre letzte Chance, ihren Weg zu einem Platz im großen Finale zu ficken!
Als Mädchenprobleme Star-Quarterback Johnny Sins in einen Einbruch versetzten, heuert sein Trainer die einzige Bridgette B an, um ihn wieder auf die Siegerstraße zu bringen! Bridgette bringt Johnny mit ein paar einzigartigen Trainingsübungen zur Arbeit und bringt ihn mit ihren großen Titten und dem sexy Arsch hautnah und persönlich. Sobald Bridgette das Gefühl hat, Johnnys volle Aufmerksamkeit zu haben, belohnt sie ihn mit einer Pause, die ihnen beide eine ganz andere Art von Training gibt: eine Umkleidekabine saugen und ficken Sitzung, die mit Johnnys Sperma über Bridgettes Mund endet! Touchdown!
Nach einer mitreißenden Runde von Musical Cocks unter der Leitung von Moderatorin Abella Danger stehen die Mädels von Brazzers House 3 vor ihrer bisher schwersten Entscheidung – wer fickt besser, Mann oder Maschine? Die Jungs sind toll und alle, aber können sie diese Mädchen spritzen so viel wie die Womanizer können? Tune in, um herauszufinden!
Die Mädels von Brazzers House 3 setzten ihre besten Ficks in einer "Anything Goes"-Herausforderung nach vorne und nahmen so viele Schwänze an, wie ihr Herz in einer Balls-to-the-Walls, no-holds-barred sextravanganza begehrt! Nachdem Moderatorin Lena Paul für das große Finale der Challenge kaskadiert wird, werden die Mädchen gierig, springen ihr in der Sekunde die Chance und lecken so viel Sperma wie möglich aus ihrem Gesicht!
Willkommen zurück im Brazzers House für eine dritte Staffel! Palm Springs war noch nie so heiß, mit zehn der heißesten und geilsten Stars von Brazzers, die für Tag 1 des Wettbewerbs auftauchen! Lena Paul ist deine Gastgeberin, während diese Babes abwechselnd beim Ölwrestling sind, bis sich das Ganze in eine 15-Personen-Orgie verwandelt! Gibt es genug Schwänze und Pussies, um herumzulaufen? Finden Sie heraus, wer an der Spitze cum out!
Bridgette B verdient gutes Geld als private Tänzerin, aber ab und zu will ein Kunde mehr als nur einen Tanz, und Keiran Lee sehnt sich nach dieser nassen Muschi, die sie in Öl aufgewirft hat! Abreißen ihre Leggings Keiran macht schnelle Arbeit ihrer saftigen Blowjob Lippen, tauchen seinen großen Schwanz den ganzen Weg bis zum Hals! Keiran verschwendet keine Sekunde dieses Leckerbissens und kippt die vollbusige Blondine auf alle Vieren und streckt ihre Muschi mit dem vollen Umfang seines Schwanzes aus und hämmert so hart, wie sie es nehmen kann. Aber Bridgette weiß, was er wirklich will, beugt sich um, sie nimmt ihn alle tief in ihren engen Arsch und reitet Keiran, bis er bereit ist, ihr ganzes schönes Gesicht zu beenden!
Bridgette ist ein erfahrener Einbrecher und steht kurz vor der Ausführung ihres bisher größten Raubüberfalls: einem Diebstahl eines unbezahlbaren bejeweled Analplugs, der derzeit im ZZ Museum of Sex ausgestellt ist. Bridgette weiß, dass der unschätzbare Stecker ihre unaufhörlichen analen Drangs und den Ansturm, den sie sich von einem High-Stakes-Heist sehnt, befriedigen wird. Wenig wusste sie, dass Isiah, der Wachmann des Museums, bereit und sehr, sehr bereit sein würde, ihr zu helfen, ihre Bedürfnisse zu befriedigen.
Officer Bridgette B hat endlich eine Pause in ihrem großen Fall gemacht, als sie ihre Hände auf die Geliebte ihres Ziels, Karma RX, bekommt! Aber der einzige Weg, wie diese vollbusige blonde MILF alles beantworten wird, ist, wenn eine heiße Polizistin anfängt, an ihren großen gefälschten Titten zu saugen. Abwechselnd saugen an den Brustwarzen des anderen bewegen das Verhör entlang, aber es wird mehr dauern, um Karma zum Reden zu bringen. Was als Ermittlungen begann, hat sich schnell in ein Fröhlichkeitsgezum der Zunge verwandelt, die genau dort in der Polizeistation fickt! Aber mit Officer. Bridget abgelenkt von diesem saftigen Arsch, Macht Karma eine hinterhältige Flucht! Es ist eine Schande Tasche Mädchen haben die beste Muschi
Ayumi Anime liebt das Einkaufen, aber ihre vollbusige blonde Freundin Bridgette B hat so gut wie genug davon. Es ist Zeit, ihr Geld aus dieser asiatischen Cutie enge zu bekommen! Bridgette reißt Ayumis brandneues T-Shirt ab, um zu ihren winzigen Titten zu gelangen, und packt ihr Mädchen an der Muschi, während sie diese Brustwarzen hart leckt. Ayumi genießt diese Strafe zu sehr, es ist Zeit für sie, auf Bridgettes großen gefälschten Titten zu saugen, bevor sie sich nach unten bewegt, um ihre Zunge zu setzen, um an ihrer nassen Muschi zu arbeiten! Diese Kreditkartenrechnung wird nicht kürzer, aber je mehr diese Babes sich gegenseitig an den engen Löchern mahlen, desto weniger scheint Bridgette es zu interessieren!
Bridgette B kippt Kanäle unruhig, wenn ein Werbespot kommt. Prinz Yahshua wirbt für einen Matratzenverkauf und Bridgettes Interesse ist geweckt. Sie macht sich auf den Weg in den Laden, wo sie Prince auscheckt. Bridgette hüpft auf einigen Matratzen auf und ab, während Prince versucht, einen Verkauf zu machen. Bridgette mag, was sie sieht, besteht aber darauf, der Matratze zuerst einen ordentlichen Testlauf zu geben...
Bridgette lädt Ariana und Xander zu einem Geschäftstreffen auf der Yacht ihres Mannes ein, um den Geschäftsabschluss zwischen Den Familien zu feiern; Ariana weiß wenig, dass Bridgettes wirklicher Plan darin besteht, ihren Rivalen von Schlagermann Toni "behandeln" zu lassen, den sie der Gruppe als ihren neuen "Chef für internationale Beziehungen" vorstellt. Bridgette bringt Toni unter Deck, um sich um das Geschäft zu kümmern - nach ein wenig Plot, finden sich sowohl Toni als auch Bridgette durch den bloßen Gedanken an Sabotage und den Beginn des Fickens eingeschaltet. Xander, der es leid ist, dass seine Schwester mit Bridgettes Ehemann über Deck flirtet, geht Bridgette zu finden und hofft auf mehr dampfenden Sex. Glück für beide Männer, Bridgette hat keine Angst, zwei Schwänze auf einmal zu nehmen...
Unter dem Verdacht, ihren Ex-Mann getroffen zu haben, wird Bridgette festgenommen und zur Vernehmung auf die Polizeiwache gebracht. Während Bridgette behauptet, sie habe nichts mit dem tragischen Tod ihres Ex-Mannes zu tun, teilt ihr Detektiv Isiah mit, dass die Polizei einen hilfreichen Tipp von Ariana Holloway, einer "Freundin" von ihr, erhalten habe, die sie in den Vorfall verwickeln könnte. Bridgette Höhlen und bietet Isiah mehr Informationen... wenn er bereit ist, sie in den Arsch zu ficken.
Bridgette spürt Xander, Arianas Bruder, auf und hofft, dass er ihr helfen wird, seine machthungrige Schwester zu besiegen. Nachdem sie sich mit dem wohlhabenden jungen Gestüt verschworen hat, findet sich Bridgette eingeschaltet und bereit zu ficken. Bridgette und Xander können sich nicht mehr in ihrem Lieblingshotel zurückhalten und platzen in die Executive Suite, während Honey und Kristen, zwei französische Dienstmädchen, auf der Arbeit herumficken. Als sich die Hotelzimmertür öffnet, laufen Honey und Kristen zum Badezimmer, um sich zu verstecken und bei jeder Gelegenheit einen Blick auf Bridgette und Xander zu werfen. Als die Mädchen versuchen, sich aus dem Raum zu schleichen und wieder zur Arbeit zu kommen, werden sie von Bridgette erwischt, die eine Gelegenheit sieht, ihr raunendes Getümmel mit Xander aufzupeppen...
Bridgette erwischt Ariana, die Erbin der rivalisierenden Firma Holloway Inc. ihres Mannes, und versucht, ihren Mann zu verführen und sein profitables Geschäft direkt unter der Nase zu stehlen. Nachdem sie nett mit dem kleinen Brat vor ihrem Mann gespielt hat, beschließt Bridgette, dass Ariana eine Lektion erteilt werden muss – wenn sie etwas Pussy hämmern muss, um sich durchzuschlagen, so sei es. Als Bridgettes Stiefsohn Van die Mädchen erwischt, die ihn dabei machen, lädt sie ihn ein, sich dem Spaß anzuschließen – sie denkt, er könne von der schonungslos ehrgeizigen Ariana etwas lernen. Während Bridgette davon ausgeht, dass Ariana nach einem guten, harten Fick ihre Wege ändern wird, plant sie immer noch, Bridgettes Familie trocken zu saugen. Bridgette macht es sich zur Aufgabe, Ariana, egal um die Kosten, zu Fall zu bringen – angefangen mit ihrem entfremdeten Bruder.
Während Val den Körper einer Ballerina haben könnte, ist ihre Lehrerin Bridgette einfach nicht sicher, ob sie den Antrieb hat. Sie hat nicht nur zu spät zum Unterricht zu viel zu entschuldigen, sie hat auch schlechte Form, ein schlecht passendes Outfit und die Unfähigkeit, loszulassen und die Kunst des Tanzes zu übernehmen. Glücklicherweise hat Bridgette eine Lösung für dieses letzte Problem – ihrer Erfahrung nach ist ein gutes Pussy-Lecken der perfekte Weg, um ihre Mädchen zum Lockern zu bringen!
Bridgette macht einen tollen Lebensunterhalt tanzen für geile Männer, aber ihre Mutter nicht zustimmen. Sie ist so entschlossen, ihre Tochter aus dem sündigen Stripclub zu retten, dass sie eines Nachts auftaucht, um sie nach Hause zu schleppen. Wenn nur Mama nicht ihren heißen neuen Freund mitgebracht hätte! Bridgette ist dabei, ihrer Mutter zu zeigen, warum Männer ihr den großen Bock zahlen, indem sie Xander mit ihrem großen Hintern verführen!
Lucas ist auf dem Weg zu einem Spaziergang, als er die feinste MILF entdeckt, die er je gesehen hat. Schnell erserkt er sich einen Plan, um sie in die Hände zu bekommen - er mietet sich Massagegeräte und posiert als Masseur, der von ihrem Mann geschickt wird. Bridgette stirbt heimlich für eine gute Massage, um ihren Stress zu lindern, und Lucas weiß genau, wie man diese Mutter aufwärmt.
Vorstadt-Stiefmutter Eva Notty ist nicht Ihre typische gesunde Hausfrau. Sie träumt davon, gefesselt und geknebelt zu werden, während eine sexy blonde Domina mit ihren massiven Mama-Titten spielt. Heute ist der Tag, an dem ihr schmutziger Traum dank der professionellen Dom-Bridgette B endlich wahr wird. Mit Evas Mann aus der Stadt haben sie den ganzen Nachmittag zu spielen - bis Evas Stiefsohn Kyle auf sie zugeht.
In einem beliebten Resort ist jeder Tag ein Abenteuer, besonders wenn das Leben ein Strand ist! Zwei heiße, vollbusige Babes sind im Dienst und nehmen ihre Jobs sehr ernst. Nicolette und Bridgette lassen sich von nichts davon ablenken, am Strand zu patrouillieren - außer wenn ein riesiger Hahn im Wasser ist! Als sie erkennen, dass dieser Schwanz gerettet werden muss, eilen sie herüber, um Charles vor seinen blauen Bällen zu retten! Werden ihre riesigen Brüste ausreichen, um den Tag zu retten?
Busty Professor Bridgette B wartet auf Sie, um Ihre Prüfung zu beenden. Aber wie der schmutzige Perverse, der du bist, kannst du nicht fertig werden, weil du von ihren verführerischen abgelenkt bist! Wird Bridgette erkennen, dass ihre Titten ablenken? Lässt Frau B Sie fertig werden - indem Sie eine Nuss über ihre riesigen Brüste sprengen?
Bridgette B und Nina Kayy sind mit ihren Ehemännern im Casino. Die Mädchen sind genervt und haben es satt, dass ihre Ehemänner den ganzen Spaß haben. Als ein Räuberpaar in das Casino einbricht und das Gelenk raubt, haben die Mädchen keine Angst; sie sind auf der Flucht, um wieder bei ihren Ehemännern zu sein! Busty Bridgette und Nina zeigen ihre Titten und holen sich zurück zu ihren schlampigen Ehemännern die einzige Art und Weise, wie sie wissen, wie -- indem sie die Schwänze eines anderen Kerls blasen!
Kristina wird auf Sonderauftrag geschickt, um CEO Phoenix Marie zu unterstützen. Wenn sie jedoch Teamplayerin werden will, wird sie mit einer Teambuilding-Übung beginnen: dem Arsch ihres Chefs zu essen. Frau Marie muss sicherstellen, dass Kristina die Position bewältigen kann, indem sie sie über den Schreibtisch beugt und ihre enge Muschi fickt. Kristina ist entschlossen, den "Arsch" in Assistent zu setzen, auch wenn es beinhaltet, ihren Arsch in die Luft zu legen und Phoenix es hämmern zu lassen.
Angela, Ava und Bridgette genießen ihr morgendliches Joggen, als sie einen großen Schwanz in grauen Sweatpants herumtollen sehen. Nicht, dass diese gestapelten Schlampen Keiran nachjagen und bald von einer Herde ebenso geiler Frauen begleitet werden. Keiran erreicht nach Hause und hüpft unter der Dusche, ahnungslos, dass er gejagt wird. Aber es dauert nicht lange, bis er von drei geile Pornostars angegriffen wird, die entschlossen sind, seinen Schwanz zu nehmen!
Sie nennen Dr. Yahshua "The Butt Doctor", denn egal für welche Krankheit sie sich einfallen lassen, er will immer ihren Hintern überprüfen. Dies gilt insbesondere für eine Patientin wie Bridgette B, die für einen herrlichen Derriere bekannt ist. Als Bridgette hereinkommt, um ihre wunde Schulter auschecken zu lassen, weiß Dr. Yahshua sofort, dass er sie nicht gut bewusst gehen lassen konnte, ohne seinen Schwanz tief in ihr Arschloch zu schieben.
Bridgette und Xander lieben es, im Aufzug herumzutollen, auch wenn ihre Kollegen da sind. Sie bekommen einen Nervenkitzel, wenn sie fast erwischt werden. Aber heute wird Bridgette in der Aufzugstür gefangen und fängt sie in der perfekten Position für Doggystyle ein. Xander nutzt die Situation aus und fickt sie heimlich, während sie mit ihrem Chef außerhalb des Aufzugs spricht. Sobald die Tür wieder funktioniert, zieht Xander sie zurück in den Aufzug und fickt sie hart.
Alina ist so aufgeregt, mit ihrem Lieblings-Pornostar aller Zeiten zu fotografieren: Bridgette B! Sobald sie fertig ist, ausgeflippt und bis zu Bridgette saugen, sagt der Regisseur ihr, an einem Dildo zu schnallen und zu beginnen, die Muschi ihres Idols zu ficken. Aber Alina ist so nervös und unerfahren, dass sie keine Ahnung hat, was sie tut! Frustriert und geil übernimmt Bridgette und zeigt Alina, worum es bei grobem Lesbensex geht.
Ein Geschäftsmann hat morgen einen großen Tag und muss ein Auge zudrücken. Seine Frau, Bridgette B, folgt ihm geil ins Bett und hofft auf Sex - nur ihr Mann ist zu müde, um aufzutreten. Busty Bridgette kann nicht ins Bett gehen, ohne vorher eine gute Dicking! Sie ist Schwanz hungrig und nass wie ficken! Als sie fast bereit sind, das Licht zu entwenden, erkennt sie, dass sie dringend etwas "Sugar" braucht und beschließt, ihren Nachbarn Ramon zu fragen – was ihren Mann zu einem Albtraum sexueller Ausmaße veranlasst!
Mit Johnny Sins außer Dienst, sind alle sorgfältig ausgearbeiteten Pläne von Bridgette B aus dem Fenster geworfen, so dass sie mit einer geladenen Waffe und einer Bank voller Geiseln stecken bleibt! Die Fuzz schicken ihren fachkundigen Unterhändler Toni Ribas, um die schussbereite Hottie herunterzureden, aber Bridgette macht seine Aufgabe als Kuchen leicht, indem er nur eines fordert: dass er sie hart fickt! Toni ist nur zu gerne zu verpflichten, fickt ihr Gesicht, ihre großen schönen Titten, und ihre enge Muschi über den Banktresor. Aber freaky Bridgette begnügt sich nicht damit, nur ihren Twat gefickt zu bekommen, und nachdem ihre Muschi ihre Füllung hatte, breitet sie ihre saftigen Arschbacken aus, um Tonis Schwanzbälle tief in ihren wunderschönen wohlgeformten Arsch zu nehmen!
Als Johnny in sein neues Fitnessstudio ging, ein Trupp von vier Latina-Mädchen an, auf Spanisch über ihn zu flüstern und ihre kurvigen dicken Körper zu zeigen, um ihm ins Auge zu fallen. Zwischen Bridgette B hüpft ihre großen Titten und Nikki Delano zeigt ihren reifen Arsch, als sie ihre Beine hob, konnte Johnny kaum seine Augen auf die Gewichte zu halten. Doch während er seine Muskeln pumpte, näherte sich die brennend heiße Isabella De Santos und der üppige Füchse-Mercedes Carrera seinem Schwanz an. Bevor Johnny es wusste, hatten ihn die schwülen Sirenen nackt ausgezogen und ihn mit vier hungrigen Mündern auf seinem Schwanz überwältigt. In dieser bösen heißen Orgie, die geile Bonitas abwechselnd benetzt jeden Zentimeter von Johnnys Rock harten Schwanz in ihren Pussies und Münder. Keine Sorge Damen, El Pelon hat genug Schwanz, um herum zu gehen!
Nachdem Bridgette B es Chef ihr gesagt hatte, dass sie ihren Job verliere, weil sie die Kleiderordnung wieder einmal ignoriert eigne und ihre massiven Brüste hängen ließ, war sie bereit, die erste Chance zu ergreifen, sich zu rächen. Als sich ihr nächster Kunde als bewaffneter Räuber entpuppte, beschloss Bridgette, wirklich über die Bank zu ficken, indem sie Johnny half, in den Tresor zu kommen, um die großen Dollars zu sammeln. Doch als sie in den Tresor kamen, ging es schief, als die Tür verschlossen war und der Alarm die Polizei alarmierte. Mit der Zeit zu sparen, bis die Polizisten kamen, Bridgette sagte Johnny, sie als Geisel zu nehmen und die Zeit auf die bestmögliche Weise zu vertreiben: indem sie ihre Muschi hämmerte. Bridgette holte ihre großen Titten heraus, damit Johnny sich quetschen konnte, und beugte sich über den Schreibtisch, um ihre dicke Latina-Beute auf seinen Schwanz zu hüpfen.
Bridgette B. arbeitete gerade an ihrem Garten, als ein riesiges Hahnengelüst sie traf. Glücklicherweise waren Danny D und sein massiver Schwanz zur Stelle, um ihre fleischlichen Begierden zu stillen. Sie schnappte sich ihre Gießkanne und nass ihr weißes Kleid nach unten, bis ihre großen Titten und saftige Beute durch den schieren Stoff deutlich sichtbar waren, und zog sich dann aus, um Dannys riesigen Schwanz zu saugen. Sobald er hart war, wickelte sie ihre massiven Titten um seinen Schwanz und gab ihm einen unglaublichen titty Fick. Danach breitete sie ihre Arschbacken aus, so dass Danny seinen riesigen Schwanz tief in ihren Arsch stecken und ihr ein intensives anal ficken konnte!
Als Bridgette B. ihre Freundin Abbey Brooks an ihrem neuen Platz besuchte, war es schwer zu glauben, dass sich ihr alter Partyfreund Abbey mit einem Mann niedergelassen hatte. Aber trotzdem war sie mit ihrem neuen Mann Keiran Lee. Bridgette entschied, dass der einzige Weg, die Party auf dem richtigen Fuß zu starten, mit einem bewährten Klassiker, Wahrheit oder Wagen war. Die Wagemut begann heiß und schwer zu werden, und bald teilten Abbey und Bridgette Keirans dicken Schwanz! Sie saugten und streichelten diesen Schwanz, und dann, wenn es hart wie ein Fels war, fuhren sie abwechselnd zu einigen intensiven Orgasmen. Nachdem sie eine schöne Ladung Keirans Sperma über ihre hübschen Gesichter geteilt hatten, begann Bridgette B endlich, den Reiz der Beruhigung zu verstehen!
In seinen vielen Jahren als Sicherheitstechniker musste Logan es Kameras und Ausrüstung in vielen Häusern installieren. Doch ein zufälliger Termin mit zwei geilen Lesben, Nikki Benz und Bridgette B, stellt seine ganze Welt auf den Kopf. Er bricht alle Regeln und installiert Kameras in ihrer Küche, im Bad, und überall sonst könnte er einen Blick auf ihre privaten Sexcapades werfen. Als Bridgette ein Kameraobjektiv entdeckt, das ihr direkt ins Gesicht starrt, ruft sie Logan zu einem weiteren Hausbesuch an. Logans einzige Chance, nicht von den Bullen herausgezerrt zu werden, besteht darin, ihnen beide einen Teil des Schwanzes zu geben, den sie seit Jahren vermissen.
Keiran Lee liegt seit drei Wochen im Koma, und die ganze Zeit hat seine Ärztin Bridgette B sehnsüchtig darauf gewartet, dass er aufwacht, ein Auge auf seinen riesigen Schwanz. Sobald er sich erholte, beschloss Dr. B, ihn durch einige Tests zu setzen, um sicherzustellen, dass sein dicker Schwanz noch richtig funktionierte. Sie setzte ihn durch strenge sexuelle Tests, zuerst durch das Saugen auf seinem fetten Schwanz, um sicherzustellen, dass es noch hart werden könnte, dann durch ihn lecken ihre ziemlich rosa kleine Muschi und enge Arschloch, bis sie tropft nass und bereit zu ficken. Bridgette nimmt seinen großen Schwanz tief in ihre Kehle und Muschi, bis sie hart cums, und dann Keiran gibt ihr eine riesige Gesichtsbehandlung. Das ist ein Weckruf!
Busty Latina Schönheit Bridgette B ist zu viel Frau für einen Mann auf eigene Faust zu handhaben, so dieses Mal, als sie diese große saftige Beute von ihr brachte, um uns zu sehen, hatten wir Bill Bailey und Ribas auf der Szene, um ihr Recht zu behandeln. Das kurvige Luder nahm ihre fetten Schwänze Bälle tief in ihren nassen Mund, enge Muschi, und geölte Arschloch, immer doppelt durchdrungen und cumming hart. Sie tief kehlte ihre steifen Schwänze, wickelte sie in ihre großen Titten, und dann schließlich nahm beide ihre Lasten über ihr hübsches Gesicht und riesige Titten!
Es ist Emily Austins Hochzeitstag, und da sie sich für die Ehe gerettet hat, will sie nicht einmal warten, bis sie nach Hause kommt, um einen Vorgeschmack auf den großen Schwanz ihres neuen Mannes zu bekommen! Aber wenn ihr Hochzeitsplaner, vollbusige Babe Bridgette B, ihre Hochzeit Tag Rendez-vous zu hören, sie Figuren es ist ihre Aufgabe, um sicherzustellen, dass ihre Hochzeit Tag Sex ist alles so gut wie der Rest der Hochzeit! Zuerst lehrt sie Emily, wie man Schwanz wie eine gute Frau saugt, und dann zeigt sie dem Bräutigam Tommy Gunn, wie man die enge jungfräuliche Muschi seiner Frau isst. Sobald sie nett und nass ist, teilen Bridgette und Emily Tommys großen Schwanz. Emily cums immer und immer wieder, während Bridgettes große natürliche Titten hüpfen, und dann ist es Zeit für sie, eine große Last zu teilen!
Kiara Mia hörte ein kleines Gerücht über ihre beste Freundin Bridgettes Mitbewohnerin Keiran, und es ist so verdammt würzig, dass sie nur selbst wissen müssen, ob es wahr ist. Könnte sein Schwanz wirklich so groß sein, wie alle ihre Freundinnen behaupten, es ist? Diese besten Freunde teilen alles, und der Gedanke an eine Stange, die massiv in ihre Milf-Pussy rutscht, macht Kiara wirklich auf. Sie überzeugte ihren schlampigen Freund, einen fiesen kleinen Dreier zu initiieren und zu sehen, ob sie nicht einfach ihre Pussies von diesem riesigen Schwanz hämmern lassen können.
Was passiert, wenn man die drei saftigsten Arschinass im Biz für eine legendäre Anal-Extravaganz zusammenbekommt? Schauen Sie sich diese Beute schüttelnde Orgie-Szene für die dreifache Hilfe von Arsch-Hämmern, von denen Sie geträumt haben. Bridgette B, Kelly Divine und Phoenix Marie twerking in schiere Kleider, öffnen ihre dicken PAWG Eseln zu einigen großen schwarzen Schwänzen, und immer gefickt Pool, was ist nicht zu lieben?
Amerikas Lieblingsmarke von lebensgroßen Puppen bringt ihr neuestes Modell auf den Markt: eine Hottie, die laufen, reden und ficken kann. Nicht nur die bodacious Bridgette kurvig, wo es zählt, sie ist programmiert, um in vielen Bereichen der Expertise zu übertreffen. Schauen Sie sich dieses informative Video über die vielen Qualitäten unserer neuesten Produktlinie an, um zu sehen, was der Nymphomaniac Boobie für Sie tun kann.
Keiran und Erik wachen nach einer wilden Party zu einer großgespurten Blondine auf, die Speck macht! Sobald sie merken, dass sie nicht träumen, teilt ihnen die sexy Bridgette mit, dass sie am Abend zuvor einen Dreier hatten. Und nur um ihre Erinnerungen aufzufrischen, beschließt sie, sie auf eine kleine post-breaky Doppel-Dicky-Action hereinzulassen.
Bridgette macht Wäsche im Zimmer ihrer Tochter, als sie einen nassen Fleck auf ihrem Bett bemerkt. Verwirrt fragt sie den Freund ihrer Tochter, Will, was los ist. Wird die Bohnen verschütten, dass Bridgettes Tochter ein Spritzer ist, und als Bridgette fragt, ob er sie auch zeigen kann, beginnt sie, ihre Flüssigkeiten über seinen Schwanz zu verschütten!
Bridgette hat einen fantastischen großen Hintern und tolle große Titten. Nichts wird Ihre Augen mehr als ihren großen nassen Hintern anziehen. Und dann, wenn sie alles geölt bekommt, wird es böse! Ihr glänzender Hintern bettelt einfach darum, gefickt zu werden! Als nächstes, was Sie wissen, ist sie unten auf allen Vieren schreien für heiße saftige anale Aktion!
Willkommen bei Dale es Auto Body! Wo der Service ist groß und die Gastfreundschaft ist unübertroffen. Vorausgesetzt natürlich, dass der Gedanke, Dales Mädchen zu ficken, Bridgette nicht in den Sinn kommt. Denn wenn du daran denkst, sie mit deinem Wang zu kleben, wird Dale mittelalterlich auf deinen Arsch steigen. Betritt Criss Strokes, ein junger Mann, dessen Auto auf ihn einbricht. Dale willigt ein, einen Blick darauf zu werfen, während Bridgette anbietet, Criss für etwas Limonade ins Innere zu nehmen. Es dauert nicht lange, bis Bridgette mit ihm kokettiert und wenn sie es tut, antwortet Criss mit einem guten harten Deep-Dicking!
Mit dem Big Game gleich um die Ecke. Brazzers dachte, es wäre am besten, die Menschen zu informieren, die sich der Regeln und des Verhaltens von American Football nicht bewusst sind. Lassen Sie Brazzers Ihr Führer sein, damit Sie eines der größten jährlichen Sportereignisse genießen und die Schönheit der lebhaften Brazzers-Mädchen genießen können.
Erwachsene Starlette Bridgette B findet jeden Tag regelmäßigen Sex immer langweiliger zu ihr, wenn man bedenkt, was sie ihre Tage bei der Arbeit zu tun verbringt. Das einzige, was sie jetzt nass und geil bekommt, ist die Idee, wie eine Schmutzschlampe von mehr als einem Kerl zu einer Zeit verwendet zu werden.... und wo könnte sie zwei solche Jungs finden, die bereit sind, ihre Bedürfnisse und ihre Löcher zu erfüllen.... gut in einem Porno-Theater natürlich.
Bridgette B es spanischer Hintern ist schmutzig! So schmutzig, dass es etwas Nassbutt Reinigung braucht. Zum Glück haben wir James Deen zur Rettung, um diesen Arsch aufzuschmieren und sauber zu wachsen! Sehen Sie, wie der Staub wegwärt und von James besonderer Aufmerksamkeit schimmert. Sich gerammt zu bekommen und süße spanische Wiegenlieder zu singen, bringt Bridgette anal auf die nächste Ebene.
Die weltbekannte Psychic Bridgette B. ist die Gastgeberin einer beliebten Fernsehshow, in der sie mit den Toten kommuniziert, um ihren Lieben Trost und Schließung zu bringen... mit ihrem Körper! Diese hellsichtige cum Schlampe weiß, wie man bekommt, was sie will und liefert eine Erfahrung, die das "Super" in "übernatürlich" setzt!
Mariah geht zur Untersuchung in die Arztpraxis. Sie ist geil und verbirgt sie nicht. Bridgette ist ihre Ärztin und sie ist auch geil. Was als Routine-Checkup begann, wird zwischen den beiden Damen äußerst sinnlich. Sie beschließen, einen Schwanz involviert zu bekommen. Bridgette Seiten Keiran, ein ansässiger Arzt zu kommen und eine Hand zu geben. Dann wird es etwas interessanter.
Bridgette ist Ihre typische blonde Schülerin: mit anderen Worten, sie ist ein Kaugummi Kaugummi Bimbo mit großen Titten. Obwohl Sie nicht zu hell ist, ist Bridgette eine Expertin, wenn es darum geht zu wissen, was ihre Lehrer wollen, und sie hat kein Problem, es ihnen zu geben... im Austausch für eine bestandene Note, natürlich! Sie wird nie eine perfekte Berichtskarte haben, aber du kannst "Funbags" nicht ohne den Buchstaben F buchstabieren!
Bridgette kommt zu einem Motel. Sie ist aufgeregt und nervös. Sie versteckt das Bargeld, das sie gestohlen hat, und beginnt sich auszuziehen, um zu duschen. Währenddessen spioniert James, der Hüter, sie aus. James schleicht sich hinein, hält einen Dildo wie ein Messer, er zieht die Vorhänge zur Seite und rammt den Dildo in den Arsch. Sie bekommt James' Schwanz in den Griff, fühlt, wie massiv er ist, und muss ihn mit Überlebensinstinkten ficken.
Während sie ihre janitorialen Aufgaben erfüllt, erwischt Bridgette versehentlich den Büroleiter Jordan, der einen Blowjob bekommt. Jordan zieht sie in sein Büro, um herauszufinden, wie viel sie gesehen hat. Aber wenn er ihre riesigen Titten sieht, beschließt er, ihr eine bessere Position in der Firma anzubieten, was bedeutet, sich für seinen großen Schwanz zu beugen.
Ein Bus voller Schlampen ist gerade in ein paar Autos gekracht. Diese geile Schlampen haben die Straße überschwemmt springen auf jeden Schwanz, den sie finden können. Der Nachrichtenreporter James Deen ist vor Ort und bevor er den Bericht beenden kann, wird er von zwei geilen Schlampen gejagt. Diese beiden wissen, wie man saugen, ficken, und nehmen kommen ins Gesicht.
Das ist es! Bridgette B es erste DP! Bridgette leitet eine Modelagentur in einem Gebäude, und sie stellt fest, dass Keiran, ein ehemaliger Mitarbeiter, seine eigene Agentur im selben Gebäude ins Leben gerufen hat! Bridgette spielt es zunächst so aus, als ob es ihr egal wäre, aber ihr Geplänkel verwandelt sich schnell in eine Reihe von Streichen zwischen den beiden, die zwischen Bridgette, Keiran und Keirans Assistent Ramon zum Siedepunkt aufsteigen! Das ist, wenn die beiden Männer beschließen, die Hündin aus Bridgette zu verdoppeln!
Bridgette steckt an Silvester bei der Arbeit fest, weil sie ihre Arbeit beenden muss, um eine Beförderung zu verdienen. Johnny, die auch spät arbeitet, hört, wie sie am Telefon spricht und ihrer Freundin erzählt, wie sie zu spät bleiben muss und nicht in der Lage sein wird, ihr neues Kleid zu zeigen und sich legen zu lassen. Also zieht Johnny eine Flasche Champagner von seinem Schreibtisch und feiert ein brandneues Jahr mit einem Knall.
Levi Cash hat gerade einen schrecklichen Tag bei der Arbeit gehabt. Er will nicht im Verkehr nach Hause fahren, also ruft er the Brazzers Taxi Service an. Raten Sie mal, wer auftaucht, um Levi bequem und stressfrei mit nach Hause zu nehmen. Keine andere als Bridgette B. Sie bekommt Levi nicht nur pünktlich nach Hause, sondern saugt, fickt und nimmt eine große Last ins Gesicht auf dem Weg.
Reisen Sie zurück in die alten Zeiten, wo die Gräben zwischen Cowboys und Indianern noch stark wurden. General Johnny Sins und High Chief Keiran Lee planen ein Friedensangebot, um die Differenzen zwischen den beiden beizulegen. Um die bestmöglichen Geschenke zu machen, beschließen die beiden Männer, sich gegenseitig ihre Frauen anzubieten.
Bridgette B hat ein Problem mit Rissen in ihrem teuren Fliesenboden. Zum Glück für sie, Derrick ist ein Experte auf dem Gebiet der Rissfüllung. Als Derrick angeheuert wird, um zu kommen, werfen Sie einen Blick auf Bridgettes Rissproblem, er findet heraus, dass sie einen ganz besonderen Riss hat, der gefüllt werden muss... Ihr Arsch knackt.
Bridgette und Carmel sind mit ihren Ehemännern auf Wochenendtrip. Während die Männer das Grün treffen, entscheiden sich die beiden Damen für eine heiße Ölmassage. Carmel schlägt etwas vor, um ihr Wochenende wirklich zu entfachen! Um einen neuen Partner auszuprobieren, den Ehemann des anderen! Die beiden Paare gründlich einander und diese schöne Änderung des Tempos und Aufregung!
Manuel Ferrara invites Bridgette B over. Knowing she is an experienced anal slut. Manuel starts to explore Bridgette's body, kissing and caressing her everywhere except her ass. Manuel gently eases his way inside Bridgette's tight ass. They both moan as he thrusts deeper, finally reaching her G-spot. Both of them reach orgasm simultaneously, marking the culmination of their passionate encounter. After they both catch their breath, Manuel rewards Bridgette with a facial, making sure she is fully satisfied.
Curvy Blonde Housewife Bridgette Cant Resist His BBC
Bridgette is completely stunned when she comes home to find Ryan fucking their stepdaughter, Scarlet. Later on, Ryan talks with Bridgette and finds out that seeing it turned her on, and he uses his cock to show her that she should join in next time. So, the stepfamily has a little bonding time on the couch and messes around. Bridgette fucks Scarlet from behind with a strap-on while Ryan gets his cock sucked by the petite ginger babe. Bridgette shows everyone she is a force to be reckoned with and lets out her horny dominant side.
With her husband barely in the grave, new widow Bridgette is already feeling the need to get some new cock up her cooch. Hell she's a Cougar and on the prowl and who cares if her first victim is one of her husbands best friends. He was there at the funeral with her. He should understand her needs. Bridgette needs a dick in her and fast. What a pleasant surprise it is too when Jax pulls out a monstrous thunder bomber from his pants. Now that is some serious dickage and this horny Cougar has one salivating mouth that needs to get stretched out with manmeat. Sucking on that cock gets her pussy gushing juices and soon she finds herself buried balls deep with it. Maybe it's her new found instability in life or the shock of losing her husband but whatever it is she is really getting off on this cock today. She has a new found freedom and definitely will be on a cock hunt. When he unloads his gonads onto her massive tittery she is already making mental plans of hitting happy hour and taking some new cock home with her.
Busty blonde businesswoman, Bridgette B, is feeling bored and lonely while on a business trip. To change that, the rich boss decides to hire a high-class escort. Luckily, there is someone on the list that passed her strict standards. The horny lady with big tits wants the fit stud, Alex Legend, to dominate and overpower her. Without wasting any more time, Alex eats Bridgette's pussy like it is his last meal on Earth. He then spanks her fat booty while banging her hard doggystyle. Bridgett can't help but moan as Alex continues to pound her pussy with his hard cock. He relentlessly fucks her in spoon, cowgirl, and missionary until he feels like he is about to cum. Alex lets Bridgett stroke his cock until he cums.
Flashy, statuesque Bridgette B. flaunts modelesque looks -- long, blonde hair, dramatic makeup, lush lips, huge tits and a spectacular butt. In nothing but a bikini top and heels, the head-turning MILF sucks hung stud Mick Blue's balls. He grips her head to fuck her throat. Bridgette gives his big cock a slurping, groaning blowjob. A titty fuck makes Mick's boner disappear in deep cleavage. He spanks and rims her. Hard pussy pounding makes her boobs sway. She twerks that fine ass as he nails her. Bridgette spreads her long legs, and Mick eats her bald twat. She stays splayed for more rambunctious railing, masturbating as he drills her. Looking seductively into the camera, Bridgette says, 'I want it in my ass, please.' She gasps and wails through a doggie-style anal reaming. They share sodomy in more fun positions: Bridgette lies back spread-eagled; she squats, fabulous butt bouncing as her sphincter squeezes Mick's meat; she kneels, talking dirty as he buttfucks her into the floor. A cum facial splashes her tongue and tits. Bridgette flashes her sexy smile, and her luscious lips blow a kiss.
Gabriel THINKS HE IS GOING TO GET TO FUCK BRIDGETTE'S HOT WET BEAUTIFUL PUSSY, but he is fooled. She says she is So Horny and wants him to fuck her in front of her Cuckold Husband. Seduced and Blindfolded he his lead by the Girls to the bed where Bridgette pretends to be laying, ready for his cock. But instead of getting 'HER PUSSY', his cock is lead into Hubby's Ass. HE BECOMES THEIR GAY CUM-BUCKET, FUCKING ANOTHER MAN. It's all in their plan to manipulate men into being Gay. 'Come on ram that cock in that pussy. Fuck her. Tell her how much you like it. ' Then they pull off his blindfold and he moans and cries out in shock. 'NOW YOU'RE GAY!' they declare, as they spank him and make him keep fucking. 'Stick that Virgin Cock into that Virgin gay Pussy.' Then hubby has to suck on the cock that has just been fucking his Ass.'
Sexy Bridgette B is all ready for her massage, courtesy of Stirling Cooper. This hot babe is ready to party as she strikes a variety of sexy poses on the table. When Stirling comes in to make magic with his hands, Bridgette is happy to let him give her the rubdown. Rolling onto her back, she closes her eyes and lets Stirling explore her big tits and cream filled fuck hole with his talented fingers.Whipping out his cock, Stirling lets Bridgette take a more active role in their foreplay. She reaches out to guide Stirling close, then starts lapping away at his man meat as she lays on her back on the table. Arching her back, Bridgette shows every evidence of pleasure at the way Stirling's big dick fills her mouth. She keeps on sucking as she rolls onto her side, then slides her hand between her legs to keep on rubbing her clit.On her belly, Bridgette spreads her thighs to open herself for Stirling to slide into her from behind. His hardon glides through her wetness with ease. Bridgette's hands continue to fondle her clit as she gradually gets to her knees and hooks an arm around Stirling's neck to keep him close and kissable.On her side once again, Bridgette lifts one leg to Stirling's shoulder to welcome him back inside. They continue to get more athletic with their positions, with Bridgette shifting to one knee while Stirling holds the other leg far apart. Bridgette's muscular body and big boobs make this position incredible to behold as she reaches a titty bouncing climax.Stirling takes his turn on the table as Bridgette comes down from her climactic high. Pushing her boobs together, she creates a sheath that Stirling can bang. Between her titty fuck and blowjob, Bridgette eventually finishes Stirling off so that he covers her jugs in jizz.
School Principal Uses Reluctant Teacher To Lure Student Into Sex Trap
SCENE OPENS on a school principal, Principal Vaughn (Bridgette B). She sits at her desk, leafing through a stack of papers. She looks up and we see one of her teachers, Mr. O'Neil (Derrick Pierce) standing at the doorway of the office. Vaughn says she's called O'Neil there because she has a task for him.
'I...um, I'm sorry, but, what do you mean, exactly?' O'Neil asks.
Vaughn grins maliciously.
'I WANT Rebecca Taylor, Mr. O'Neil, and unless you want me to expose your little secret...YOU are going to get her for me.'
O'Neil is extremely reluctant but, afraid of whatever dirt Vaughn has on him being exposed, he ultimately agrees.
Later that day, O'Neil brings 18-year-old student Rebecca (Brooklyn Gray) to Vaughn's office. Feeling that he's done what was asked of him, O'Neil tries to leave, but Vaughn makes him stay. Even though Rebecca is initially reluctant, Vaughn threatens to mess up her college admissions and she ultimately agrees to do what Vaughn wants, as does O'Neil.
Principal Vaughn smiles with cold satisfaction, demanding that O'Neil take Rebecca's clothes off. Resigned, Mr. O'Neil nods grimly and nervously slips Rebecca's top off, revealing her perky tits.
Compromising O'Neil's principles was even easier than Vaughn thought it would be...
Bridgette B and Karma Rx broke into a house looking for money. But they found something better, they encountered a college dude with a big ol dick. They forgot all about robbing the house and decided to rob his cock instead. Bridgette and Karma got their pussies stretched in several different positions before receiving a huge load all over their faces.
Bridgette B invited Bang Bros over to her house in LA to hangout with her and La Sirena 69. Little did they know, we actually invited a stud ourselves to watch him fuck the shit out of them. They blow him in the pool then take it inside to have an amazing threesome. Both of them have huge tits, and perfect booties. They fuck in multiple positions and he lets out a huge load all over both of their faces.
Bridgette is exactly what you'd picture a hot cougar to be: curvy, confident and craving sex. This brunette gets caught watching IR porn by an IT guy over the phone. She didn't realize they were able to tap into her computer and see what she saw or able to see her through her computer screen's video camera. Could she really help herself though? Listening to customer service telling her how she can sync her phone in that velvety-smooth voice was too much. Her hands were running all over her bronze body. She asks for a 'more direct' line to contact him in case they became disconnected and soon she was telling him all the things she'd do if he was there. Lucky for Bridgette, their headquarters were a short drive away and IT was on his was to come give her the kind of servicing she really wanted.
THE SISTERS PROMISE DEEP THROAT IF YOU JUST STICK YOUR COCK THROUGH THE GLORY HOLE. But they have fun laughing at you, when they make a bitch boy give you head instead. You think that your BEAUTIFUL WIFE AND HER SISTER are giving you a blow job and enjoying it so much that they cum just taking turns sucking your cock. But you have no idea what is going on on the other side of the glory hole. They make you cum in another mans mouth, thinking it is going down the warm throats of the Deceptive Sisters. The joke is on hubby and that is the last time he is going to get to cum for a month. - DECEPTIVE BITCH SISTERS BRIDGETTE B. AND HALEY CUMMINGS.
Tanned, voluptuous and busty, Latina bombshell Bridgette B is the kind of girl that demands two big cocks at once! In sheer stockings, she services Mick Blue and Ramon Nomar with a gagging, dual blowjob that leaves her huge boobs covered in spit. The men take turns reaming her pussy and phat booty. Bridgette demonstrates her titty-fucking talent. An anal threesome becomes a double penetration party when Mick and Ramon's meat simultaneously stuffs Bridgette's cunt and asshole. She earns a creamy cum facial.
Bridgette gets a knock on her door from her neighbor Logan. He asks to borrow eggs for a breakfast he's cooking. She lets him inside so she can grab one, but when she's bent over, Logan can't help but stare at her amazing ass. She catches him looking and threatens to tell her husband. After Logan begs her not to and swears he'll do anything, she takes him up on that offer. She gets on the floor and starts sucking his dick, then she allows him to fuck her huge tits. They go in the living room and enjoy multiple positions and don't stop until he busts a huge load all over her pretty face.
Bridgette B can't get enough of Manuels cock in her ass, so she's back for more sphincter stretching. MILF superslut Bridgette is bouncing her beautiful boobs in sexy blue and black lace lingerie as she shows off her curvaceous body to us. We get to examine every inch of her mocha skin as she takes off her top and plays with her titties then slides down her panties as she makes her way upstairs. Bridgette plays with herself until Manuel joins her on the couch and wastes no time burying his face between her legs. He makes her moan as he flicks her clit with his tongue before sliding down his pans so Bridgette can return the favor. She gags on that cock as she tries to take the whole thing down her throat and gives Manuel an amazing boobjob before climbing on top to ride his dick hard. Manuel plays with her gigantic tits as she bounces on his thick cock until he lays her down to pound her some more in missionary. Bridgette says 'Please fuck my ass' to which Manuel happily obliges as he gets in spoon position and stretches her tiny butthole. Bridgette gets the rectal reaming she desires before Manuel blows his load all over her sexy face.
It is undeniable that when two fit babes have the hots for each other, it is just about the sexiest thing in the world. Watching a couple of pussy loving cuties go at it is an honor and a privilege that we just cannot get enough of. Watch Megan Sage, Bridgette B, Alexa Grace, Arya Fae, and more of your favorite Team Skeet girls lick some sopping wet clits in this Best of Dyked Compilation. So put on your scuba gear, we are going muff diving!
Gia is caught sneaking her new boyfriend into the house once again! This time Step-Mom Bridgette catches her. And she had a much different approach than Gia's dad did when he tried to break into her bedroom while Gia and Rob were having sex. Bridgette invited Gia's new boyfriend D to stay for dinner so they could all get to know one another a little better. Turns out Lil D is much sneakier than Gia's last boyfriend Rob, and finds a way to bring mom and Step daughter back together. After some back and forth mom-daughter pussy eating under the table, D gets caught by Gia and the three of them ultimately decide that sharing is caring, and what could be more caring than a loving mother-daughter-boyfriend sex triangle?! We certainly approve of her hands-on parenting!
YOUR WIFE BRINGS OVER HER NEW BOY TOY TO SHOW HIM HUBBY'S COCK IN CHASTITY. They have a good laugh at hubby's expense. Then Wifey makes Hubby lick and suck her Boyfriends cock. Her Boyfriend gets her pussy and gets to suck her nice tits. But Hubby doesn't get to. Hubby has to suck dick to get it ready for his Wife's pussy. Hubby is made to watch Wife gets her ass licked and fondled by her new boyfriend. He has to suck cock while his Wife pushes her red heels against his chastity cage and balls. She has Her Boyfriend humiliate Hubby by cumming all over his face. All the while Wife keeps hubby in chastity.
Bridgette B catches her stepson sneaking a peek at her while she's naked.
Voluptuous Spanish knockout Bridgette B. poses in a skimpy string bikini. She kneels for a multi-racial titty fuck and blowbang with heavily hung studs Nathan Bronson, Bambino, Kyle Mason, Alex Jones and Isiah Maxwell! The busty blonde eagerly sucks their huge cocks, sucking ball sacs and drooling on her massive tits as she flaunts her exquisite blowjob skill. Bridgette deepthroats dicks until her oil-slickened jugs glisten with her own spit. The guys rut in Bridgette's slippery cleavage and decorate her with a messy group cum facial.
Wearing her corset, sheer stockings and see-through top, busty Latina bombshell Bridgette B. flaunts her big boobs. We see that the outrageous vixen has bleached her hair blonde in preparation for an interracial anal threesome with black studs Rob Piper and Jax Slayher. Bridgette eagerly sucks one big black cock as the other reams her thick ass. The men sodomize Bridgette and stuff both holes in a lewd double penetration! She gives slobbery blowjobs to both jumbo pricks, and they shower her with a messy, dual cum facial.
Stacked Latina Bridgette B. shows off her massive boobs in a tight, animal-print bra. She joins busty Asian MILF Kianna Dior for a lesbian make-out session; they worship each other's giant jugs and lick pussy. Bridgette reams voluptuous Kianna with a dildo. The ladies oil up their mammaries and treat Jonni Darkko's dick to a gagging, drooling, ball-sucking double blowjob, plus some righteous titty fucking. Bridgette squeezes his meat between her fat knockers. The lewd threesome climaxes when Jonni cums on her big rack.
Busty Spanish bombshell Bridgette B. poses in a sexy, sheer outfit that perfectly displays her massive 40F tits. The voluptuous Latina beauty goes to work on the big cocks of white performer Mick Blue and black stud Jax Slayher, giving one man a blowjob as the other fucks her phat, juicy ass. Bridgette enjoys a nasty DP as well as double pussy penetration! She sucks their schlongs ass-to-mouth during an epic interracial anal threesome. Semen splatters her boobs, and she takes a creamy cum facial.
"AWW WHY ARE YOU WHIMPERING?"Bridgette sneaks up on her husband as he is sleeping. After he has woken up, she informs him that she has a present for him. In fact, she says she has noticed a few things about him...Bridgette has decided to help hubby come out of the closet. Bridgette says she is going to show hubby what a real dick should be like. She wants hubby to warm the real dick up so her boy toy can fuck her good and hard like hubby never does.
Confident company CEO Reagan Foxx is in her office, on the phone with someone far beneath her that threatens to make her look bad, professionally. She doesn't take no for an answer until the man agrees to do her bidding -- she always gets what she wants.Meanwhile, rival corporate executive Bridgette B opens the door to Reagan's office and struts inside. She is equally as powerful and confident, looking around as though she already owns the place. She technically does since a recent merger proposed between their two companies has left her in an excellent position.Reagan greets her, the hostility between them more than evident by the way they lock eyes. She asks what Bridgette is doing there, learning that she has yet more demands to seal the deal for the merger. Reagan is annoyed that it never seems to end, but agrees to listen to the demands, as long as they don't have to get lawyers involved. Although the demands initially start off as fairly harmless, by the end of it, Bridgette is being absolutely ridiculous as she insists that they must make it be so that only lesbian relationships are accepted within the office!Bridgette grins, pleased to see Reagan getting mad. Reagan is frustrated, telling Bridgette off for getting her hot and bothered. The sexual tension between them is at an all-time high. It's then that Bridgette takes advantage and makes her final demand: Reagan will fuck her or she'll walk away from their business transactions.It all suddenly makes sense to Reagan -- this was Bridgette's plan all along! Not to be outdone, she agrees to fuck Bridgette silly. They start with fiery kisses that soon give way to ecstatic pussy eating and eager tribbing as they both try to show each other who's boss.
Aww why are you whimpering? Bridgette sneaks up on her husband as he is sleeping. After he has woken up she informs him that she has a present for him... In fact she says she has noticed a few things about him... Bridgette has decided to help hubby come out of the closet. Bridgette says she is going to show hubby what a real dick should be like. She wants hubby to warm the real dick up so her boy toy can fuck her good and hard like hubby never does.
Kendra is getting ready for a night out - little black dress showing off her perky tits and round ass, cute accessories accenting her tight body… But her boyfriend just isn't giving her the appreciation she wants. So what if she wants to try on another outfit? She just wants to look her best, is that wrong? This leads to another argument and tears, thankfully rescued by the beautiful Bridgette B! There's no better person to show appreciation for a young-but-inexperienced teen than a confident-and-in-control MILF! Sit back and watch how a real woman shows love and affection.
Its a slow day trying to catch drivers speeding down the highway. Two cops are bored stiff. Well, one of them's not and that would be officer Bridgette B who doesn't mind the fact that she's got nothing to do but sit in her patrol car and watch porn. Bridgette's getting into the video and starts rubbing her dripping wet pussy over her uniform, that is, until a biker takes off and she's got to give chase. Bridgette decides to take out her sexual frustration on this perpetrator's big cock! Watch as this busty slut gives this crook the ride of his life!
Petite slut Anastasia Knight can't sleep because the thought of her busty new stepmom, Bridgette B, sneaking into her room late at night and fucking her has this tempting teen's pussy dripping wet! Anastasia masturbates in bed, getting that tight coochie prepared for her stepmom to lick and finger! Bridgette sneaks into the room, catching her stepdaughter wide awake and with her hands down her pajama pants! Bridgette decides to give her stepdaughter the lesbian sex she desires, but can they keep their moans of pleasure quiet without waking up the rest of the household? Looks like Anastasia's going to want to be taught how to suck and fuck pussy over, and over, and over again!
The front door opens and Bridgette B., Dana DeArmond, and Kat Monroe are all laughing and in a good mood as they pile into the house. Kat remarks that she's never had so much fun in her life! She was so happy to be able to finally join Bridgette and Dana in public for dinner!Although she's excited about the evening, Bridgette and Dana exchange looks then smile to Kat. Bridgette says she had a lot of fun, too, and it was really nice seeing Kat letting loose and being as cute and bubbly as she always is. All eyes were on Kat for sure! They're sorry that they've never brought Kat out before but they're private people. Both their families are already not on board with the cougars being married, so they'd be even less thrilled with Kat being a part of their group, too. However, they couldn't NOT go out and celebrate Kat's birthday!Kat gazes adoringly at the couple. She insists that she wants to be more than just a part of them -- she wants to be their girlfriend!The wives coo over Kat, saying that she's so sweet... It was so nice going out with Kat because everyone was totally checking her out! Kat is flustered, soaking up the compliments from the cougars. 'But... the sneaking around is the best part of the arrangement, right?' Dana playfully says.Kat, fearing that they may be rejecting her, tries buttering them up more as she insists that she wants to be their EVERYTHING! Dana is taken aback by the sincerity and looks to her wife for help. Bridgette insists that they're both VERY flattered, but before that can happen, they need to discuss some things. Kat looks between them and curiously asks, 'Like what?'Bridgette beckons her closer with a crook of the finger, and Kat innocently slides in between Bridgette and Dana. Dana lightly rubs Kat's shoulders. 'You know, we're mature women, and we have certain needs,' Dana starts, exchanging playful looks with Bridgette. Kat is curious what those needs are -- she'll do anything! Bridgette brushes her hands along Kat's face, cupping her cheeks. 'In this household, we enjoy things that involve ass,' Bridgette purrs as Dana gives Kat's tush an appreciative slap.Kat is flustered as the cougars paw at her, admiring her butt. She admits that she's never done ass play before... The cougars mess with her, saying that if she doesn't WANT to, she doesn't HAVE to, but if she wants to be part of their relationship... Kat is eager to please, remarking that she's game, wanting nothing more than to be with them. Dana and Bridgette continue to tease her, commenting that maybe they should take some time to think about it. 'OR you could show me your bedroom,' Kat is quick to say, trying to win them over with a cute, flirty look. 'In THAT case...' Bridgette says with a grin as she takes Kat's hand, leading Kat and Dana to the bedroom.Kat can't wait to get started, even as the cougars toy with her some more. They ease her into the experience by starting off with familiar territory, like eating out each other's pussies. Gradually, Bridgette and Dana introduce her to rim jobs, anal dildos, and butt plugs, working her up to the grand finale of double-penetration with strap-ons. Although these are all first-time experiences for Kat, she's already excited to do them all again -- if the cougars keep her!
Kyle Mason has been looking for a chance to say hello to the hot blonde MILF with the massive tits who moved in down the street, so when he smells the sweet aroma of cookies wafting out of her house, he can't help but introduce himself! Bridgette B wants to share her tasty treats, and Kyle tells her he's a baker and offers to give her some pointers. When Bridgette invites him inside, the first thing he spots isn't a wooden spoon but a huge dildo, which this desperate housewife gets plenty of use out of when her husband's away. Kyle bends Bridgette over the counter and mixes her batter with his hard cock, then fucks her big tits and frosts her face with his cum!
Bridgette B is a busty, red hot MILF who has a great side-hustle; she buys homes, and fixes them up...and instead of flipping them, she puts them into the short-term rental market. Cecilia Lion and Kandie Monaee are college freshman who love to throw parties. Cecilia found one of Bridgette's homes, and with a big weekend coming up, the girls need a home to party! Bridgette's no fool. She knows they're party girls; but what the party girls don't know is Bridgette is a predatory lesbian! Bridgette's going to dangle her home right in the noses of these two cute, ebony beauties...and then she's going to fuck them! And sure enough, Bridgette's plan is flawless. It doesn't take too long for Bridgette to get these millennials to strip down and start eating pussy! They're gonna lick asshole, too!! In fact, they're gonna do whatever Bridgette says. That's how badly they need a weekend party pad!!
Bridgette has a very specific and intense role-playing fetish. Her friend tells her all about Dr. Fantasee, who, for a price, will provide the most intense sexual scenario you can imagine. Within days of contacting the good Dr, her bank account is emptied and she finds herself naked and handcuffed in her own living room, to be used. Just like she's always wanted.
Darcie Dolce is laying in bed texting a friend. She tries to send a sexy picture, but is too shy and keeps chickening out. Her step-mother, Bridgette B, storms into her room, telling her off for being on her phone when she should be helping out with the chores. Darcie makes it clear that she doesn't like her new mom bossing her around, and Bridgette angrily leaves to go back to work.When Bridgette checks up on her step-daughter later, she finds her napping. She's exasperated at first, but then can't resist lingering and checking her out. She lays on the bed next to Darcie and snags her phone, discovering the scandalous pictures Darcie took earlier! She then caresses Darcie. When Darcie awakens to find her step-mother in bed with her, she's shocked. She's even more shocked to find out that Bridgette's into girls, too! It seems as though both mother and daughter have dirty secrets.Although Darcie's reluctant, Bridgette gives her an ultimatum: either play by her rules or she'll tell Darcie's father about the sexting. Darcie counters by declaring that she'll tell her father that Bridgette's a lesbian! Bridgette insists that there's only one way to shut Darcie up, and it isn't long before she's having her perky breasts fondled and pussy eaten out by Bridgette. Not to be outdone, and giving into her pent-up lust from her earlier sext-capades, Darcie makes Bridgette writhe and moan with pleasure as well. Who will come out on top to keep their secret safe another day?
Kyle Mason can't stop staring when he walks in on Bridgette B. changing clothes. The busty coed peels off her bra and thong, then slips into a sheer teddy that does nothing to hide the absolute bounty of her titties. Grabbing a camera, Bridgette starts snapping naughty selfies as she lays on the bed. She eventually notices Kyle peeping, but instead of getting upset the puffy-lip beauty grabs him by the shirt and drags him inside to take even better pictures of her incredible bod.Gradually shedding her clothes as Kyle obediently keeps snapping away with the camera, Bridgette eventually makes it clear that Kyle is there to do more than just act as an impromptu photographer. Reaching out to take the camera from his hand, she once again uses his shirt to guide him right where she wants him. When Kyle's head is properly buried between her thighs and his tongue is obediently lapping at her cooch, Bridgette lets her head fall back in true delight. She keeps gently but firmly letting him know what she wants as she places one of his big hands on her massive tit. Kyle is a quick study, and fortunately for Bridgette he's not interested in leaving his woman wanting. He eventually starts to take his own initiative as he brings his other hand to her fuck hole so he can press his fingers deep inside.Peeling off his own clothe while Bridgette watches and urges him to speed with her feet, Kyle approaches the bed and waits while his unexpected conquest once again takes charge. Bridgette guides Kyle's dick with expert hands, settling him right at the entrance to her snatch so he can shove himself deep inside. Their coupling starts slow and sensual, but Kyle's hips are soon moving fast enough to make Bridgette's glorious titties bounce.Once again taking charge, Bridgette arranges Kyle on the bed with his erection standing proud before her. She leans forward to suck her own essence off the head of his dick, then straddles him until he is once again buried deep inside. She wastes no time in kicking off a stiffie ride, but Kyle's the one who gets to set the pace. He chooses fast and furious, pistoning in and out of Bridgette's fuck hole with limitless enthusiasm. When Bridgette turns around so her jugs are in Kyle's face as they continue her cowgirl coupling, he keeps his eyes glued to this quivering pieces of perfection while marveling at his good luck.Getting on her hands and knees to change up the angle of penetration, Bridgette throws her head back and moans at the delightful sensations coursing through her. It's just her luck that Kyle is a stud of a lover with plenty of stamina to see to her pleasure. She makes him work for her enjoyment, but finally her climax breaks over her until she flops, boneless, onto the bed.Bringing Kyle close so that he is seated on her belly, Bridgette props her breasts up to create a sheath for a titty fuck. That gets Kyle close to cumming, but he continues to hang on until Bridgette opens her mouth to suck the tip of his dick while he fucks her mouth. As Kyle reaches the end of his endurance, Bridgette aims his fuck stick so that he covers her beautiful breasts in a stream of hot cum.
You've never had a hot oil massage quite like this one. Statuesque "Spanish Doll" Bridgette B strips down and then hops onto her massage table to oil up every inch of her stunning curves. When Jake arrives, she's ready to caress him with her whole body, starting with stroking his dick with her lubed-up feet! Bridgette draws out her tease by grinding her wet pussy against Jake's cock as she squirts even more oil on her huge tits, and he helps to rub it in so she can massage his man-meat with her pillowy jugs. This babe is even flexible enough to suck Jake's cock while she wraps her soles around it! But she can't wait any longer to get fucked deep in her pussy and feel Jake's hot creamy massage oil all over her!
Famous blogger and yoga guru, Bridgette B had a rough day and is in dire need of a massage therapist. And she knows just the person to fix her aching muscles, a close friend with benefits of hers, Jason Brown. His strong hands and ripped physique are just what she needs, and his bulging black cock helps top off the session.
Bridgette's stepson is home for the summer and she decides to seduce him.
Trying to escape her troubled past by moving to a new city and taking a new job, Lena Paul is quickly thrust into a cycle of drama and chaos after a chance encounter with a handsome stranger. Taking the stranger, Xander, home with her for a lust filled night of passion and orgasm, Lena kicks him out in the morning and heads to her interview only to find out he's the one who will be asking the questions! If that isn't enough, Xander's direct boss is his wife Britney Amber, who quickly deduces the two share a prior connection. Can Lena maneuver this awkward morning after into an advantage Or will there be too much chaos to keep her head above the water One thing's for sure, the night might be a tasty delight, but what's done in the dark will always be brought to the light The Next Morning!
Blonde MILF Superslut Bridgette B. is a luxury escort that will do anything for her best clients. She's going to see a 'friend' today, someone she's been seeing for a while now, and since he makes her feel special she doesn't mind giving him free reign to pummel her perfect asshole. She arrives at his house and quickly strips out of her dress and oils up her tight body then puts on a form-fitting blue bathing suit. Bridgette makes her way inside to find Manuel waiting for her on the couch, then she shows off her body for him before slowly removing her bathing suit. She rubs her bare-naked tits and ass against his tight jeans and then pulls out his huge dick for some hot oral action. Bridgette gags herself as she slobbers all of that big dick and strokes that cock until it nice and hard for her. They move to the bedroom where Bridgette smothers Manuel with her huge rack as she impales herself on his massive member. She takes that dick good and hard then tells Manuel that she's ready for the cock in her ass. Manuel lays her down then pounds his huge cock deep into her tight asshole. Bridgette screams as he strokes his dick deeper and deeper in her ass, then drops to her knees to take his massive load down her throat.
Bridgette turns up out of the blue to surprise her college bestie Nina, but it's Nina's new stepdaughter Victoria who gets the biggest surprise of all! While Nina is out of earshot, Bridgette lets her long tanned fingers play in the teen's blonde hair before traveling down to play with her pussy. Victoria can't believe this is happening, especially when her stepmom walks in to find Bridgette licking her clit...and the hot house guest talks Nina into joining them! It's not long before Nina is shoving her massive tits in her stepdaughter's pretty face. As she eats out both sexy cougars and has her first ever scissor sesh, Victoria realizes she's totally hooked on pussy!
Tyler hasn't seen any of his family for a long time. His step-sister is the only one that will talk to him, inviting him into her home. He's daydreamed about Bridgette's curves and her plump lips wrapped around his cock for years. Luckily for him, she's been having the same thoughts. She welcomes him into her bed, answering all of the questions he's ever had about her body.
Judy Jolie and Bridgette B are in the backyard tanning. As Bridgette oils up her body, she can't help but look over at her step-daughter Judy. She looks so hot in the afternoon sun. As Judy looks over at her step-mother, Bridgette runs the oil over her breasts while she looks at Judy seductively. Judy can't help but look at Bridgette's humongous breasts. Judy knows what her step-mother is doing and has no problem playing this game with her. She picks up a banana to flirt back with her and puts it in her mouth. She tries to start sucking on it but ends up choking on it instead. Bridgette leaps to her feet and starts performing the heimlich maneuver. When that doesn't work, she asks her if she can use another technique that's sure to save her life. She asks Judy if it's ok to proceed. Judy nods and Bridgette starts rubbing her pussy. It doesn't take long before she spits out that banana. Bridgette was so worried and Judy is still getting over the shock of almost choking. She thanks her step-mother as they embrace. She adds that what Bridgette did to save her life also felt really good and that she would like to finish. Bridgette smiles and tells her to follow her inside. They go to the bedroom as Bridgette caresses Judy's chest telling her how worried she was about losing her. Bridgette adds that she didn't have a choice to touch her that way in order to save her life. But when both girls confess that they both actually liked it, it looks like they'll both be spending the rest of the afternoon indoors, eating each other's pussies.
Quinn Wilde comes home frustrated from watching movies, because people were so loud and rude at the theatre. Bridgette B, Quinn's new stepmom, looks up from the sofa and her popcorn as she's watching a film, and pauses it. She agrees that sometimes people can be silly, and it can be great to watch films at home. Quinn blushes as she discovers that the paused film Bridgette is watching is, well, porn! Ms. B says that there's no shame in sex, either in real life or in film, and it can be very liberating. Soon, these two lovely ladies are bonding more than ever--because this porno's got them in the mood for licking pussy! Bridgette seduces her stepdaughter into some seriously sexy lesbian fun that you won't want to miss! Bridgette and Quinn make-out and worship each other's tits before finally 69-ing each other and tribbing with such passion that the couch they're fucking on will be soaking wet from their sweet pussy juices! Be sure to check out this not-so-private film, you won't regret it!
Bridgette B walks into the living room and sits on the couch next to Kenzie Reeves. When she tries to talk to her, Kenzie can't hear her because she's blasting music in her headphones. When Bridgette removes them and says hello sarcastically to get her attention, Kenzie freaks out and asks her what the hell she wants. She feels smothered and overwhelmed and just wants some privacy. Bridgette asks her to please calm down but Kenzie is pissed off. She has no right to tell her what to do. Bridgette isn't even her real mom for fuck's sake! Bridgette tries to calm her down but Kenzie unloads on her saying that she's so stressed out about school and from trying to figure out who she is. She gets so frustrated that she storms out of the room. Bridgette follows her upstairs and asks her why she's so angry. Kenzie is really confused and doesn't know how to voice the fact that she's gay. Once she blurts it out, Bridgette assures her that it's perfectly natural and that in fact she's had her own experiences as well. She tells Kenzie that back in college she experimented an awful lot and found herself liking woman as much as men. When Kenzie asks her if her feelings are normal, Bridgette assures her that it's perfectly normal to like girls. In fact, why doesn't she show her how normal it is? Bridgette attempts to kiss her but Kenzie stops her, asking what she thinks she's doing. But Bridgette is persistent and when she convinces Kenzie to teach her the ropes, Kenzie finally let's go and has her first lesbian experience.
Jules Jordan's new secretary Bridgette B. earns herself a bonus from the BBC King, Dredd. Bridgette is walking around the warehouse picking some DVD's for her boss when she notices Dredd's giant BBC on the box cover. Much to her delight Dredd is in the office with Jules, and after a short exchange Bridgette is on her knees stroking, licking, and sucking that monster cock. Dredd helps her out of her business attire to expose that massive rack and perfect ass before bending Bridgette over Jules' desk and pounding that tight pussy. Bridgette stops to taste all of her pussy juices off of that cock and then lays back down on the desk to give Dredd the best angle for maximum penetration. They move to the couch so Bridgette can ride that huge BBC and take it deep in her pretty pussy. She takes that cock like the seasoned veteran she is before Dredd shoots his load all over her face.
Bridgette B called the electrician for her high issues. He has a big shocked face when he notices her big tits come out of her robe. Bridgette didn't care much but tells him to please go fix her lights has she has stuff to do. We get to see her hot body and great tits as she gets naked to get in the tub. She takes a sexy bath and masturbates before getting interrupted by the spying electrician. She confronts him and tells him that since he already saw her now its her turn to see what he got. She ends up giving a good sucking and tit fucking before finally taking deep in her pussy. Her big tits bounced from different positions until she takes his load all over.
Ladies and gentlemen, today we have a special treat. This is for all you booty Connoisseurs and titty savants. Here, we do not merely have yet another porn scene to be advertised to plebeians for only being "hot" or "sexy." What we have here for you is a new level of bountiful breasts and ample asses. Today, we present to you a world class level of performance and talent, captured by two of the most passionate and impactful women in the industry - Angela White and Bridgette B. First, they entrance and tease - using their curves and the roiling concoctions of smoke and water to capture and keep your precious attention. These two women take our music video and elevate it beyond what we could have imagined. However, I must reassure the loyal fans, this isn't all just sensuous teasing and musical enticement. Once the music ends, the real fun begins. Angela and Bridgette drag our male talent into a sloppy, filthy, no-holds-barred threesome accented by bouncy titfucking, vigorous anal, and the hottest positions enacted by the most delightfully curvy and powerful succubi you've ever seen. But, my friends, do not take my word for it -- part the smoke and see for yourselves…
Bridgette B is out for her morning jog. Her huge tits bounce up and down and her ass shakes round and around. It's truly hypnotizing as our boy Mike came to find as she ran past him. He decides he as to follow the buxom blonde to her destination. He does so without her realizing. When she gets to her place, lucky for all of us, the door has been left unlocked. Mike sneaks in and finds that she in the in shower. This is amazing! she soaps her whole body including her big breasts. After a while, he can't contain himself and joins her in the shower. While at first startled, she realizes she is need of some cock. After sucking him real good and letting him titty fuck her, he bends her over and gives it to her right there in shower. As if that wasn't heaven, she tells him she want is in her ass as well. The two move on to the bedroom, where bridgette gets both her holes stretched and get a hot load in her mouth.
Bridgette B has a special surprise for her boyfriend, Keiran Lee. But, it's not the extravagant and romantic room set up that she spent hours building. No, Bridgette isn't giving that to her boyfriend for Valentine's Day. It's not the sexy revealing lingerie's she purchased either since this cock hungry slut can't wait to get naked. And it's definitely not the seductive teasing video she's set up...well, maybe a little. But, If not for all that planning and set up, then just what does this blonde bombshell have in store to celebrate this couple's holiday? What is the ultimate raunchy, taboo, dirty, scintillating, and exciting gift you could give your man for Valentine's Day? Well, ladies, take it from Ms. B and give your man this Valentine's Day what he's really been hoping for--allowing him to fuck your ass! Busty Bridgette has a special holiday surprise for her big cocked man as Kerian's about to give this naughty lady the anal-entine's day gift she's been waiting all year for! And now these two have a special sex tape to remember the time Bridgette got her big ass fucked that they can watch all year--until the next anal sex date happens, that is!
Melissa Moore is losing her mind. She's bedridden with a bad ankle and has nothing to do. When her mom, Bridgette B, walks in, she notices that Melissa ain't looking too hot. She wants to cheer her up and will do anything to help her. Melissa tells Bridgette that she's no longer with her girlfriend and really needs to get off. Shocked and confused, Bridgette gets up from the bed not knowing exactly what to do. Melissa is frustrated and horny and needs to get off before she starts climbing the walls. Bridgette wants to accommodate her but is uncomfortable with all this. Melissa knows it's a little weird but she's heartbroken and needs to relieve some stress. Bridgette reveals her bra a little but Melissa wants more: she wants to see both of her huge breasts. So Bridgette opens her shirt a little more. Before she knows it, Melissa is playing with her pussy. She takes off her bra and unveils her perfect tits. Melissa gets super turned on and can't help but grab them. Bridgette doesn't have time to stop her and Melissa starts sucking on her nipples. Melissa dominates her and climbs on top of her while rubbing her tits on hers. Bridgette hesitates, knowing what they're doing is wrong but is enjoying herself just as much. She just can't admit it yet. Then she puts Melissa's nipples in her mouth. She can't stop sucking them. Before she knows it, they're both naked and can't get enough of each other!
Bridgette B goes to the movies with her boyfriend. She's super horny and is hoping to have some sexy sneaky fun in public, but her boyfriend is a prude party-pooper who is more interested in watching the film. The hot slut is not about to let this stop her from having some solo fun! As soon as the lights go down and the film begins, Bridgette fingers her dripping wet pussy, which goes mostly unnoticed thanks to the 3D glasses the other movie goers are wearing! Sean Lawless, who happens to be sitting right behind her, notices her slutty behavior and starts playing with her tits! Then, he puts his big hard cock in his popcorn bucket, making it clear that he would be more than happy to help her get off! This is exactly what the busty blonde wants and she immediately puts her cock-sucking lips to good use! Then, she joins him in the back row where they have sneaky sex while everyone else is busy watching the film!
Brunette beauty Karlee Grey is extremely horny and has a naughty idea: seducing her college classmates into a threesome! After all, isn't college all about experimenting? Only Karlee's new stepmom, blonde bombshell Bridgette B, wants to make sure that there's no funny business going on while she's around the house. Karlee tries her best to seduce her sexy friend Gina Valentina into sharing Jessy Jones's big cock, but when Bridgette catches these teens about to have a threesome, how will she react—and will there be enough room for her to join in on the fun? With any luck, Karlee will get her orgy, Bridgette will get more intimate with her stepdaughter, and Jessy will have a trio humming on his cock and balls and three sets of titties smacking him in the face. Jessy might even get three pussies all lined up for him to fuck… let's just hope Karlee's stepdad doesn't barge in on the action!
Xander Corvus is really blowing it in Spanish class. He calls the class brainiac, Bridgette B, for help. What he doesn't know is busty, blonde-haired, brown-eyed Bridgette has the hots for Xander. Xander is so lost in Spanish he doesn't realize Bridgette is teaching him to flirt. Bridgette gets more assertive and demands Xander pay her for the last-minute tutoring session – by sucking on her grande Latina tits! Bridgette wants a taste of Xander's grande dick, then Xander gets between Bridgette's legs and shows her what a cunning linguist he can be when he has a good tutor. Xander gives Bridgette the doggystyle deep-dicking she's desperate for while she dirty-talks in Spanish. Next Bridgette teaches Xander how to say “I want to fuck your tits” in Spanish, and he leaves them covered with a huge cum load. Bridgette rates this pearl necklace an A+… can you say gracias?
Michael brings the fire and Bridgette brings the heat at this fiery festival! Once the sun sets and everyone else goes home, Bridgette's huge tits and round ass really get to work! Watch as she shows off her skills at juggling Michael's cock between her mouth, tits and pussy before getting her face covered in jizz!
Tony Rubino is on the hunt for a mature chick with giant tits. While cruising to score some poon he comes across Bridgette B while she's exercising. He invites her over to the crib for a good time. Once at the crib, the show begins. Bridgette starts to strip out of her clothes to show us the goods. Those giant freaking tits are definitely a sight to see. She was all in, and she soon left Tony go all in that pussy. After slamming her pussy in several different positions, she demanded that cock in her ass. Tony drilled that ass of hers before busting a giant load all over her face and mouth.
Bridgette B has a quick workout then gets a facial from her man.
Vienna Black comes over looking for her boyfriend when horny Bridgette B grabs her and start fondling her. Bridgette plays with her pussy before they move over to the kitchen where they both exchange orgasm secretly. They go over to the living room and start licking each other and Jay walks in and after an awkward moment Bridgette B invites them both for a threesome. They end up sharing his long cock and take turns fucking him until they make his cum explode all over them.
Hard times for Tommy and a recent divorce for his sister Bridgette bring them together for the first time in 3 years. He walks out on the patio and catches an eyeful by the pool as she oils up her huge tits and fingers her pussy! He apologizes but old habits die hard and when the wine starts flowing, there's no stopping these two.
Bridgette B started running her very own food truck, and everything was going well until she accidentally spilled ketchup all over one of her customers. She felt super bad about it, so she invited him to come inside so she could clean him off. After attempting to remove the ketchup stains from his shirt she decided to polish his cock instead. This way he wouldn't give her food truck a bad review. She sucked and choked on his cock, then demanded his dick inside of her. She got slammed in her own food truck as she served hot dogs to passing customers.
Bridgette B is todays horny MILF that we get to see get spied on by her step-son before he tries to fuck her for the last time. She lets him know that the time by the pool was an one time only thing but she gets convinced after seeing the big cock and told that they're home alone. She teases the guy while being inside the shower and got on her knees to start things off with the blowjob. They moved over to his bedroom where she continues to suck and tit fuck him until she's ready. Her big tits and nice ass bounce all over while getting fucked from multiple positions until they both get to cum. This naughty milf even swallows the load at the end.
Bridgette found out her husband was cheating on her with Cassidy. She had to confront this bitch. If her husband gets to play, so does she. Bridgette starts humiliating Cassidy by stuffing her mouth with a large pink dildo. She continued to lick and sodomize Cassidys pathetic cunt, hoping she learns her lesson as she continues to dyke her. They continued trib fucking and licking each others pussies. At this point, her husband was through with Cassidy, but Bridgettes relationship with her has just begun!
Watch sizzling Latin bombshell Bridgette B take Toni Ribas's hard cock in her huge ass! Her curvaceous body gets fucked like never before! Pussy licking cock sucking. It's the spiciest dirtiest Latin action you do not want to miss! Bridgette B doesn't stop till you're bursting with cum finishing climaxes! It doesn't get better than this!
Cadence Lux is practicing her stretching techniques for next week's dance competition but when she hears a knock at the door, she's surprised to see her friend's mom Bridgette B walk in all nonchalant. Bridgette claims Cadence's mother asked her to check up on her and make sure she is up to par with her dance moves. But Bridgette has ulterior motives, sexual motives in seducing the innocent lassie.Bridgette doesn't hesitate to show her lesbian attraction to Cadence by peeling down her bodysuit and pinching her perky boobs. Cadence cannot resist her lesbian seduction and Bridgette's massive tits, pushed inside her mouth. Bridgette spreads Cadences legs feeling the warmth over her tender pussy. Bridgette teaches the lesbian virgin how to lick her pussy and with little effort but loads of satisfaction, Bridgette peaks in orgasmic bliss. The milf teaches Cadence the pleasures of tribbing as they grind each others pussies effortlessly making Cadence fall into lesbian trance. But then, Bridgette whips out her phone and takes pictures of her bare naked, she plans to use this as leverage in a grand scheme to have her daughter win the dance competition, concluding in a mischievous lesbian scandal!
Beautiful, Blond, Latina, Bridgette B, is here today to try new things with her asshole. This is her first Everything Butt and she wanted to challenge herself. Juliette March is here to seduce her and make her feel good while we do filthy things to her asshole. Francesca Le is the ring leader and opens this up with some nice spanking and Face sitting. Bridgette smoothers Juliette's face with her big round ass. These girls try full insertion of the slink, the speculum, anal fisting and giant anal strap ons. Bridgette tries so hard to take everything she channels her inner Latina and starts screaming sexy shit in Spanish.
The busty Spanish doll Bridgette B claims her throat is used a lot everyday, she talks a lot! But she is looking for a different kind of training. You will hardly believe she sucked her first dick until she was 20, but that is what growing up in a religious environment does to you: turns you into a relentless babe with an endless desire for cock sucking.
If there is anything Lyra Law can mark off her bucket list it would be this; Fucking her hot step mother Bridgette B. As the years went by, Lyra became more and more infatuated with her father's wife, unable to shake off the longings to be sexually intimate with an older woman. Lyra knows her father isn't satisfying Bridgette sexually, and with this knowledge she will attempt to take on her wildest lesbian fantasy, and seduce her stepmother. But her plan goes to shit when Bridgette finds her top secret agenda, discovering Lyra's perverted thoughts and decides to put an end to her little taboo fantasy right here and now!A few days go by and Bridgette comes home from shopping, unaware of her daughter's presence. Lyra sneaks up behind Bridgette and knows something is up with the way her mother is acting. Bridgette admits she read her diary, and all those sexual thoughts about her need to be flushed out of her mind. Lyra confesses that she cannot stop thinking about her mother's massive boobs and juicy pussy. Lyra knows her thoughts are impure and possibly forbidden, but Lyra takes one more chance and offers her mother the choice; either she fulfills her daughter's fantasy with lesbian satisfaction or walks away and never speaks of it again...Bridgette cannot resist Lyra's perky boobs waiting for her to touch and smother with her succulent lips. Lyra strips nude, becoming completely submissive to her mother's beckoning. Bridgette punishes her naughty daughter by making her suck on a big ice cube and teases her nipples with the cold chill that goes all the way down towards her shaved pussy. Lyra's wish finally comes true, finally able to grab hold of her mother's humongous tits. They drag each other into the living room to finish what they started. Bridgette wants to see her daughter's pretty pussy and orders her to lie down, legs spread open. Bridgette licks Lyra's erect clitoris, and sucks hard on her lips hearing her daughter scream with joy. Bridgette wants her turn to be satisfied and offers Lyra her lesbian loins as a tasty treat for her naughty lesbian mouth. Bridgette's juices flow down over her daughter's mouth as she moans with excitement demanding Lyra's sucks her saucy wet pussy dry!
Big tits? Check! Bridgette B. has got the goods in this scene from Bra Busters #2! This stacked slut looks goddamn hot in her corset and she's busting out the damn thing when she gags on Justice Young's fat cock. He doesn't waste much time before sticking it in her tight pussy and she moans for every inch. She sounds sexy as fuck too when she talks dirty and Young does what any of us would do and fucks her ass while he's at it. Bridgette loves it in all of her holes and you'll love seeing her take a gooey load in her mouth.
When Ramon's girlfriend tries to break up with him, he wants her to know what she will be missing and gives her one last hard fuck like she has never had. Big tit blonde bombshell Bridgette B is dragged to the basement and punished before being ass fucked in tight bondage.This update includes: bondage, hard spanking, sloppy blow jobs, big tit fucking, hardcore anal sex, pussy fucking in bondage, dominance and submission.
Venus, a former assassin, awakens from a year-long coma from the loud moans of Belladonna, another assassin, screwing the security guard. Her boss and ex-lover Bill aka the Florist attempted to kill her using his team of elite assassins aka Flowers Belladonna, Tiger Lily and Black Orchid. With an immense yearning for revenge, she's not going to rest until she kills every single flower and most importantly, kills Bill. This parody includes 6 hardcore sex scenes and an all-star cast including Dani Daniels, DP contract star Eva Lovia, Misty Stone, Bridgette B. and Ash Hollywood!
Bridgette B is on the quest to find the perfect home to lay her statuesque body and humongous tits, fit for a queen. After seeing countless homes, she finally walks into her dream home and it's for sale. In order to lock a deal on the house she'll have to spread negotiations with her legs, and use her assets to her advantage while leaving the buyers on the door step!
Hope's bf stops by to help load up the truck because she's going away to college. He's tall, buff and strong. He's in the garage picking up boxes, breaking a sweat. Seems like the stepmom is getting turned on by this. Especially when Jake takes his shirt off. She couldn't keep her eyes off of him. Hope had no clue what was going on. She heads upstairs to make sure she doesn't leave anything behind. Bad move! Bridgette couldn't resist herself. She wanted the bf's cock in her mouth. Sucking away until Hope catches them in the act. But, Hope isn't that mad. She joins in on the fun. Hardcore threesome before she goes off to college. No worries, the stepmom will keep an eye on him while she's gone.
Statuesque Spanish goddess Bridgette B. has a huge rack (she thought that all those years she had a 32F rack - but it's technically 32DDD). It's only natural to want to come on her huge tits, but Bridgette confesses that she feels like a bad girl and having a guy come on her face makes her feel likes she's been put in her place, so after a thoroughly good fucking from Ramon Nomar she gets a special present: a facial from five guys!
Bridgette B. was drawn to stripping, naked photo modeling and dirty movies like a hummingbird to sugar water. She has the perfect body for these pleasurable pastimes. "I'm a very sexual person, so I like to find new things that excite me, like going to the pleasure stores and bypassing my own DVDs and finding new naughty things to try out." Always learning. Here, Bridgette looks as great in a hyper-sexual version of a coed uniform as she did in her previous video "Busty Coed On A Chain." And on the subject of sexy coeds, Bridgette informed us that "A couple of years ago, I attempted to do it inside my college library, and let's just say it didn't work out because I am really loud and the library is really quiet, so you could hear everything from the zipper being pulled down to me telling him, 'Did you bring a condom?' Everybody could hear me, and once again, they waited a half hour before they came up and took us away." Bridgette also says she's very loud when she is baking her cookies. "At home, if I'm on my own taking care of business, I'm still really fucking loud.".
"A couple of years ago, I tried to have sex inside my college library, and let's just say it didn't work out because I am really loud and the library is really quiet, so you could hear everything from the zipper being pulled down to me telling him, 'Did you bring a condom?' Everybody could hear me, and once again, they waited a half hour before they came up and took us away." That was a real-life experience Bridgette talked about. Now here in a place that looks like The Sexorcist's living room, Bridgette is decked out in sexy coed clothes with one minor difference. She has a collar around her neck attached to a chain. And someone is about to come by and pet her. Bridgette dances first before her owner shows up to claim her. Popping her big tits out over her bra and top, Bridgette drools on her boobs. She opens her lovely mouth and in goes his pocket pork. Bridgette gets it all in, gagging, drooling and spitting on it. He fucks her mouth, filling her throat. She obviously has a degree in deep-throating because her blow job skills are a study in excellence.
A living doll born in Barcelona, Spain and now making her home in Beverly Hills, California, Bridgette finally makes her debut at SCORELAND. Many of you are already familiar with this blonde porn star who calls herself SpanishDoll. Bridgette is a big fan of the Real Madrid football (soccer) team. She says she is addicted to working out at the gym. She likes to cook and go hiking. ("I'm a really good cook," says Bridgette.) When it comes to lingerie, one of her favorite things to shop for, Bridgette likes to special-order from her favorite designers. "I hate wearing clothes at home or on the beach but I really love big boobs and sucking toes," said the super-hottie. She loves to have her toes sucked and jizzed-on. She likes to jack guys off with her feet. Bridgette's first SCORE hardcore scene will be shown on June 27.
Maddy OReilly's Ass Is Screaming For Cock. Screaming loudly too and when Maddy's ass screams Manuel Ferrara comes to the rescue. A gorgeous brunette with natural tits dressed in a see through dress and stripper heels, Maddy's hot. Cool tattoos and a cooler attitude Maddy O'Reilly satisfies......well. See her have SCREAMING ASSGASMS IN SCREAMING ASSGASMS 2. One hell of a ride.
Bridgette B just made this BigTitsCreamPie a lot more interesting. She's one of the baddest babes in the Porn Biz. Huge tits, a fat pussy and an amazing ass. Mike couldn't wait to taste that ass. We all know that Mike loves the taste of sexy women like Bridgette B. He licks that ass from front to back. Ready to shove his fat cock in her ass-hole and pussy. Doubling up on the pleasure. Bridgette B took a serious pounding from all angles. Getting fucked just the way she loves to. Mike tore that tight ass-hole up, the busted a nut in that pussy. Crazy update I tell you. This is definitely a must see. Enjoy!
I think lots of dudes fantasize about fucking their girlfriends step-mom. Especially when they look fucking sexy. Seemed like dude was feeling the step-mom more than his lady. Undressing her with his eyes. She knew exactly what he was wanted, so the step-mom joined them on the couch for some fun. Maybe the daughter isn't pleasing her man right. Let the Milf take over and show these rookies how it's really done. Enjoy!.
Bridgette B is back in Miami! Looking sexy as always. She's one of the baddest babes in the porn biz. Huge tits and a big juicy ass. Oh! Those lips. I would love to have those lips wrapped around my dick. First we took a stroll down Calle Ochco in Miami so she can strut her stuff. She had heads turning. Both men and women. With a body like that, who wouldn't break their necks just to get a glance. Then we ended up in someone's backyard. Don't ask! We needed to shoot this somewhere. Bridgette B stripped down for us until Stallion came into the picture. She pulled his big cock out and went to work. Sucking and fucking him until he busted a load on those juicy big tits.
Stud Jessy Jones brings blue-eyed, ass-blessed slut Amy Brooke to a seedy lair to meet glam blonde Latina whore Bridgette B., whose low-cut top puts her deeply cleaved melons right in your face. Bossy Bridgette takes charge: The girls share a blow job and ball licking, and Jessy dicks Bridgette's bodacious boobs. He drives his big boner straight up Amy's asshole; both girls taste her rectum on his prick, which Amy deep-throats. As Jessy plows Bridgette's pussy and butthole, Amy tongues Bridgette's clit and sucks cock ass-to-mouth. The spit-soaked sodomy marathon climaxes with a POV-style cum shot to two pretty faces and creamy girl kissing.
Bridgette B Spanish Big Tit Doll Double Penetration. Don't you just love big tits? Yes? Well busty babe lovers here's two of the best tits working today in the adult biz. From LATINAS ON FIRE 2 William H is proud to present Bridgette B. Those great tits I mentioned are mounted perfectly on a killer body with a pretty face (killer smile), long legs and an obvious hunger for cock. Here's a three way, double penetration, ass to mouth extravaganza you really shouldn't let pass by. Bridgette B's tits are worth the price of admission alone.
Bridgette B. is super upset that her husband passed out drunk on their wedding day. Preston decides to console her,but all Bridgette wants on her wedding day is to fuck. Since her husband is not prepared to perform his newly wed duties, Bridgette decides that Preston's cock would be a good substitute. Preston is in for a surprise because not only does Bridgette want to fuck, she also wants cock in her ass. Her husband's loss is Preston's gain.
In this weeks Backroom Facials we have the beautiful Bridgette and with her she brings her award winning pair of tits. She starts off giving by giving us memorabilia of her boobs but things get pretty intense once she starts making fun of our stud "Derrick Pierce" and that's when things got hot and this guy let her have it in every way! you guys be the judge and watch how this beauitufl woman gets handled. Stay Tuned
Bridgette came black early from her shopping trip with Danny's wife. She tries to show Danny her new outfit while he's getting ready in the bathroom. He really doesn't pay her any close attention and just shrugs her off, she then gets idea that he'll get the full effect of the dress if she has it on. She just undresses right in front of him and puts on her dress and he shrugs her off again. She also has this new pair of pink panties she bought and takes off all her clothes. Danny as resilient as he is just can't say no to Bridgette's body and big fucking tits. He pounds Bridgette all over his bathroom thinking his wife will never find out and just as they are finishing up the deed, they get a small visit!
What up you bunch of fools? Hope y'all had a great Valentine's Day and got laid. If you had a mediocre V-Day, then it's about to get better cause we got the amazing Bridgette B in the house getting her enormous titties and pussy pounded. If you've seen Bridgette before, then you know she loves to get down like Brown. Hit that play button to watch a damn good update for Big tits Cream Pie...PEACE!
Billy broke his arm and can't clean his house up. So his friend hires a maid for him. A hot blonde Latin maid with big tits by the name of Bridgette B. One look at Bridgette and Billy was ready to pounce on her, but he doesn't know how to communicate with her since she hardly speaks English. So he takes the next best option....he passes out and daydreams of Bridgette riding his hard dick while her huge knockers bounce on his face.
Bridgette B. is back on Bangbros she wanted to come back in style too. She was at home doing laundry when we decided to pay her a visit at her home. We talked to her for a bit and found out she was horny and ready to take some dick. She was ready as Sean Micheals whipped it out, Britanny played with it and squeezed it between her huge paor of tits. She does have huge soft titties, you have to check it out . Then Brittany got serious and got on that dick and the fucking began..it was hot and sexy. you should check this out.
Bridgette goes upstairs to "check" on her boyfriend's son Richie all the while trying to flaunt herself hoping he wakes up to it. Bridgette gives him a nudge to wake him up and explains that she's up there because she knows he is afraid of the dark and saw his light on, at least that's what his dad told her. Bridgette thinks Richie will be better off being up there with him and hops onto his bed He questions her actions and she reveals why she's really up there by putting her big tits right in his face! Bridgette is lonely, horny, and wanting to be fucked while Richie's dad is out of town. Richie facing no options other than to fuck this beautiful blonde big tit Latina and he finishes it off by dropping his load in her mouth.
Busty blonde teacher Bridgette B. thinks that her college students are too old to be playing pranks on each other. She calls in the suspected culprit of the last prank in to her office and has him confess, but since the culprit also happens to be her favorite student she decides not to punish him. Instead she rewards him by letting him motorboat her huge juggs and pound her on the desk. Looks like he should play more pranks if it gets him extra attention from this hot teacher.
This is every guys dream, one guy and a half dozen fine ass sluts and the whores all want the one dick. There's ass eating, pussy licking, cunt fucking, ass banging, face sitting, cum swapping and facials. All this group sex performed by absolute hotties. Bridgette B, Anikka Albrite, Riley Reid, Remy LaCroix, Ashley Fires, Maddy O'Reilly, Christie Stevens and six more super sluts. This is every guys dream but only one guy proves he has what it takes, Manny's that guy. Live vicariously through Manuel Ferrara and life is good
In lacy pink and black lingerie, impossibly stacked Latina bombshell Bridgette B. eagerly uses her mighty ass to satisfy anally obsessed director Mike Adriano. He worships the tanned temptress' massive booty, thrusting his tongue into Bridgette's puckered anus. Mike sucks the amazingly voluptuous slut's huge mammaries. She kneels to give the director a wet, gagging, ball-sucking, deep-throat blow job, coating her cleavage with slobber and squeezing his shaft between her giant titties. Soon this curvaceous butt slut is taking a passionate anal reaming, slurping Mike's big tool ass-to-mouth and opening wide for a hot, messy mouthful of sperm.
Busty blonde teacher Bridgette B. gets a visit at home from one of her students. He's so thoughtful, he brought her flowers and is really excited about the note that Bridgette left him. The only problem is that Bridgette never left him a note. Looks like someone played a trick on her student and sent him a fake love letter which was supposedly signed by Bridgette. Her student is heart broken, but he is Bridgette's favorite so she doesn't want to send him home empty handed. She decides to be this student's first sex teacher!
Incredibly buxom Latina bombshell Bridgette B. calls up director Lexington Steele for some hot interracial action. They talk dirty on the phone as Bridgette caresses her voluptuous body. In no time, Lex arrives at Bridgette's house, and the glamorous slut unleashes his massive black cock for some oral worship. She gags on his enormous member and slides the shaft between her mountainous mammaries. Lex plows her tender cunt on the kitchen countertop; moving to the sofa, Bridgette rides his gigantic ebony rod, her plump butt cheeks wobbling up and down. Finally, Lexington creams all over Bridgette's face and chest.
All everyone wants for their birthday is a big tittied girl that they can cream pie, and the super big tittied Bridgette B would be the perfect chick for such an occasion. This babe is stacked from head to toe and she's all natural too. We got so jealous of Chris Strokes cause he got to wax that ass and titties and fuck the life out of her pussy. This cream pie is very much worth watching, so don't miss out. Peace out!
Two busty blondes, titanic Amazon bitch Bridgette B. and perky, bikini-clad Kagney Linn Karter, know how to extract cum from director Kevin Moore's erection. While Kevin films POV-style, the ladies unleash their massive melons and bounce up and down to make them wobble seductively. They wrap their hungry lips around the director's meat and join forces to pleasure his pole and suckle on Kevin's balls. Bridgette and Kagney Linn oil up his member and squeeze the greasy shaft between their fat jugs and plush, womanly ass cheeks. They titty-fuck his boner until it spurts hot cum into Kagney Linn's cleavage.
Johnny's all hung up on Bridgette B's big tits! She showed them to him on a dare the other day, and now he can't get them jugs outta his mind. Problem is, Johnny's not single and Bridgette B isn't his girlfriend -- in fact, she's his girlfriend's good friend, and it was her dare to have Bridgette flash those bad boys to Johnny. So he finds her in the bathroom at the party and tells her that he needs to see them again and jerk off to set himself straight. She reluctantly agrees, but once he pulls out his cock to jerk it, she's hit the point of no return. Soon he's suckin' on her big cans and she's suckin' on his hard cock. Tittyfucking and doggystyle fucking ... watch them titties swang! Great party!
Sex bucket Bridgette B. teases the camera, showing off her thick, meaty ass and releasing her tremendous mammaries from a sexy fishnet ensemble, then oiling up her huge, glistening globes. Latin cocksman Ramon Nomar can't keep his hands off the curvaceous blonde's giant titties. Bridgette kneels and wraps her jugs around his hard shaft. She joins the horny stud indoors; in sensuous hard-core action, she takes his raging dick down her throat. This voluptuous knockout gets her hungry pussy stuffed with throbbing meat, and after a passionate fucking ride, Ramon splatters Bridgette's amazing cleavage with a load of hot jizz.
Bratty blonde Bridgette B. likes abusing her nerdy, black boyfriend, Chris Cock. First she invents a medical emergency, soaking him for $5,000 for her voluptuous girlfriend Starry's fake bills. Then the busty bombshell thoroughly humiliates him, ordering him to kiss and tongue her massive booty while the other girl watches, giggling. Starry helps out by trampling him with her vicious spiked heels, even crushing his glasses under her feet! Bridgette sits on Chris' face, smothering him with her giant buttocks; after a cruel session of mighty ass worship, she jacks the pathetic guy's dick to orgasm.
Big Ass Orgy. Four big assed whores, four big black cocks. Yes this interracial jizz fest qualifies as a big ass orgy. Who are the big asses? Sophie Dee, Kelly Divine, Bridgette B and Jada Stevens, four generous posteriors and three sets of big tits and one set of just about perfect natural boobies. You get anal, ass to mouth, double penetration, hell they even kiss once or twice too. From ORGY MASTERS 2 an epic Big Ass Orgy, see it.
I'm Bridgette B. and I demand that you watch as a real man fucks me. You, however, get to sit back and watch as your queen/mistress/goddess plays with a huge black cock that easily dwarfs your little white one. I want you to wear this male chastity device and better not hear any bitching or moaning from you. In fact, I'm going to be moaning while I worship Lexington Steele's big black cock. That huge piece of black meat is gonna fuck my mouth while you pray that I give you a sympathy blow....I won't. Grab your little cock and jerk off while Lex treats my pussy to every inch he carries between his legs. that big black cock found my sweet spot-you know, that place you could never, ever find- and Lex continued to cram my fuck box. Every thrust of his big black cock brings me closer to an orgasm that you, nor your money, could ever bring me. Now, I demand that you clean the creamy mess that big black cock left on me. Get your bib, faggot boy!
It's time for the white girls to step aside and let a busty Latina try her hands, mouth and pussy at the strip club. Bridgette B. has tits that, just by themselves, have paid for this month's mortgage several times over. That ass? That flawless booty has caused more than it's share of drivers to get into car wrecks. Bridgette B. is shaking her "money maker" when two anonymous black cocks try their luck via the holes in the wall. Bridgette, not to be outdone by her white counterparts, gets down and dirty by sucking on both thug cocks. Bridgette finger fucks herself as her mouth goes into double overtime by sucking on some anonymous black dongs. The hot Latina tests her whore abilities by spreading that pink taco for black cock insertion. This beautiful and busty Latina forgets that she's on the club's clock and fucks the wall until that faceless black cock does its damage. Bridgette B. doesn't leave until both black cocks empty their goo all over her face.
Bridgette B doesn't beat around the bush; she wants her pussy and ass filled with big black cock. Bridgette's no stranger to our site and, of course, she's become jealous of the other sluts on this site that have been lucky enough to get some interracial fucking introduced to them. Bridgette B. wants to join those ranks and Prince Yashua's huge black cock is the key to that. Bridgette and Prince get things going by having her play with his massive black cock. The busty latina tests her gag reflexes by sucking down on his black monster as her huge tits get palmed like a basketball. The "Spanish Doll" gets her pussy stuffed to capacity courtesy of Prince and her tits nearly suffocate him in the process. The road to interracial supremacy lies in Bridgette B.'s ability to take Prince's big black cock in her third imput. The lusty Latina clenches her teeth as her ass is slowly opened via black dick. Prince keeps ramming his chocolate stick into that beautiful ass until it's time for her to be on the receiving end of his testicular explosion. We know for certain that Bridgette B.'s update will be talked about for years to come.
Johnny wants to go to the math competition in Spain that is being sponsored in Professor Bridgette B's class, but when he tells her he wants to go she laughs. She shows him one of his recent test grades -- an F -- and tells him that he is nowhere near the caliber of student that would be allowed to participate in the math competition. But her student Johnny is very persuasive, especially when he's massaging his Latina teacher's big tits and telling her that he can help her with her needs ... by eating her juicy pink pussy right there on her desk.
Bridgette B is one the hottest chicks in the porn game. She's been here at BangBros before and we love her. She loves the fans! That's why she does what she loves to do. Fuck on camera. Today your going to witness Bridgette's pussy get CreamPie and fucked in such an incredible way. It's going to leave you satisfied in more ways then one.. Enjoy!
Bridgette and Kelly both have huge knockers, and when these two get together you know we gotta pour water and soup on those huge tits! They rub and soak their love bags before they start getting on each other in the bedroom, but what's a wild night without some cock to make them happy? Ryan comes in and pounds their twats leaving them with ...
Bridgette B is one the hottest in the porn business. She's been around for years and she amazes the fans every time she performs. Today your going to witness Bridgette's sexy body get messaged by Johnny and then fucked in such an incredible way. It's going to leave you wanting to do the same. Enjoy!
Today my friends we have the famous, all the way from Spain, Bridgette B. So her fucking tits are so huge or maybe I haven't seen her in awhile, but today she is all about getting it her pretty tight ass. I had my friend surprise her with a nice toy that she totally love and even walk around the room with it in her ass. haha. Once he got his cock in her ass she wanted it super hard. She tried to bang the cum out of my boy, damn I love her, hahaha.
Bridgette B. busts into her neighbor Justin's house just as he's getting ready for work in the morning. She's all a-twitter because she went to the club the other night with her girlfriends and she ended up getting buttfucked by a basketball player, and she's hoping Justin will confirm that anal sex is not considered cheating, since she's married. Justin's iffy on it, because he's friends with Bridgette's husband, but when she strips down and shows him her ass, he's persuaded the other way. Justin ends up helping Bridgette to not cheat on her husband again by plunging his cock deep inside her asshole.
So today on Big Tit Creampie we bring to you Bridgette B, holy fucking shit this chick is breath taking. Gorgeous face, slamming body and massive tits that will make you pick your jaw up from the ground. Mike is one lucky fucker, he gets a chance to anal pound Bridgette B in every direction possible. Watching her tits bounce around and get her tight little asshole stretched out was just magical to watch. Seems like Bridgette B's pussy was just as hungry as her ass, cause the cum seemed to never make its way back out the love cave.
What more can you ask for! Today's Magical Feet update features the legendary and sexy Bridgette B. There's no need to describe this dime-piece of an ass. She's made up of nothing but pure beauty. Justin Magnum is going to find out what the hoopla is all about. She's going to jerk his cock off with her succulent toes. Justin Magnum is about to find out what Bridgette B is all about. Enjoy!
Bridgette B, Stephanie Cane,& Katie Summers were pretty hungry. So we took them to get some burgers and fries at a fast-food spot. Besides getting some food. The girls ran into some pervs watching them as they ordered in the drive-thru. Bridgette B. hopped out the truck to see what's up. Everything was cool thou. They just love to stare at eye-candy. The boys invited the ladies to their house to go swimming, but ended up getting some hot and sweaty action. Lucky bastards! These guys got the best orgy of their life-time. Busting multiple nuts on these hot chicks. Enjoy!
Keiran is checking adds in the newspaper and decides to learn Spanish with a home tutor. Even having a latina bombshell as a teacher doesn't help him learn faster. Being a great tutor, she will entice him with each right answer until he gets it good. Now it's her turn to gets it good, real good, as he rams his giant cock up her mouth and pussy like a wild beast.
Bridgette hosts a party with hopes that a big cock shows up, her friends introduce her to an American who thinks the only Spanish you need to know is the a famous movie line, "Hasta la vista, baby". Bridgette thinks its so cute and the fact that the American tried, she in turn takes her risk by trying out his cock. Both are pleased except for the guests that had to wait out 2 hours before the host returned.
I'm not sure how this all happened but we managed to get the best pussy in the valley to come to this party!!! These bitches were wild!! Two of them had sex in the middle of the dance floor, another chick was having fun with the stripper pole, we started a banana fucking contest and our man Rocco got lucky with a sexy bitch in the bathroom... Make sure you check this one out. Tons of pussy!
Billy's about to leave his house when he opens the front door and Bridgette B. bursts through the doorway and starts calling him Mr. Michaels, who is his next-door neighbor. Apparently, the flustered Latina thinks that Billy is her husband's attorney, and she pleads him for help to put her back on her husband's life insurance policy. Billy's amused by the attractive Latina stranger, and when she won't shut up, he tells her that he's not who she thinks he is. But when she offers "the attorney" her big tits to work something out, he suddenly becomes, "Mr. Michaels, attorney at law," until he bangs her and blasts her face with jizz. After that, he's just plain old Billy again.
Bridgette is a photography agent looking to hire a new photographer. When Chris gets word from his friends that Bridgette is looking for someone, he takes in his portfolio to Bridgette. Nothing catches Bridgette's eye so, she sends Chris on his way. Chris really wants to land this job so, Chris works his magic! He tries and convinces Bridgette, Chris land's more than just a job!